gas prices around the state

Started by emptynest, January 13, 2007, 09:03:36 AM

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Janet Harrington

Yep.  The city streets in Fredonia are getting passable.  Howard and Fredonia both had at least 2 inches of sleet.  I told Mother tonight that I think a person could ice skate on the top of the stuff.  When I went to take Mother her mail, I got out of the car, went down into the ditch, up the other side, slid back down into the ditch, all without falling.  I had to go back to my car and walk over to the driveway which was level.  I tried stomping my foot into this pack and could not make a footprint.  Those who know me know I pack alot of punch from these big old legs.  That should tell you that we had alot of sleet that froze very hard.


I know that icy stuff is hard!  We had a UPS delivery, and he suggested I just set the box down and slide it to the garage.  Worked better than a sled!  Of course, I just stood on the dry part of the sidewalk and gave it a shove.  If I'd been trying to walk on the ice at the same time, I'd have ended up in a pile with the box on top!
Also, our youngest son left for college on Monday, but thought it was hillarious that the dog could make footprints in the yard, but Clay couldn't even if he stomped.  He decided that pound per square inch, she must weigh more than he does...  I told him, 'SEE, you did use that stuff you learned in science & math classes!' HA! HA! HA!

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