Public School-Free Cities in Ten Years . . .

Started by redcliffsw, March 20, 2014, 07:16:56 AM

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These well-paid bureaucrats become cheerleaders for one reform after another.

One after another, reforms are heralded as the solution to declining student test scores. None of them ever produces the promised successes.
-Gary North

Diane Amberg

My my, spelling errors! I wouldn't a thunk it!
By the way, Newark Charter gets their students by lottery. It's up to parents to put their child's name in.They have kids of all races ,include slow kids and they are only ditched for severe disciplinary problems, which is very rare.  Now talk about  private schools, such as Catholic schools and that's totally different. They can cherry pick top kids and do ditch anyone who isn't up to school standards. It is a shame that some regular public schools,especially in the cities, have such a difficult time. There isn't just one's spread between the parents, the teachers and the kids themselves.
That article does have some interesting truths in it, but as often is the case, generalizes too much.

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