Police States

Started by Ross, February 20, 2014, 08:04:56 AM

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I read several of these incidents every month they happen clear across our nation and I think they deserve attention brought to them. I believe they deserve their own thread!

Atty: Ga. Teen Killed By Cop Was Holding
Wii Controller

By/Crimesider Staff/CBS News/February 19, 2014, 4:18 PM

EUHARLEE, Ga. – An attorney representing the family of a 17-year-old Georgia boy who was shot and killed by a police officer says the boy was holding a video game controller when he was shot after opening his door.

Christopher Roupe was fatally shot in the chest Friday, Feb. 14 when Euharlee officers showed up at the door of his mobile home to serve a probation violation warrant for the boy's father, WSB-TV reports. A female officer reportedly told the Georgia Bureau of Investigation that Roupe pointed a gun at her after he opened the door.

But the family's attorney, Cole Law, said the boy was holding a Nintendo Wii video game controller, and was about to watch a movie.

"The eyewitnesses on the scene clearly state that he had a Wii controller in his hand. He heard a knock at the door. He asked who it was, there was no response so he opened the door and upon opening the door he was immediately shot in the chest," Law told WSB.

Neighbor Ken Yates said that he saw the female officer immediately after Roupe was killed and described her as being visibly distraught.

"This is tragic," Yates told the station. "She came out of this house. She put her head in her hands and she was sobbing. Supposedly, he opened the door with a BB gun and in my opinion I think he was playing a game with his neighborhood buddies."

Tia Howard, another neighbor, told WSB that she also came over to the house immediately after the shooting. Howard says she was told that "there was a Wii remote in his hand and [the officer] shot him."

Officials did not disclose if a weapon was found on the scene.

The case has been turned over the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

Roupe was an ROTC student at Woodland High School in Cartersville and his family said he planned to join the Marines.

A funeral has been scheduled for Friday.


A little different take on this story.

Police Officer Kills Teen Armed With A Wii Video Game Controller

(Before It's News)
by Guerilla Girl Alexis The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 22:15

EUHARLEE — A teenage boy who was about to graduate high school to join the Marines has been executed by a female officer.

17 year old Christopher Roupe was shot and killed just moments after sitting down to watch a movie. At 7:30 pm, Christopher took his Wii remote controller and started a movie when he heard a knock at the door. He responded to the knock by saying, "who is it"? There was no response. Christopher got up from his chair and opened the door. To his amazement, it was a female police officer, who had her gun drawn and pointed at him according to the reports.

The police officer fired a fatal shot, that pierced into Christophers chest, killing him, according to his aunt, Renee Vance. The police claimed, "he had a gun". The boy's aunt said it was the "Wii" controller.

The Police were actually at the home regarding a "probation" matter that had nothing to do with Christopher. According to reports, Christopher's sister held him in her arms, trying to comfort her brother as he lay in pain. The report goes on to say, that's when the officer pointed the gun at the child and told her to shut up. Moments later Christopher bled to death.

The family has set up a Facebook page to inform the public, friends and family about the incident.

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New Jersey man escapes 5 year sentence after dash cam footage clears him, indicts cops

By George Chidi
Saturday, February 22, 2014 22:21 EST

Evidence from a dashboard camera on a police cruiser ended a nightmare for a New Jersey man facing false charges of eluding police, resisting arrest and assault.

Prosecutors dismissed all the criminal charges against Marcus Jeter, 30, of Bloomfield, N.J. and instead indicted two Bloomfield police officers for falsifying reports and one of them for assault after the recording surfaced showing police officers beating Jeter during a traffic stop, according to WABC of New York. A third has pleaded guilty to tampering.

Jeter's defense attorney requested all recorded evidence, but the police failed to hand over a second tape until additional evidence surfaced of a second police car at the scene. The tape showed Jeter complying with police, even as one punched him in the head repeatedly.

Without the tape, prosecutors had been demanding a five-year prison sentence.

Watch the WABC report, below.



Lawyer Releases Video Of
Moore In-Custody
Death At The Hands Of The
Tyrannical Police

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 13:55

GRAPHIC: Raw video of arrest released after man dies in Moore police custody

MOORE, Okla. – After weeks of accusations, the public is now getting the chance to see a video that was taken the night a local man died in police custody.

Nair Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez's wife, said from the beginning her husband was beaten by police.

On Tuesday, her attorney's office released the video, allowing everyone to decide for themselves what happened to him.

In the video, Nair Rodriguez is heard calling for her husband to tell her if he's okay.

However, he did not answer.

It was just one of the scenes that unfolded in the video.

After about a minute, an officer approaches her to discuss what happened.

Kyle Eastridge is a former homicide investigator and is now working as a private investigator.

As he watched the video, Eastridge said, "Those guys are out of breath."

As the video continues, Eastridge notes that Rodriguez does not seem to be responsive.

Read Here: http://kfor.com/2014/02/25/graphic-raw-video-of-arrest-released-after-man-dies-in-moore-police-custody/

Welcome to the new Amerika, where it seems we now hear of at least one story per day where the police murder the very citizens they are sworn to protect. In another example of absolute tyranny, five Oklahoma police officers beat a loving father to death in front of an Oklahoma Movie theater  while his family watched in absolute horror.

Three Moore Police officers were put on administrative leave while detective investigate an in-custody death from overnight. The family of the man who died said police beat him badly and they recorded it with a cell phone camera.

Nair Rodriguez and her daughter Lunahi told News 9 they got into an argument at the Warren Theater around midnight. Nair said she slapped her daughter then stormed away. Her husband, Luis, chased after her. That was when the family said officers confronted Luis Rodriguez and asked to see his identification.

According to Lunahi and Nair, he tried to bypass the officers to stop his wife from driving off because she was so angry. They said officers took him down and it escalated.

Lunahi Rodriguez said that five officers beat her father to death right in front of her, in the parking lot of the movie theater.

"When they flipped him over you could see all the blood on his face, it was, he was disfigured, you couldn't recognize him."

Read Here: http://www.news9.com/story/24735856/family-says-moore-police-beat-father-to-death



Watch US Cops Run Away
When Anarchy Ensues on
Our Streets

February 26, 2014 By 21wire

The militarization of US police forces is a disturbing trend for sure. But will the MRAPs pull up when your neighborhood is burning?

Fat chance...

INEFFECTIVE: Police are becoming a joke in some parts of America, and often flex their muscle in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Yet, when Americans really need law and order in their communities, the police are sometime nowhere to be found, and can also be seen fleeing the scene – in the interest of their own safety first. They tend to reserve their impressive show of force for trivial incidents like raids on medical marijuana depositories, or closing down organic farms (see video below).

Below are a selection of graphic displays – of what you can count on from "law enforcement" when it really the Cannelloni hits the fan. Given their traditional role as peace officers, it's still pretty shocking to see how the police no longer function in cities like Oakland, California...

When they are informed, prepare well in advance and use overwhelming force, police can almost operate effectively.

You know, beating non-violent protesters and raiding the homes of families that might have marijuana (assuming they get the address right.)

But when it comes to dealing with what's really out there, "mano a mano", it's advantage criminals. Overwhelmingly.

The only thing that "keeps us safe" is that fact that an overwhelming percentage of the population is peaceful, and even criminals keep things to a reasonable level.

But those percentages can change.

Note: In NYC cops have already completely lost control of the roadways. The only thing that prevents total mayhem is a lack of ambition on the part of the bad guys. They only come out and assert their real control occasionally...

In California, it's well known about the police's traditional function of generating revenue through issuing traffic tickets, but some officers rarely miss an opportunity to get intimate with attractive females, even if it takes a half-hour or more. Fighting crime can be a real chore it seems...

Also, we can't forget the California police force from Fullerton, engaging is sadist beatings of homeless persons, and in the case of mentally disabled drifter, Kelly Thomas, where it took 4 or  more 'officers' to beat him to death – before being let off the hook for this particular murder caught on camera...

And lastly, here is a peak at one of US law enforcement's new fetishes. Forget about anarchy in urban areas, and forget about drug trafficking flooding their streets with cheap heroin and meth – the real danger, according to police, is shutting down organic food outlets:

READ MORE POLICE STATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Police State Files http://www.21stcenturywire.com/tag/police-state



Less Than Ground Zero: NYC police and firemen pilfer $400 million from taxpayer in bogus 9/11 claims
February 27, 2014 By
21st Century Wire says...

New York's finest. Many first responders put their lives on the line on 9/11, and were recognized for their sacrifice and for saving lives at Ground Zero on the day. For others, that simply wasn't enough...

All police and firefighters were deemed unequivocally to be 'national heroes' following the fateful September 11, 2001 event in New York City. To question this was considered an act of heresy akin to treason, and it seems than more than a few of these 'heroes' took full advantage of that situation...

More lies and fortunes, built on top of other lies and fortunes, built on top of an official story that no one can prove actually happened. How fitting.

Read the full report below on America's latest shame...

Nearly 30 retired New York City firefighters and police officers have been arrested for falsely claiming Social Security benefits in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Already, more than 100 retired firefighters and police officers had been arrested in January as a result of a wide-ranging pension fraud investigation. Retirees allegedly lied about their mental and physical abilities in order to qualify for Social Security benefits they would not have received otherwise.

Of the 106 originally arrested, 80 are believed to have claimed to suffer from severe mental and emotional trauma at Ground Zero on September 11, even though some of them were never at the scene.

Now, Reuters is reporting that 28 more retirees have been arrested on similar disability fraud charges – 16 former police officers, four firefighters, and a New York City Department of Corrections worker.

"The idea that many of them chose the events of 9/11 to claim as the basis for their disability brings further dishonor to themselves," New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said, according to the news service.

More than 130 city employees have been arrested during the investigation so far, though it's possible more are to come. Investigators believe that up to $400 million in taxpayer funds could have been stolen.

According to the New York Post, many of the retirees claimed they couldn't sleep, work, drive a car, or even leave their homes as a result of their disabilities, only for investigators to find they were flying helicopters, riding on jet skis, leading martial arts classes, and more. Some former officers claimed mental handicaps even while holding gun permits.

"That's about as inconsistent with being disabled and unable to perform physical or mental chores as you can get,'' said Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. to the newspaper.

Investigators also claimed that four of the people involved were coaching retirees on how to qualify for disability benefits. In exchange, these ringleaders allegedly received kickbacks to the tune of 14 monthly Social Security checks per person they successfully enrolled into the program.

"As a New Yorker and as a US citizen, I can only express disgust at the actions of the individuals involved in this scheme, particularly the 72 former members of the New York City Police Department who have certainly disgraced themselves, embarrassed their families with their abuse of this system," Bratton said during a press conference in January.

Lawyers for the alleged ringleaders, however, stated their clients were innocent.

READ MORE 9/11 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 9/11 Files


Maryland Cop To Citizen: "You Have No Rights"

Activist police officers, it seems, are following the federal government's lead by asserting power over citizens for which they have no lawful claim.

As smartphones with built-in camcorders become more ubiquitous, citizens who witness arrests and other police activities increasingly use the technology to capture such moments on tape.

For fans of law enforcement transparency, such added accountability is a positive trend. Many officers, however, express a different point of view.

When police in Towson, Md. initiated the arrest of two suspects this week, a local CBS affiliate reported a bystander reached for his phone and immediately began capturing footage of the unfolding event. A short time later, one officer approached the amateur videographer, who expressed his belief that he had a right to record the interaction.

"Get out of my face," the officer snapped, despite the fact that the unidentified man was positioned a considerable distance away from the action. This prompted the civilian to once again verbally uphold his right.

"You have no rights," the cop shot back. After momentarily leaving – and after another officer approached the same individual – the first officer returned, unleashing a profane tirade.

"Do you see the police presence here?" the officer asked. "Do you see us all? We're not f***ing around."

He warned the man to "shut your f***ing mouth or you're going to jail," at which point the officer again momentarily retreated. In a matter of moments, however, he returned and appeared to physically push the citizen.

"I thought I had freedom of speech here," he told the officer.

"You don't," the cop barked back. "You just lost it."

An example of the rare instances in which those on the left and right can find some common ground, a local American Civil Liberties Union spokesperson expressed the common assertion that this officer acted in an extremely inappropriate manner.

David Rocah called his behavior "highly problematic," noting that the "fact that officers an act this way, knowing that they're being filmed, I think shows a level of impunity that is quite troubling."

Baltimore County police spokesperson Elise Armacost confirmed the department is "concerned about what we saw in the video" and "will be taking a thorough look at that video."

Reports of such apparent overreaction, however, are surfacing in communities across the nation with alarming regularity. Obviously, just a small fraction of these are actually captured on video.

Activist police officers, it seems, are following the federal government's lead by asserting power over citizens for which they have no lawful claim. Further suppressing the individual's integral freedoms of speech and expression only strip the only recourse Americans have against such blatant abuses.

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/maryland-cop-citizen-rights/#XmvS4YrSlyTpbzSi.99


Police Shoot Unarmed Airman in Stomach by Freeway

Alabama officer opened fire on the young man—but why?
By Neal Colgrass,  Newser Staff
Posted Mar 12, 2014 5:15 PM CDT

(Newser)  – Police shot an unarmed Air Force airman in the stomach Thursday after the 20-year-old pulled over on an Alabama freeway, the man's family says. Michael Davidson was driving from Texas to an Air Force base near Goldsboro, NC, when he became too tired to drive, decided to pull over, and clipped a semi-truck with his driver's side mirror, Raw Story reports. Davidson got out and walked toward the truck driver when he heard someone yell at him from behind, his father tells the Panola Watchman: "Realizing it was the police, [he] raised his arms and turned around."

That's when seven-year veteran officer Phillip Hancock shot Davidson in the stomach. Hancock then asked Davidson where "the other one" was, and officers searched his car before the airman first class received medical attention, his father said. By the truck driver's account, Davidson had been driving erratically and was told to put his hands up twice before being shot, the Opelika-Auburn News reports. Police haven't explained the shooting yet, but word is Hancock will be suspended. As for Davidson, he underwent extensive surgery and will likely have to wear a colostomy bag for life, his pastor says: "This is a life-changing event for him. He's in an acute state of depression right now."



They may very will force decent people into a being lawless society. Push them to far and find out!


March 1, 2014 / Clark Kent /Anthony Martin via The Examiner

A journalist in Connecticut reports that the highly restrictive and punitive gun control laws the state passed last year carry an ominous threat for citizens.

Those who missed the deadline to register their "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines, which have been outlawed, will be treated as criminals although they may have attempted to obey the law but just missed the deadline.

Ed Jacovino of The Journal Inquirer further stated that Michael P. Lawler, a top aide to Gov. Dannel Malloy, contends that the state will punish those who missed the registration deadline whether they intended to or not.

According to Jacovino,

And while the state won't immediately prosecute those who missed the deadline, it isn't ignoring that information, either.

The rifle and magazine declarations will be included in information given to police responding to a certain address. "This would be a factor in deciding how to respond to different situations," Lawlor says.

Read that statement closely. Lawlor is saying that if a citizen calls the police to report a crime in progress, officers will be able to see whether or not the person reporting the crime has registered their assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and will approach the emergency call accordingly.

Mike Vanderboegh, who wrote and posted an open letter to every member of the Connecticut legislature about this issue, was quick to catch Lawlor's quip and responded with the following:

In other words, "we'll send a Connecticut state police SWAT team to your door if you are reporting a home invasion — not to arrest the perpetrator attacking you and your family but to arrest and, if necessary, kill you."

Lawlor, thus, is calling for bloodshed against those who disobey the new gun laws in Connecticut at the hands of law enforcement officers.

The bottom line is that Vanderboegh has outed the hidden mindset and true intent of the anti-gun bigots in states such as Connecticut. They wish to kill. They wish to shed blood. The irony of such a thing should not be minimized, given that they have always claimed that their intent is to prevent bloodshed and killing.



Psycho Oklahoma Cop Executes Family Dog With Shotgun And Laughs About It.

Saturday, March 22, 2014 11:50

In yet another display of psycho tyrannical cop behavior, on March 19, 2014 police Sergeant Brice Woolley responded to a call pertaining to a dog that had escaped someones yard, and was roaming the neighborhood. Instead of waiting  for animal control to arrive to apprehend the dog, according to an eyewitness report, SGT Woolly stated "I'm not waiting for animal control", and went back to his police cruiser to get his shotgun. He then shot the dog in the neck, killing "Cali" instantly, and if that wasn't bad enough,SGT Woolly laughed about killing "Cali", and stated " Did you see her collar fly off when I shot her? that was awesome" he stated to the animal control officer, who then replied to officer woolly, " We'll just write in the report that it tried to attack you and others in the neighborhood."

•Petitioning Ardmore Police Department


Justice for Cali

Cali was a fun-loving, caring, peaceful family dog. On March 19, 2014, she escaped the backyard fence and was roaming through the neighborhood. A neighbor called animal control to come and retrieve the dog. The cops showed up before the animal control. When the cops pulled up, someone informed them , animal control was already on their way. Officer Brice Woolley said, "I'm not waiting for animal control."                                                                                                                                   

He then went to his car, pulled out his shotgun and shot Cali in her neck. After he shot her, he laughed and bragged about how "awesome" it looked when her collar flew off. She had done nothing to provoke the officer. She died immediately.

Read Here:http://www.change.org/petitions/ardmore-police-department-justice-for-cali?


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