This REALLY d!ss,s me off...

Started by Warph, February 10, 2014, 10:05:58 PM

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KING AND QUEEN OBUMA Flaunt Regal Power and Extravagance in Americans' Faces
February 10, 2014, 8:14 PM

by Kristinn Taylor

First Dogs Bo and Sunny, White House photo, February 10, 2014

President Barack Obama and his wife First Lady Michelle Obama rubbed their royal attitudes in the noses of long-suffering Americans today.

(These are animals.  And I am not talking about the Dogs)

While King Obama was pronouncing, "That's the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want", Queen Obama sent out a photograph of the family dogs wearing jewels, seated at a table representing Tuesday's state dinner in honor of President Francois Hollande of France. The photo was captioned, "Bone appétit!"

King Obama backed up his " a President, I can do whatever I want", with yet another unlawful exemption to Obamacare announced this afternoon.

The menu for the state dinner, as reported by the Associated Press:
"The first course will feature American Osetra caviar, farmed from the estuaries of Illinois, paired with quail eggs from Pennsylvania and a dozen varieties of potatoes from farms in New York, Idaho and California.

"That will be followed by a salad of petite radishes and baby carrots on a bed of lettuce and splashed with red-wine vinaigrette made using honey from the beehive on the South Lawn. The salad will be served in a clear, glass bowl and resemble a terrarium.

"The main course, dry-aged rib eye beef from a farm in Greeley, Colo., will be served with blue cheese, charred shallots, oyster mushrooms and braised chard.

"Dessert is chocolate malted cake, described as a modern version of a layer cake made with bittersweet chocolate from Obama's native Hawaii, Florida tangerines and served with vanilla ice cream from Pennsylvania. After dinner, guests can dip into a serving dish made entirely of sugar to sample fudge made of Vermont maple syrup, shortbread cookies made with lavender from Mrs. Obama's garden and cotton candy dusted with orange zest."

Any resemblance by the Obamas to France's King Louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette prompted by the visit of France's president is pure coincidence, oui? How about impeachmints for just desserts instead?

(where's a guy like Max Robespierre when you need him?)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Except for the caviar and the dry aged beef, the descriptions of the food are much fancier than the food. I remember years ago being amazed at Nancy Reagan's State Dinner menus too. State Dinners are a big deal and will be for the next president too.


QuoteThe menu for the state dinner, as reported by the Associated Press:
"The first course will feature American Osetra caviar, farmed from the estuaries of Illinois, paired with quail eggs from Pennsylvania and a dozen varieties of potatoes from farms in New York, Idaho and California.

What ever happened to serving plain ole Russett Potatoes???  Who the hell needs 12 different potatoes to eat at dinner?  I have never had a quail egg?  I want a full sized egg, thank you very much.  What is the point of eating a quail egg... better off eating the damn bird, at least you will get a mouthful.

Quote"That will be followed by a salad of petite radishes and baby carrots on a bed of lettuce and splashed with red-wine vinaigrette made using honey from the beehive on the South Lawn. The salad will be served in a clear, glass bowl and resemble a terrarium.

Put the damn food on a plain plate like the rest of us American eat off, well except Diane because she knows everything about fine foods.

Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2014, 09:49:50 AM
Except for the caviar and the dry aged beef, the descriptions of the food are much fancier than the food. I remember years ago being amazed at Nancy Reagan's State Dinner menus too. State Dinners are a big dealand will be for the next president too.

Once again, the know it all Delaware Demoncrat misses the point entirely.  But that's ok, because socialists seldom see the elitist abuses of their own kind. 

The point is the tax payers are funding these imperialistic excesses.  At a time when this country is 17 trillion dollars in the hole, has a health care system headed to hell in a hand basket, is faced with a political class that is engaged in routine consentual sodomy with multi-national moneybags and an educational system that is no longer first in the world (and is falling fast), problems like a black youth unemployment rate in cities like Chicago that exceeds 90%, we can ill-afford to have our tax dollars wasted in such frivolous pursuits.

Wake your ass up, Delaware. This is just another Obummercation on the tax payer dime.

We the people are getting screwed... and we aren't going to get kissed.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


And once again Mr. Wrey has missed Diane's point entirely.  Nancy


No, Mrs Lebow, her point was clearly that she is more knowledgeable than the average bear, and the implication was that Warph was uninformed thus making his critique somehow invalid. His disgust at the excesses of King & Queen Obama, especially in hosting a socialist at the White House are quite on point.  No less so than the spending habits of many local politicians which fail to reflect any respect for the taxpayers

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


       Never had caviar, don't desire too. Never had dry aged beef, though I've raised tons of it. Never had a quail egg, though I've hatched hundreds of them.

      Momma always said, just because someone else did/does it, doesn't make it right.

      Methinks Mrs Liebeau and Mrs Silverman fancy themselves as first lady.

Diane Amberg

Bull... You have a severe problem having any kind of an ordinary social conversation, doncha? Sorry I intimidate you so much. I'm just little old me...allowed to post just like anyone else, with no "agenda."  What is yours? What makes YOUR opinion so special?
Please put me on ignore if I'm so awful. I don't want to give you high blood pressure or fleas or anything. ;D
Yes, I've eaten quail eggs...kinda tough. I've had dry aged beef because my father liked it . (An old Kansas country boy) The butcher here will order it and hang it for people to pick up for Christmas. I guess I like it, I'm not quite sure...a lot of waste.
  Just because you differ from me doesn't automatically make me wrong or you right.....You did completely miss my point. Narrow minded people would. And yes, I am a very good cook.  So what?
Obviously you don't know anything about potatoes. Different ones are better for different things, You will shut your minds against anything I might say, so I won't bother explaining that Russets, while very nice aren't the best for everything. I suspect farmers who grow other kinds would like to have theirs used at the White House too. Good advertizing for them or their state.
The Reagans and the Nixons and a great many other Presidents have held State Dinners that would seem very lavish to many. So will the next President. So what.... it just is what it is.
   Don't go hanging  your "interpretations " on what I say, and rarely do say much any more because you few have taken over. What do you get from attacking me? And others who dare speak up once in awhile? No wonder hardly anybody posts any more. They get attacked and smeared every time.
Notice the number of "guests" there are now? You have become their e- version of the National Enquirer. Now both of you bullies, go to your room! Hope you are pleased with yourselves. Some great examples of the Elk County  population.  You were already told not to pick on me. What happened?


Diane you need to get thicker skin.If they didn't care so much they would ignore you.I thought theres 2 kinda potatoes red fer boilin white fer fry'n


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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