Local Elections

Started by Mom70x7, January 10, 2007, 10:17:29 PM

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Rest assured, Henry.  You have my vote, so you will have one vote anyway.


The candidates that will be in town, along with some of the school board candidates, are attending a forum sponsored by the Howard Area Lions Club - at 7 pm on March 20th at the Cox building, west room.

Some of the candidates (like Henry) already had plans when the forum was scheduled, so they're providing statements to be read.

I think the City is providing the Cox building for the forum.

See you there.

Oh - Jim said there will be refreshments!

Janet Harrington

Yeah, refreshments.  I'll be there.


I was sure hoping there would be a bigger crowd at the Candidate Forum the Lions Club sponsored.  THey did a great service to the community, though.  I appreciated them doing that.  The only thing I wish was that the candidates were seated up on the stage facing us the entire time. 

I would have liked to ask more questions---and made more comments, but one has to be selective, I know.  And with a bigger audience, there might have been more questions that some of us could not ask at the time.

Our community needs to read the writing on the wall. It will take more than who is elected as our political candidates to save our little communities and their schools.

But kudos to the Lions Club.


Just a reminder to be sure and vote this Tuesday.....The school board election is definitely very important not to mention the city council election.  The school board is going to have some very important decisions to make in the upcoming year, so make your vote count!


Results!!!  ???   ???   ???


Haven't heard or seen anything yet, but I am checking other sources.


 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Hi to everybody on the forum.
  I have heard that the three, Gary, Bob and Whilte(maybe spelled wrong) won their seat back.

  Thanks to everybody that voted for me. I will try again next election.
  Thanks Henry

Janet Harrington

Your welcome, Henry.  And I like your attitude.  Keep looking forward and always try again.  Like I should be talking. ha

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