Out Of The Blizzard, Into The Icebox; Records May Be Shattered

Started by Warph, January 05, 2014, 09:00:08 PM

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Record low temperatures and mountains of snow aren't the only symptoms of the brutal winter much of the country has been having. Another is egg on the face of liberals, who even now are unwilling to relinquish their faith in global warming.

On Tuesday, Winnipeg was as cold as the surface of Mars. Meanwhile, according to government grant–addicted scientists, thanks to under-regulated human activity the climate is warming even faster than hoped (I mean feared):

[A] study published in the journal Nature found increasing levels of carbon dioxide will lead to thinner ocean clouds and reduce their cooling impact, causing temperature rises of at least 5.6F (3C) over the course of the century.

The team of scientists said the findings show some climate models have been too "optimistic" and previous estimates of a minimum temperature rise of only 2.7F (1.5C) could now be discounted.

Why not scrap the obviously erroneous models and pay some attention to actual temperatures? Because bureaucrats don't pass out grants for that.

Arctic ice has expanded by 50% since last year. Pseudo-scientific frauds searching for their lost global warming find themselves frozen in place. Yet we are asked to believe that the warming trend that has not actually existed since the previous century is accelerating

As if to underscore the total disconnect between moonbats and physical reality, PETA bimbos are taking to the frozen streets of Minneapolis wearing lettuce bikinis. There is good reason you don't see lettuce in the frozen foods section.

US Chill Map Sunday

A "polar vortex" is causing US temperatures to plunge 40 to 50 degrees below normal
Market Watch reported:

Dangerously cold air blowing across the U.S. from the northern plains is expected to cause frigid temperatures in the next few days, according to Weather.com.

The arctic blast called by some weather experts a "polar vortex" is causing temperatures to be 40 to 50 degrees below normal and is expected to extend into early next week, according to Weather.com and other forecasting services.

The polar vortex is a counterclockwise-rotating pool of cold, dense air that usually stays in Canada but is making its way across the U.S., according to the National Weather Service.

Frostbite could occur after 5-10 minutes outside in the frigid temperatures if people don't cover up, according to Weather.com.

The snowstorm caused widespread flight delays, hitting the Northeast the hardest.

The impact of the heavy snowfall was felt in the Midwest and Northeast, resulting in school closure's government office shutdowns and delays of thousands of flights.

(Global warming to these loons is what Racism is to Chris 'Tingles' Matthews, pretty much everything and anything is a causal effect... the Artic's polar ice cap has grown by nearly 530,000 square mile in the last 3 years, and ice breakers are getting stuck in ice that is 15 feet thick in the Antartica, and still these people are trying to sell you on their carbon credits.  Based on Con man Al Gore the polar cap should have already melted and New York should be under 25 feet of water)


Frigid temperatures generated by what one meteorologist labeled a "polar vortex" took hold across a wide swath of the Midwest and Northeast on Saturday, as the regions dug out from a deadly snow storm and braced for another blast of dangerous winter weather.

The frigid air is coming from the North Pole and — due to a jet stream — will be intense and mobile, Ryan Maue, a meteorologist for Weather Bell, told The Associated Press. Forecasters said record lows could be eclipsed.

"All the ingredients are there for a near-record or historic cold outbreak," Maue said. "If you're under 40, you've not seen this stuff before."

Because of the winds, "It may feel as cold as negative 50 to negative 60 on Sunday night over sections of the north-central states," the National Weather Service said. In those conditions, frostbite can set in on exposed skin within five minutes, forecasters warned.

The High Plains region was already feeling the chill Saturday, with North Dakota at minus-6 in the afternoon and temperatures in the negative 20s expected overnight.

While temperatures in the Northeast were expected to rise by the end of the weekend, New York and New England were frigid Saturday morning. Saturday started off with wind chills in the negative 20s, but temperatures were expected to climb back into the 40s on Sunday and then finish the roller coaster in the low teens on Monday.

St. Louis:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Via Praire Star Burst Newspaper:
A winter storm brought snow and frigid temperatures to the MidWest U.S.  This time-lapse video shows the storm, named Hercules NYC by MSNBC, slamming downtown Howard, KS from 7 p.m. Thursday to 7:30 a.m. Friday.

Teresa: Boy oh boy, that was a huge winter storm?!  I bet we got at least an inch, maybe an inch and a eighth!  Stay in doors people, it might get dangerous out there.  We will rebuild.

Jo: Had to be the worst storm we had here since the twenties that I remember!

Kjell:  Reminds me of winter storms at home when I was a pup.  Its gonna take days to dig out of this one.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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