Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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W. Gray

Quote from: redcliffsw on April 20, 2016, 05:19:00 AM

Gray, you haven't won anything.  The assumption is that you been in government schooling.  You're the one who has accepted liberalism/socialism and you're pretty staunch about it.

As for Ross, he's the conservative one, not you.

it has nothing to do with socialism or conservatiism, Republican or Democrat, Union or Confederate, government schooling or non-government schooling.

Constantly belittling and disrespecting people, calling them liars, calling them bitches, etc. is not very nice, agreeable, or pleasant. The man is over seventy years old and does not know any better and appears to not want to control himself.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on April 20, 2016, 10:31:28 AM
it has nothing to do with socialism or conservatiism, Republican or Democrat, Union or Confederate, government schooling or non-government schooling.

Constantly belittling and disrespecting people, calling them liars, calling them bitches, etc. is not very nice, agreeable, or pleasant. The man is over seventy years old and does not know any better and appears to not want to control himself.

You have a problem dealing with the truth, that's all!

And this thread is about education, not your petty complaints.

Or where Red got his education.

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on April 20, 2016, 02:00:09 PM
You have a problem dealing with the truth, that's all!

And this thread is about education, not your petty complaints.

Or where Red got his education.

it is one thing for you to present your views on a subject. It is another thing to personally attack and insult anyone and everyone who disagrees or even provides comments you disagree with.

You seem to have an antisocial personality disorder—and that is an understatement.

You cannot seem to leave personal attacks out of your rhetoric. You attack anyone who disagrees with you with an insulting attitude. It is like you are a third grader on the playground who has to resort to name calling as a defense mechanism because you cannot express yourself in any other way. It would not surprise me if you were to say "nannie nannie boo boo" at the end of your remarks.

You seem to think all people who disagree with you are out to get you one way or another.

You have a major intellectual problem that has nothing to do with socialism or conservativism, Republican or Democrat, Union or Confederate, government schooling or non-government schooling.

You seem to have a problem with everyone and you seem to have a major problem with female social or female political relationships.

What kind of a man is it that calls a woman a bitch in a forum that is open to the public? Or, anywhere else for that matter? A small man. A very small man that cannot express himself in any other way.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on April 20, 2016, 03:03:04 PM
it is one thing for you to present your views on a subject. It is another thing to personally attack and insult anyone and everyone who disagrees or even provides comments you disagree with.

You seem to have an antisocial personality disorder—and that is an understatement.

You cannot seem to leave personal attacks out of your rhetoric. You attack anyone who disagrees with you with an insulting attitude. It is like you are a third grader on the playground who has to resort to name calling as a defense mechanism because you cannot express yourself in any other way. It would not surprise me if you were to say "nannie nannie boo boo" at the end of your remarks.

You seem to think all people who disagree with you are out to get you one way or another.

You have a major intellectual problem that has nothing to do with socialism or conservativism, Republican or Democrat, Union or Confederate, government schooling or non-government schooling.

You seem to have a problem with everyone and you seem to have a major problem with female social or female political relationships.

What kind of a man is it that calls a woman a bitch in a forum that is open to the public? Or, anywhere else for that matter? A small man. A very small man that cannot express himself in any other way.

I think you were looking in a mirror while composing this post.
And to switch threads with you petty complaints confirms it.


Pornographic High School
Common Core Reading Assignments
By 100% FED Up -  Apr 20, 2016

Senator Patrick Colbeck is currently serving his second term in Lansing, MI and has been a reliable champion for conservatives in our blue state since he took office. He is consistently rated as one of the most conservative senators in the Michigan legislature.Never underestimate the power of a strong, courageous defender of the Constitution and conservative values in your state legislature.

Senator Colbeck (R) is doing what all state legislators should be doing, he's watching out for the well-being of our children by working to eliminate a communist type (see video below) of federally funded (and formerly mandated) education. He offered testimony on Tuesday in the Senate Education Committee to repeal Michigan's adoption of Common Core Standards and replace them with the Pre-Common Core Massachusetts Standards.



Loads of articles concerning Common Core !


Volunteer Help Needed for Massachusetts Common Core Ballot Initiative


Volunteer Help Needed for Massachusetts Common Core Ballot Initiative
End Common Core Massachusetts is looking for volunteers to help collect 16,000 signatures before June 22nd for their ballot initiative.

The Common Core Hoax
Robert R. Logan, PhD, contends that Bill Gates' goal in pushing Common Core wasn't really common standards, but computer-adaptive tests.

Alexander: ESSA Not Being Implemented Properly
U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) should not be surprised that the U.S. Department of Education is not implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act properly.

Yes, Limits On Your Child's Tech Usage Are A Good Thing
Lisa Hudson: Unlike what Education Week has reported studies on the adverse effects of excessive use of media on our children has not been limited.

Math Education in Jeopardy
Jay Matthews at The Washington Post wrote another piece about the crisis in our nation's math instruction under Common Core.

MA Gov Baker Straddling the Fence on Common Core Ballot Initiative
Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) is on the fence with Common Core ballot initiative that will be voted on this fall sees PARCC withdrawal with review as enough.

New Mexico Parents.... No Opt Out for You!!!!
A New Mexico school district tells parents you do not have a right to opt-out your child from the PARCC assessments. They say students can only refuse.

Alaska Legislature Passes Important Parental Rights Bill
The Alaska Legislature passed an important piece of legislation that recognizes a parent's right to opt their child out of assessments and certain classes.

Herbert Has Seen the Light on Common Core, SAGE
(In an Election Year)


Herbert Has Seen the Light on Common Core, SAGE (In an Election Year)
After being forced into a primary, Governor Gary Herbert (R-UT) now says he want the Utah State Board of Education to end Common Core and SAGE testing.

Colorado Legislature on the Verge of Passing
Student Data Privacy Law
The Colorado Legislature is close to passing a student data privacy law that would inform parents about what data collection occurs and provide transparency.;topic=15765.480;last_msg=229423


Rhode Island Teacher May Lose Job
Over Protecting Student Data


The future employment of Shelley McDonald, a math teacher at North Kingstown High School, remains undetermined. She is pictured with John Leidecker, NEA-RI deputy executive director, during a February hearing about alleged insubordination.

Shelley McDonald, a math teacher at North Kingston High School in Rhode Island, may lose her job because she is unwilling to agree to terms given by Pearson before administering the PARCC Assessment. She said she does not believe that there is adequate protection of student privacy in the memorandum of understanding made with Pearson.

The Independent reports:

In March, Superintendent Phil Auger said Shelley McDonald's job was safe if she would proctor the PARCC assessment May 3. She is scheduled to be terminated at the end of the school year after multiple alleged instances of insubordination, which included not administering the PARCC exam.

In a May 8 email, McDonald claimed she was not allowed to administer the most recent PARCC exams because she did not click a screen to "agree" to the terms before issuing the online standardized tests to students.

In an April 25 email, McDonald said she planned to administer the PARCC "just as [she had] in the past." In the May email, she said she remains concerned that if she agreed to the terms of use, the company that owns the PARCC, Pearson, could sell personal student information.

"For whatever reason it remains very important to the district that I agree to the release and sale of student private information and data to third parties," McDonald said. "If I won't do that, [the School Department] will continue to not allow me to proctor the test and will continue to insist that I am not doing my job."

Superintendent Phil Auger refuted McDonald's allegation after the May 10 School Committee meeting, saying McDonald chose not to administer the PARCC.

"She just told us she's not going to do it," Auger said.

Auger also referred to a memorandum of agreement the School Committee and National Education Association North Kingstown agreed to in March, which agrees the School Committee will release to Pearson only the name of the school or local education agency; the use role (test administrator or coordinator); usernames created by the school or local education agency – such as a user's email address; teachers' full names and district email addresses.

McDonald said that understanding did not protect student data "in any way," a claim Auger said was untrue.

"We're not sharing anyone's personal information, not kids' or teachers', with Pearson or anybody else ... other than this student [name], this school and grade; that's it," he said. "The union accepted that and [McDonald] clearly did not. She said 'I'm not doing it,' which means you're clearly not proctoring."

In an interview, NEA-NK President Kevin DuBois said he and other union member teachers were concerned with Pearson possibly selling student and teacher data to third-party companies, but they reached the agreement with the district, and received confirmation from a state Department of Education representative that the state did not intend to share any student information other than the students' gender and ethnicity.

"No personal info on where they live, Social Security numbers or anything like that [will be shared]," DuBois said.

Sharing a student's name, school, grade, ethnicity and gender, along with their assessment results, isn't sharing information? Fascinating.  The article alludes to multiple instances of insubordination, but it only directly refers to the PARCC assessments. Does the school seriously not have anyone else who can proctor the assessments?

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