Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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Posted by Carrie Cox on February 10, 2015

Above is the Actual header photo from the first webpage at website with the heading below it, "21st Century Education- How do you teach skills that last a life time

Pearson Education is a company that designs "education products and services to institutions, governments and direct to individual learners". They have 40,000 employees in 80 countries. "Pearson is listed on the London and New York stock exchanges (LSE: PSON; NYSE: PSO). In fact, Pearson is one of the few companies to have been a constituent of the FTSE100 ever since the index began in 1984. However, though the name has remained the same the company behind it has changed beyond all recognition".

The three main changes the company cites are as follows: (

"A corporate focus on 'education in the broadest sense of the word', a strategy of becoming the world's leading learning company with heavy exposure to the growing global education market."
"A transformation from book publisher to digital services company."
"A significant expansion into fast-growing developing economies including China, India, Africa and Brazil."
Pearson is a former member of the Advisory Council for the United Nations Global Compact. They continue to be a member. "Participation in the Global Compact continues to provide an important framework for Pearson as we develop and grow, and are pleased to continue our support and engagement," Robin Freestone Chief financial officer (and Board member responsible for corporate responsibility)

Remember, the Gates Foundation also used the United Nations as one vehicle for funding the development and implementation of Common Core in the United States.

Pearson appears to have a number of investors worldwide with one of the largest financial contributors being the Libyan Investment Authority that holds 26 million shares. According to the Financial Times of London, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Libyan dictator Muammer Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam with shares now belonging to more than five members of the Gaddafi family. In the Middle East; Turkey, Saudi Arabia, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood have invested heavily in Pearson Education.

Pearson Education claims they are a public company in a free market and they have no control over their shareholders. In other words, they didn't mean to fund terrorist activities.

"Muslim Brotherhood documents seized by the FBI and presented at the Holy Land Foundation Trial in Texas revealed a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood and their subsidiary organizations like CAIR to penetrate and indoctrinate American K-12 students."

These documents were believed to be the Muslim Brotherhood's manifesto in North America. You can view the documents from the Holy Land Foundation Trials by visiting the following links: (Note: the documents are provided in Arabic and English. You will need to scroll down the document to get to the English translation.)

Muslim Brotherhood's manifesto in North America (Exhibit 42945)
Muslim Brotherhood's manifesto in North America (Exhibit 42946)

In May 2014, Pearson Education took over teacher certification in New York State, because the state had to implement "reforms" to compete for federal 'Race to the Top' dollars. The evaluation system known as the Teacher Performance assessment (TPA) will be solely administered by Pearson Education. New York State teachers will be entirely evaluated by Pearson Education.

University programs for teacher training are being subsidized by Saudi Arabia. Middle East Studies (under Title VI of the Higher Education Act) which entails designing lesson plans and seminars on the Middle East for American K-12 teachers are being distributed without oversight despite federal funding by the United States government. Saudi Arabia is funding the foundation creating the materials and training of the teachers and coordinators of these programs.

Pearson Education did not miss a chance to be a part of this exciting training, because there were higher education dollars up for grabs. You can view their website specifically designed for Middle Eastern studies at the following link:

Pearson Education is involved in academic research and influencing governmental policy. Pearson Education along with Cisco Systems, IBM, Intel, and the Gates Foundation throw all kinds of money at "non-profit" organizations in an attempt to effect policies that will lead to profits for their companies. Common Core was designed and copyrighted by The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). You find Pearson Education listed as one of the many donors to NGA. Pearson Education is also listed as a business and industry partner for CCSSO.

The U.S. spends more than $632 billion a year to educate children ages five to 18 (approximately $12,608 per student). Education, including college and mid-career training, represents nearly 9 percent of U.S. gross domestic product. That is more money than is spent on energy or technology.
Pearson Education may claim they have no control over whether their stock is funding terrorist activities, but consumers and the United States government can control whether they purchase Pearson Education materials. We exercise our consumer rights in a free market all of the time.

Parents have rights too. The following was written by an Ohio teacher, "Refusing to allow your child to participant in state testing is a parental right guaranteed by the 14th amendment and broadly protected by the Supreme Court (see Meyer and Pierce cases). The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that parents possess the "fundamental right" to "direct the upbringing and education of their children." Furthermore, the Court declared that "the child is not the mere creature of the State: those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right coupled with the high duty to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations" (Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, 534-35). The Supreme Court criticized a state legislature for trying to interfere "with the power of parents to control the education of their own" (Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 402.). In Meyer, the Supreme Court held that the right of parents to raise their children free from unreasonable state interferences is one of the unwritten "liberties" protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (262 U.S. 399)."

You can use your voice as a parent and refuse to allow your child to be used as a tool for funding terrorist activities. Pearson Education may not be the only unwitting player.


Students for Liberty: What's the Biggest Issue for Young People Today?

Published on Feb 25, 2015
At the 2015 International Students for Liberty Conference, FreedomWorks' Daisy Belden asked: What is the biggest issue facing the young generation today?

Video at:


Stop Common Core now!
To my elected officials:

The Common Core national standards and tests, backed by federal funding and incentives, further centralize decisions about education with national groups and Washington bureaucrats – far from the people who know students best, namely parents.

I refuse to relinquish control over one of the most important education tools I have: direction of the content that is taught in local schools.

This one-size-fits-all education fails to recognize that every child is unique, and replaces teacher- and parent-directed learning with standards and assessments driven by distant government bureaucrats.

Bureaucrats in Washington should not control my child's education.

As your constituent, I demand that you reject Common Core.

See the web site to send the email:

Add your name to this historic Open Letter to state and federal officials demanding that they end the government-expanding "Race to the Top" grant program that forces public schools to adopt the centralized education standards known as Common Core.

This top-down, one-size-fits-all approach to education can only be stopped if concerned citizens like you demand a change.

The Heritage Foundation wants to send Washington a loud and strong message, and we need you to join us.


If you don't think Common Core isn't bad enough
Look what the the Education Secretary and
our Dictator Obama think
should happen !

This all started with the Liberal idea that It Takes a Village!

Scary: Education Secretary Sets The Stage For
'Public Boarding Schools'

"There are just certain kids we should have 24/7..."
While criticism of leftist-dominated public education abounds across the United States, Barack Obama and others in the current administration continue to push for compulsory preschool and other programs that would keep kids away from their parents – and under government control – for as long as possible.

In a recent speech at the National Summit on Youth Violence Prevention, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan doubled down on such rhetoric by publicly advocating what he called "public boarding schools."

He insisted that public schools are simply not open long enough to provide all of the resources he contends they should.

"I think all of our schools should be community centers," he said. "Our schools should be open 12, 13, 14 hours a day with a wide variety of after-school programming."

Noting that street violence is an issue in many communities, Duncan went on to assert that the more time students spend within the confines of government schools, the better.

"If we could keep our kids there longer," he insisted, "we think that makes a lot of sense."

Beyond the 14-hour days he wants to see implemented at all schools, Duncan said at least some students should be remanded to the custody of their educators.

"One idea that I threw out that I wanted to sort of road test with the kids today," he continued, "is the idea of public boarding schools."

Acknowledging such a program is "a controversial idea," he suggested it is nonetheless needed in certain situations.

"There are just certain kids we should have 24/7," Duncan concluded, "to really create a safe environment and give them a chance to be successful."

Video at:

Can you say HIEL Hitler
This is what preschool is all about ----- programing the public ------  for more control of your kids.


Education bureaucrats
not ordinary teachers
are the criminals guilty of "treason,"
he says.

'We should view it as an act of war'

Educators are committing an "act of war" against America's school children and intentionally dumbing down the nation, charges international journalist and educator Alex Newman.

Education bureaucrats – not ordinary teachers – are the criminals guilty of "treason," he says.

"I hope this isn't taken as an attack on teachers," Newman said during a May 9 appearance on the radio program, "A Call to Rights." "The teachers are just as much victims as the students here."

Newman has co-authored a new book with Samuel Blumenfeld that's taking Amazon by storm, "Crimes of the Educators," which has surged to No. 379 on Amazon's list of bestselling books overall.

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan created the National Commission on Excellence in Education to investigate poor educational outcomes in America. The commission proclaimed in its report, "If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war."
Newman and Blumenfeld accused the late American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer John Dewey, of perpetrating the "act of war" on America's kids.

"We argue that we should view it as an act of war," Newman said. "Just because it wasn't imposed by foreigners doesn't make it any less serious. Dewey and his cohorts were trying to overthrow our system of government, our Constitution, our liberties, our God-given rights, and you know, that's treasonous."

Newman said Dewey viewed the educational system as the key to dumbing down the entire nation, thus paving the way for a socialist utopia.

"The key element of his strategy was to reduce the literacy of the American people, and he did that by replacing the study of phonics – systematic, intensive phonics – with this whole-word quackery, where they teach the kids to read English as if it were Chinese, so they look at the word as a picture, as a symbol, and then they're supposed to associate that with the word," Newman said. "That's quackery!"

"Crimes of the Educators" – NEW! Discover "How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children"

According to Newman, Dewey's scheme has been implemented slowly, over many decades, so as to avoid a violent backlash from parents, teachers and taxpayers.

"This has been a very long and very slow process," he said. "It's taken over a century to get to the dire, horrifying results that we're getting today, and it's going to keep getting worse."

In addition to the treason perpetrated by Dewey and his fellow progressives, Newman listed fraud and extortion as crimes of the educators. Those crimes have much to do with the "whole-word" method of teaching children to read. Newman and Blumenfeld maintain that the method confuses children, causing dyslexia and other reading disabilities.

The authors believe Common Core is fraudulent as well, and that the federal government is extorting taxpayers by funding it.

"If a private citizen were marketing some kind of product and said it did something and then it did the opposite, they would be taken to court for fraud," Newman proclaimed. "They would be prosecuted, and so we argue that the same thing should be happening here with the education establishment.

"They're telling us they're taking hundreds of billions of our dollars every year, telling us they're going to educate our children, and then they're doing the exact opposite. They're preventing them from learning how to read. They're dumbing them down. They're whitewashing the real history and teaching them a propaganda history."

The full title of Common Core is "Common Core State Standards Initiative," and Newman believes the name is a fraudulent and misleading.

"One of the really great frauds behind the whole Common Core movement is that this was some kind of state initiative," Newman said. "Now, the National Governor's Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers did play some nominal role in developing all this. But people need to understand these are not states – these are lobbying groups, these are trade groups based in Washington, D.C., funded by the federal government."

Common Core testing is also federally funded, according to Newman. It draws from Race to the Top funds that originated with the federal stimulus.

"The notion that this is some kind of state initiative is ludicrous, and I'm frankly appalled that people are still trying to make that claim," Newman said.

Newman claims many teachers recognize Common Core as a disaster, but their superiors are silencing them.

"I've talked to many teachers, and they are horrified by this Common Core thing," Newman said. "Now, there are two things. One is a lot of them are being threatened. We have, here in Florida, some teachers who have been threatened with loss of their jobs if they speak out about Common Core."

He added, "Second of all, they're hearing from higher up the food chain that if Common Core leaves from the state, lots of jobs are going to be going. They're saying federal funding is going to be cut, you're all going to lose your jobs, so you'd better stand by this Common Core if you like your paycheck."

Newman offered a simple plan for overcoming the educators' crimes and improving the American education system: Return education policy to the local level, where parents and teachers will be free to try what actually works.

"The first thing I would do is shut down the entire department [of Education] and fire every bureaucrat in it, because the Department of Education has probably been the single worst thing to ever happen to education in this country," he asserted.

With the Department of Education and Common Core out of the way, states would be free to experiment with their own policies, but Newman says he knows what works best – intensive, systematic phonics.

"The foundation of it all is high literacy," he said. "We need to get back to phonics. Then children can acquire knowledge independently.

"They can read their Bibles. They can read their Constitutions. They can read their Declaration of Independence. They can read their history and their science, and we don't have to rely on the government schools for all of our information and all of our knowledge."



Going Way Too Far!

Call it 'gender fluidity':
Schools to teach kids
there's no such thing as boys or girls
By Todd Starnes  Published May 15, 2015

One of the nation's largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum – the idea that there's no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.

Fairfax County Public Schools released a report recommending changes to their family life curriculum for grades 7 through 12. The changes, which critics call radical gender ideology, will be formally introduced next week.

"The larger picture is this is really an attack on nature itself – the created order," said Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council.

"Human beings are created male and female. But the current transgender ideology goes way beyond that. They're telling us you can be both genders, you can be no gender, you can be a gender that you make up for yourself. And we're supposed to affirm all of it."

The plan calls for teaching seventh graders about transgenderism and tenth graders about the concept that sexuality is a broader spectrum --- but it sure smells like unadulterated sex indoctrination.

Get a load of what the kids are going to be learning in middle school:

"Students will be provided definitions for sexual orientation terms heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality; and the gender identity term transgender," the district's recommendations state. "Emphasis will be placed on recognizing that everyone is experiencing changes and the role of respectful, inclusive language in promoting an environment free of bias and discrimination."

Eighth graders will be taught that individual identity "occurs over a lifetime and includes the component of sexual orientation and gender identity."

"Individual identity will also be described as having four parts – biological gender, gender identity (includes transgender), gender role, and sexual orientation (includes heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual)."

The district will also introduce young teenagers to the "concept that sexuality is a broader spectrum." By tenth grade, they will be taught that one's sexuality "develops throughout a lifetime."

"Emphasis will be placed on an understanding that there is a broader, boundless, and fluid spectrum of sexuality that is developed throughout a lifetime," the document states. "Sexual orientation and gender identity terms will be discussed with focus on appreciation for individual differences."

As you might imagine – parents are freaking out.

"Parents need to protect their kids from this assault," said Andrea Lafferty, president of Traditional Values Coalition. "Who could imagine that we are in this place today – but we are."

Last week, the school board voted to include gender identity in the district's nondiscrimination policy – a decision that was strongly opposed by parents.

Lafferty, who led the opposition to the nondiscrimination policy, warned that the district is moving towards the deconstruction of gender.

"At the end of this is the deconstruction of gender - absolutely," she told me. "The majority of people pushing (this) are not saying that – but that clearly is the motivation."

School Board spokesman John Torre told the Washington Times the proposed curriculum changes have nothing to do with last week's vote to allow boys who identity as girls to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice.

He would have us believe it was purely coincidental.

To make matters worse, Lafferty contends parents will not be able to opt their children out of the classes because the lessons will be a part of the mandatory health curriculum.

However, Torre told me that parents will indeed be able to opt out of those classes "including the sexual orientation and gender identity lessons."

I must confess that I'm a bit old school on sex education. I believe that God created male and female. My reading of the Bible does not indicate there were dozens of other options.
"They are not being forthright with the information," Lafferty said. "They are not telling people the truth.  They are bullying parents. They are intimidating and they are threatening."

I must confess that I'm a bit old school on sex education. I believe that God created male and female. My reading of the Bible does not indicate there were dozens of other options.

However, I'm always open to learning new things – so I asked the school district to provide me with the textbooks and scientific data they will be using to instruct the children that there are dozens and dozens of possible genders.

Here's the reply I received from Torre:

"Lessons have not been developed for the proposed lesson objectives," he stated. "Because of the need to develop lessons, the proposed objectives would not be implemented until fall 2016."

In other words – they don't have a clue.

And the Family Research Council's Sprigg said there's a pretty good reason why they can't produce a textbook about fluidity.

"It's an ideological concept," he told me. "It's not a scientific one."

He warned that Fairfax County's planned curriculum could be harmful to students.

"It's only going to create more confusion in the minds of young people who don't need any further confusion about sexual identity," he said.

The board will introduce the changes on May 21. Lafferty said she hopes parents will turn out in force to voice their objections.


The boy scouts are Educational and just look what Government is causing
because of Governments attitude to anything moral.
Moral Decay


Paul Kengor: Collapsing culture redefining human life itself

Robert Gates, the national president of the Boy Scouts of America, has surrendered in one of the key battles of the culture war by declaring the organization's ban on openly homosexual adults "cannot be sustained."

Paul Kengor, a professor of political science and author of "Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage," warned the latest triumph by activists is a testament to the effectiveness of political terror.

In an interview with WND, Kengor said it's "really a shame about the Boy Scouts."

"Their oath forever has been about obeying God and being physically and morally straight and strong. It's their motto. That has been torched," he said.

"They've caved to the forces of 'tolerance' and 'diversity' who relentlessly picket and harass and attack and sue and scream at and demonize and dehumanize and destroy those who disagree with their completely new configurations of marriage, family, sexuality, and even morality itself."

Gates, former secretary of defense under both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama, indicated fear of legal battles was the reason he was urging a change in policy.

Read "Get Off My Honor: The Assault on the Boy Scouts of America," by Hans Zeiger

Gates' objection to the ban on homosexual adults in the organization was mostly framed in tactical rather than moral terms. It is evidence, observed Kengor, of the power of fear to drive once conservative organizations to surrender.

"The Boy Scouts have shown themselves to be just as craven as all the other organizations that the gay-marriage brigades target," Kengor charged. "When not even the Boy Scouts have courage anymore, America can rest in peace."

What do YOU think? Sound off on the Boy Scouts president calling for "gay" Scout leaders

Gates' assessment doesn't take into account the U.S. Supreme Court's affirmation in 2000 that as a private organization, the Boy Scouts were allowed the First Amendment right of expressive association.

That meant the BSA is legally allowed to set qualifications for membership and for leaders, including to exclude homosexuals.

The case that reached the Supreme Court was brought by James Dale, who joined in 1978 and eventually became an Eagle Scout. He then worked as an adult volunteer, but in 1990, his registration was revoked by the Monmouth Scout Council.

Demanding to know why, he was told by Council Executive James Kay that homosexuals were forbidden membership, and he had been co-president of his university's "gay" and lesbian campus organization. He sued on the basis of a New Jersey state nondiscrimination law.

The state court dismissed his case, noting homosexual behavior, biblically and historically, has been condemned.

The ruling said the BSA was a private group and was entitled to freedom of association guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates

While New Jersey's Superior and Supreme Courts both sided with the homosexual, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with the trial court, noting the Boy Scout organization "believes homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values it seeks to instill in its youth members."

On the current position adopted by Gates, Kengor noted the now widespread acceptance of radical ideas surrounding human sexuality and said, "The left loves this."

Michael Brown, who holds a Ph.D. from New York University and has researched and written a number of books on homosexuality, says he is not surprised by the Scouts.

"I said from the start that gay activists would not stop at having openly homosexual boys in the Boy Scouts, but now it's openly homosexual leaders."

Brown, whose books include "Can You Be Gay and Christian?" and the upcoming "Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide," believes if the Boy Scouts accept openly homosexual leaders, they will cease to be a positive moral force in the lives of American boys.

"This sets a wrong role model for these kids," Brown told WND.

Yet, Brown says parents should have further concerns.

"This opens the door for sexual predators, a real danger, and it opens the door for gay boys to be flirting with straight boys under the auspices of the Boy Scouts," he said.

Given the new direction of the Boy Scouts, Brown urges parents to seek out an alternative.

"Now would be a great time to find out more about the Christian boy scouts alternative, Trail Life USA."

Kengor suggests the collapse of the Boy Scouts that is even affecting what is taught in schools.

He highlights a recent report from Fairfax County Public Schools that advocates not only teaching about homosexuality and bisexuality to middle- and high-school students, but the theory of "gender fluidity."

This theory holds gender is entirely a social construct, and there is actually no such thing as boys or girls.

Kengor sees the government's acceptance and promotion of once fringe theories as the inevitable outcome of growing secularization.

"We live in a rapidly secularizing culture that is destroying and fundamentally transforming things as basic as male and female. The differences and complementarity between male and female, boy and girl, mom and dad, is one of the beautiful things ordained by nature and nature's God," he said.

And Kengor believes the left's secular ideology necessitates the elimination of natural differences any other generation would have taken for granted.

"The natural differences between men and women are the very basis of male-female marriage and the natural-traditional-biblical family, and that's precisely why the secular left and progressives must annihilate these differences," he said.

"Our culture arrogantly redefines marriage, family and even human life itself. Why not redefine 'boys' and 'girls' while we're at it? It all goes together – all peas in the same uprooted pod."

Kengor warns America the caving by the scouting group is just the beginning. Without the grounding of a life based on morality, he says, rebels will challenge nature and reality itself in ever more outlandish ways.

"When you reject God and moral absolutes in ... setting boundaries, then anything is possible. Dostoyevsky wrote that when God does not exist, everything is permissible. We're seeing that in America today."



I feel this is too important not to include in this thread.
I wonder do they teach anything at all in school about money
and loans and how to utilize them effectively?
Are they really educating the children?
This article is much to long to quote the whole thing.


College Loan Repayment Traps: How to Avoid Them

You can easily get trapped in college loans.

Colleges are lax at informing you how much you'll pay back and how much the total cost will be. The government is doing an inadequate job of telling you about repayment options. Some 40 million Americans may be stuck in this trap.

After researching this subject for nearly a year, I'm seeing myriad abuses in the student loan collection business.

When I was talking to a Chicago college class recently, I asked how many people had student loans (nearly everyone raised their hands). Then I asked if they'd been counseled on loan repayment options. Not a single hand went up.

As student debt climbs over the $1.2 trillion mark, more and more graduates are defaulting, which is preventable with some key knowledge and counseling.

Here's a summary of some of the worst practices in the student debt collection business:

* Deceptive advertising by debt "relief" firms lures graduates into paying hundreds of dollars for free loan consolidation applications.

* Private lenders routinely ignore their clients and refuse to negotiate better repayment terms.

* Debt collectors are harassing debtors in default, a blatant violation of federal law.

* Loan servicers are not informing clients of cheaper repayment options.

All of these problem areas are well known to federal agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The Illinois Attorney General recently sued several loan relief companies for deceptive practices.

The CFPB has been most active in trying to police student loan abuses.

In a CFPB field hearing in Milwaukee today, CFPB director Richard Cordray stated:

"At every stage of the process of paying back their student loans, borrowers have told us they are wrapped in mounds of red tape, particularly for private student loans.  From the beginning, when they first graduate and start making their initial payments, consumers can experience problems with payment posting, problems with attempted prepayments, and problems with partial rather than full payments.                                               

When borrowers do seek any sort of help, the range and severity of their problems can quickly snowball.  They have told us about lost paperwork, unanswered inquiries, and no clear path to get answers.  They also find that when errors are made, they may not be fixed very quickly.  They may encounter limited access to basic account information, including their payment history over the years.

One borrower told us, for example, that she made her payment on-time and in-full each month through an automatic payment system established by the lender but still faced problems with unexpected fees.  Once again, these kinds of problems are not new to loan servicing in general, and in particular they have happened repeatedly in the mortgage servicing market over the past decade.

There is so much more in the article, to read the whole article please go to :


The government is a predatory lender. 

Ever hear the word "tyrant"? 

And the money goes for the schools and the socialist cause along with student indoctrination.
Now that ought to be quite a learning experience.

Could we hear some Republicans' response to government lending?

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