Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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We can say that Hilter's government was corrupt.  But why would anyone put government in charge of the things?  Especially education?  We through out the British and nowadays we think government owes us an education - and should we say that government law requires us to have an education.

Education has been a government thing since the defeat of America by the northern yankee military.  Common Core is not the first government program in education.  The Fed's required that the Confederate States have a state school board before admittance back into the Union.  That ought to say something about how the tyrants have expanded their control to what you're experiencing today.

It's easy to imagine what was Hitler's way.  Just look around here in the States.


Diane Amberg

Throw, not through. So says this Gov't educated kid. ;)

If Gov't is so terrible, why did the founding fathers insist on putting one together? We could just as easily have won the war and gone off and each done our own thing, with no Gov't oversight at all. But that doesn't make a country now does it? They saw strength in numbers, strength in cooperation, strength in the pooling of resources. But that's socialism, right?
Without coming together, each  individual piece is  weak and vulnerable.
Those men were out for themselves too. They benefited from everything they did...especially Ben Franklin.  This place is much older than just the civil war era, Red.
You should move to Alaska .It has everything you want. and even they have very strict rules. Use what you need, but don't waste. Plenty of work.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
Throw, not through. So says this Gov't educated kid. ;)

If Gov't is so terrible, why did the founding fathers insist on putting one together? We could just as easily have won the war and gone off and each done our own thing, with no Gov't oversight at all. But that doesn't make a country now does it? They saw strength in numbers, strength in cooperation, strength in the pooling of resources. But that's socialism, right?

So, that is your response to an out of control government, "Get Out".
Many very wealthy people have done just that.
Just how has that helped our country?

Do you believe the Founding Fathers designed the Constitution to control every aspect of human life and to make all choices for the people.

Do you believe the Founding Fathers designed the Constitution to allow a President to write executive order as a work around of the constitution? In violation of citizens rights! Ask your collage degree?
Do you believe they intended for Government to go so far in debt there is little hope for paying off the debt?

And do you believe they had in mind to have so many government employees that the government could manage their own affairs?

The numbers of strength you refer to are way beyond anything the Founding Fathers could have ever dreamt of and the amount of Government Corruption is way, way out of sight.

Or might you agree the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to avoid today's Federal Governments entanglements and corruption and to protect the Citizens from tyranny?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
Without coming together, each  individual piece is  weak and vulnerable.

If you are talking about building a something tangible like a house or office building, you are correct. If you are referring to the Liberal way of doing things, then you might be an Obama follower.

For far too long people have been told they can not fight city hall. That is totally wrong, you just want to
limit individuality, as do all liberals.

I took on the Government Funded Child Protective Services and I won. No organization to back me or to tell me how or what to do.

I am now taking on one of the Local School Boards with out any organization telling how or what to do.
I have so far collected 90 percent of the signatures required to stop the school board from raising our property taxes potentially 8 mil. Morally they should have held an election to raise our taxes, but they are apparently pre sure the voters will tell them no. So, they found a way around the voters.

They probably thought they would go unopposed, they thought wrong.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
Those men were out for themselves too. They benefited from everything they did...especially Ben Franklin. 

I do believe we all benefit from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights just as they did.
These are the only real protection from tyranny if used properly and only real protection from liberals and the United Nations Agenda 21 and the New World Order.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
This place is much older than just the civil war era, Red.
You should move to Alaska .It has everything you want. and even they have very strict rules. Use what you need, but don't waste. Plenty of work.

A very Liberal like response! Have you bought your rainbow flag yet?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
Throw, not through. So says this Gov't educated kid. ;)

Jst like a liberal dorrect someoe elses speling with out corecting their own erors.
See what a Government educated kid learns?

And then knows nothing about Hiler, even though it has been posted
here on the forum several times.

See her question quoted below.
Ceck out the spacing around the comma and the question mark.
Yet,he never cease to correct others errors.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 27, 2015, 06:53:02 AM
Uh,what was Hitler's way?Details please.

I admit,I'm human and make erors, how about you Diane? Can you do that and leve other people's spelling and grammar erors alone and focus on the subjet? Or will you continue to play the liberal distractionist? LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
Throw, not through. So says this Gov't educated kid. ;)

Diane Amberg

You can pick at my typing all you want and I'll agree. I can spell, but I can't type, never could. I'm still a novice at typing, but know the key board a little better than I once did.
TYPOSAREUS. ;D ;D ;D ;D Or is that a new form of keyboard dinosaur? As for the rest. DDSS


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 11:19:28 AM
You can pick at my typing all you want and I'll agree. I can spell, but I can't type, never could. I'm still a novice at typing, but know the key board a little better than I once did.
TYPOSAREUS. ;D ;D ;D ;D Or is that a new form of keyboard dinosaur? As for the rest. DDSS

You are so right Different Day Same Shit, really Same Old Shit. LOL

Diane Amberg


Ross my husband told me to stay off of here and not to read your Posts, Lies and rude comments. I saw Dianes post and I wondered what it was for. You continue to ruin the Forum with your nasty words, it is all uncalled for. You should help the Forum by staying of of it.


Quote from: Joesue23 on August 29, 2015, 07:52:19 AM
Ross my husband told me to stay off of here and not to read your Posts, Lies and rude comments. I saw Dianes post and I wondered what it was for. You continue to ruin the Forum with your nasty words, it is all uncalled for. You should help the Forum by staying of of it.
Toss, my husband told me to leave you alone and let you do and say rude and cuss words because it would make more people stop or not sign your Petitions and other trash you are trying to do.


Quote from: Joesue23 on August 29, 2015, 07:52:19 AM
Ross my husband told me to stay off of here and not to read your Posts, Lies and rude comments. I saw Dianes post and I wondered what it was for. You continue to ruin the Forum with your nasty words, it is all uncalled for. You should help the Forum by staying of of it.

You my dear sue have the lies coming out of the wrong person.
You lack the ability to find and quote one single lie from me. Because there are none.
And my rudeness is far exceeded by your continuously saying I am ruining the forum and I suppose those remarks are based on ignorance.

Ignorance because the people that own this forum are far more intellegent than you can ever hope to be. And if they thought for one minute that I was ruining their forum, they would shut me down. And I would respect them for it.

However, if you recall I quoted you on several occassions with all your speech ugliness and bad attitude.

Do I need to re-quote you here?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 28, 2015, 07:25:49 AM
Throw, not through. So says this Gov't educated kid. ;)

If Gov't is so terrible, why did the founding fathers insist on putting one together? We could just as easily have won the war and gone off and each done our own thing, with no Gov't oversight at all. But that doesn't make a country now does it? They saw strength in numbers, strength in cooperation, strength in the pooling of resources. But that's socialism, right?
Without coming together, each  individual piece is  weak and vulnerable.
Those men were out for themselves too. They benefited from everything they did...especially Ben Franklin.  This place is much older than just the civil war era, Red.
You should move to Alaska .It has everything you want. and even they have very strict rules. Use what you need, but don't waste. Plenty of work.

You caught me misspelling a word - thanks.

The founding fathers established this country and ever since 1861 the Republicans have opposed them just as you do.  You're on the same track as the Republicans, the Republican alternative has been socialism and the Republicans are constantly and very good at promoting socialism.  Benjamin Franklin was entitled to make as much money as he wants.  Why is that an issue with you?  Did he profit from some Republican/Democrat mandate like many are doing nowadays?     

"They saw strength in numbers, strength in cooperation, strength in the pooling of resources. But that's socialism, right?
Without coming together, each  individual piece is  weak and vulnerable."

Regarding your above statement, it appears that you're 100% in favor of government socialism and its tyranny.   You're a true progressive. You're certainly not one who favors individual liberty and property rights.  It's no wonder that you took a liking to the Elk Konnected group -  strength in numbers, strength in cooperation, strength in the pooling of resources. 

The EK has failed for the time being but it will be no surprise that it will return or there'll be another group raise itself in the honor of socialism by calling upon people to "come together". 

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