Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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Diane Amberg

They aren't teaching religion, they teach ABOUT religion! Don't you understand the difference? Ask your son, I'm sure he knows.
A Heathen Religion? Ya mean the folks who play with snakes?  ;D ;D ;D...
Scientology certainly could have been one. My one great aunt believed in Scientology, so watch it!
  It's Hare Krishna, a branch of the Hindus. I suppose you think you know all about it.
Would you stop making ridiculous connections that don't exist. You know perfectly well no school is going to teach pornography to minors,no matter what you say.
As far as Westboro I have no doubt they come up in questions asked by students because of their bent form of so called Christianity.
I won't comment until I find out more about the flag business, I know nothing about it.

Diane Amberg

Ok. It figures, a southern school does something silly and now you are going so say "everyone" is doing it?   That is gonna heat up and get ridiculous. Why make a big deal out of it? It distracts from much needed classroom subject time.
It's the adults who are acting silly, making unimportant things important. Get over it people!
   As far as Delaware is concerned, it is the poorest performing student's parents who are complaining, not the parents of the good students who make sure their kids take school seriously. It's a shame really.
So now we go back to kids coming in from schools who are so far behind they have to be held back because the curriculum where they came from doesn't match the curriculum where they just enrolled? and whose fault is that?
Off to sell those socialist bingo games. :angel:


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 24, 2015, 02:08:21 PM
Ok. It figures, a southern school does something silly and now you are going so say "everyone" is doing it?   That is gonna heat up and get ridiculous. Why make a big deal out of it? It distracts from much needed classroom subject time.
It's the adults who are acting silly, making unimportant things important. Get over it people!
   As far as Delaware is concerned, it is the poorest performing student's parents who are complaining, not the parents of the good students who make sure their kids take school seriously. It's a shame really.
So now we go back to kids coming in from schools who are so far behind they have to be held back because the curriculum where they came from doesn't match the curriculum where they just enrolled? and whose fault is that?
Off to sell those socialist bingo games. :angel:

It's the same old, worn out rehortic from educators.

Blame the parents of poor performing students and accept no responsibility in the class room. Never changing.

Vut i notice there is no statics that back up such rehtoric.

Nobody said the same thing happens every where, but many things of similar bull shit happens at different schools.

Just how does having an American Flag detract from classroom subject time?

Do you think the kids are gonna be carrying a 5"X8" flag ?

Have you seen the Common Core Test personally Diane?

I think only a liberal would find this subject rediculous. Especially those that think they know all the answers to education but really don't know and don't really care.

You sure twisted this flag business around like a pretzel. And that Muslim religion too!
Excellent job of twisting ---- I do have to say.


If Flags and Muslim Religion isn't enough for you Diane
How about a little Homosexuality?
That should get the kids attention, don't ya think?
And you can blame the parents of the poor performing students.

'It was only a matter of time before this cultural insanity trickled to our public schools'
Published: 23 hours ago

A public high school in San Francisco has introduced a "gay" history that may become a model for schools nationwide, if homosexual-rights groups have their way.

"LGBT Studies" at the Ruth Asawa School of the Arts in San Francisco is regarded as a valid preparatory class that can be used to fill the requirements for attending California's public university system.

The creator of the course says it will cover "terminology," the history of various LGBT leaders, portrayals of LGBT people and "transgender issues."

The class may be just the beginning.



I'm not about to post the whole disgusting article good or bad.
But Diane did you catch that phrase " may become a model for schools nationwide"
So do you wait until it becomes national curricula or do you object first?


That's exactly what Republicans wanted when they establsihed State School Boards after the War For Southern Independence.

How about truly independent schools?  Naw, can't have that.  They wanted the indoctrination centers/government schools in order to teach the kids to be obediant to the Federals.  Republican/socialist thinking at its greatest level.


New York Education Commissioner
Threatens Legal Action
Against Parents
Who Oppose Common Core

25 Aug, 2015
by Warner Todd Huston

Rusty Weiss reports that the newly minted New York education commissioner, Mary Ellen Elia, has said parents that oppose the state's loathsome Common Core miseducation policy are dangerous and has threatened legal action against them.

In a recent speech, Elia called parents "ignorant" and then threatened to arrest them for daring to oppose her policies.

MaryEllen Elia recently gave a keynote address to a conference held by Educators 4 Excellence, in which she described the need to educate people who support the opt out movement on why it is such a good thing.

Here are several statements in which she opines about parental ignorance on Common Core:

"I believe that people involved in the opt out movement are not aware of the use and support that assessments can give to what happens in a school and in a classroom and/or what happens in a district."

"So let me say this very clearly. I think opt out is something that is not reasonable."

"I don't agree with opt out. I will, uh, and am moving forward to do everything I can so that we can make sure that we don't have our opt out in any way grow and in fact when people I think become more aware of the importance of having the assessments..."

See, it isn't that Common Core is a dysfunctional system of arbitrary measurement of academic achievement, it's that parents and students simply don't know what's good for them.

Elia also spoke of "ramifications" for the opt out movement.

"There are ramifications that can occur," she warned. "I'm not saying what will occur, I'm just saying there are."

That's where we are in America today. If you oppose the government's policy ideas the government threatens to prosecute you.


The government owns you.  Don't see how citizens can change the government education system.  Keep reciting the Pledge of Allegiance so they'll know you're still theirs'.

Diane Amberg

If your kids aren't ever going to go past 8th or 12th grade, it might not matter. But the kids who plan to, or need to, go on to any kind of further education have to have some way to compete for the available slots. There are many ways to do that, but doesn't some sort of evaluation have to be part of it?

  If you were in charge, how would you structure a child's education?
If you were the college admissions director how would you choose from plies of applications?
What would you do about the constant truants who doesn't go to school? What should become of them? Can't handle basics? No job, no way to take care of themselves...Then they become that public burden you hate so much.There are exceptions, of course, but they are very few.
Time to put away my farmers market purchases.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2015, 08:59:54 AM
If your kids aren't ever going to go past 8th or 12th grade, it might not matter. But the kids who plan to, or need to, go on to any kind of further education have to have some way to compete for the available slots. There are many ways to do that, but doesn't some sort of evaluation have to be part of it?

There has beena couple of evaluation methods in use for many years that have worked fine. If they need a tune up, a refinement that would be easily accomplished.

However for the Federal Government to do it Hitlers way with Common Core is totally wrong.

Why do you think so many parents are returning to home Schooling?

Why do you supose the public schools object to home schooling?

Yes, weve read and heard all the educators lame excuse's, but why are the public schools opposing home schooling?

The truth, can you handle the truth?

The truth is the public schools loose Federal money for every kid that is home schooled !

You defend Common Core all yu want, you defend educators all you want but the average citizen is more intelligent than you give them credt for. That;s my opinion and stand by it.

Time for me to get back to my rat killing. (figure of speach to return to work)  LOL

Diane Amberg

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