Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:55:05 PM
Ross, you have driven everyone else from the Forum,, look at how few are posting.

Mr. or Ms. Joesue23 you are so full of yourself.

And remember the Topic here isCommon Core Education And More About Federal Government Control, Not Diane or Ross.

Try to cheer up and have a good day Mr. or Ms. Montgomery County.


Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:55:05 PM
Ross, you have driven everyone else from the Forum,, look at how few are posting.

How many are supposed to be posting? 


Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
Ross you are an absolute idiot, no one on the forum has done even close to the Putdowns that you have. From the first time you got on the Forum until now you have lied, made up crap about everyone from the schoolboard, county commissioners, to anyone that opposed your trash. You are without a doubt the worst thing that has happened to Elk County. I own property and pay taxes in Elk County, have thought about moving there but  you  make me hesitant to do so. I am not defending Diane  I just tired of your trash and lies.

You sound much like someone from BVOK.

The worst thing to ever happen to Elk County was the invasion by the Republicans. 

I can understand your feelings about Ross.  Ross does a good job of countering much of the socialistic thinking. 

Hopefully, we'll be seeing much more of you and your views on this Forum.


Don't fear,
don't be intimidated,
Stand Up Now

Whatever you do in America influences everybody in the world. You have that grace. One thing that Islam is doing to defeat you is causing you to be cowards, fearful to stand up and speak against the invasion of

Islamization which is going on in your country. Stand up now, before it is too late."

Published on Jul 21, 2014

Pastor Mulinde is an ex-Muslim who was attacked by his former coreligionists.

This is only a portion of The United West's interview. The full interview is featured on Breitbart today (


Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
Ross you are an absolute idiot, no one on the forum has done even close to the Putdowns that you have.

Kettle calling the pot what?  And I resent the loss of that putdown distinction without a vote.  If one is going to preach pacifism, then shouldn't one be a tad more passive than those they criticize?

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
From the first time you got on the Forum until now you have lied, made up crap about everyone from the schoolboard, county commissioners...

Except when the information presented was factual, accurate and worthy of a non-emotional review.

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
You are without a doubt the worst thing that has happened to Elk County.

I'm not so sure... flooding, ice storms, lightening strikes and out of control fires have taken a fairly large toll.  And over a much greater time period to boot.

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
I own property and pay taxes in Elk County...

Hip, hip, hooray!  And so do a lot of other folks... including those you flame so profusely.

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
... have thought about moving there but  you  make me hesitant to do so.

C'mon down!  There's always room for one more.  Heck, you might even be able to help the shrinking population, dwindling economy or solve the age old 'bad roads' argument.

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
I am not defending Diane...

Uh huh.

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
.. I just tired of your trash and lies.

And his poor grammar & written form, I suspect.  Now, how about you try to correct those lies and 'trash' with some verifiable facts.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


While we're on the topic of personal attacks, inaccurate or incomplete information presented as fact, unproductive drivel and positive solutions, perhaps if there were less 'crap' and inaccuracy in your dialogue there could actually be some discussion about Common Core, Federal intrusion into local education or uninformed elected officials drooling over bigger budgets and dwindling progress.  Take a look at the majority of your posts since joining the forum and help us see the social redeeming value in them (hopefully in a separate thread).

Quote from: Joesue23 on December 16, 2014, 11:10:12 AM
Ross you are as full of CRAP as Obuma and Redcliff.

Quote from: Joesue23 on November 18, 2014, 04:08:33 PM
Ross how many School boards have you been elected to. How many County Commisioner  positions have you served on. I am betting none, you are totally full of hot air. Everyone in ELK county that I have talked to told me you were totally full of CRAP.

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 29, 2014, 06:55:56 PM
If Teresa and Kjell wanted to improve the Forum and participation by many on many good subjects all they would have to do is Shut Ross, Redcliff and 3 or 4 of Rosses cronies off. Everyone I have talked to is afraid to post because Rosses gets so rude if he doesn't agree with them.  I hope all of the voters will vote their heart and vote against Ross and his lies. Ross has Elk Konnected on the  Brain. Most of the people he has claimed were "El Konnected" had nothing to do with it. Ross is the worst thing to come to Elk County in along time. I know lots of you have told my family and friends that you ignore Ross.

Didn't know Ross was running.  Oh, wait, he wasn't.

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 06, 2014, 08:49:50 AM
I don't honk very many people are going to any attention to what you, Ross or hillbilly say . What have any of you 3 do e to help or benefit Elk County. If you have heard of the 3 Stooges, well you are the 3 idiots.

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
If you listen to Ross blow, everyone that doesn't agree with him is part of Elk Konnected. I happen to know that Shari Kaminski has never had anything to do with Elk Konnected. All my family and friends in Elk County intend to vote for Shari. She is super sharp and her family are Ranchers and landowners in Elk County. Doug is not a landowner and what he farms is land owned by Shari's Aunt. Think about it what has Ross done for Elk County, NOTHING.


Quote from: Joesue23 on August 06, 2014, 08:56:27 AM
The best thing that could happen to Elk County is for Ross and Hillbilly to leave and go put their negative crap on another county. Shari is a really sharp person and she has held some very important jobs with Major Oil pipelines, she will do great as a County Commissioner.  Her husband is part of a very longtime prominent and successful ranching family in Elk county. Shari's Mother served Elk count for many years and did. Great job of it, Shari will do well Also.

Quote from: Joesue23 on June 24, 2014, 08:40:44 AM
How did Elk County end up with so many nut cases like this Ross and Redcliff. There must be some loco weed getting in your water system.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot I don't know if I should be offended by your post or not. LOL
Na I ain't offended, I don't believe in being offended. LOL
I know I lack tact and diplomacy and don't practice that politically correct junk.

Marry Christmas to you and the wife.


I have abandoned this thread and the sillines of Joesue 23 and I can continue this B.S. if you desire at,11780.6270.html the thread known as
" Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25".

And this thread can return to it's intended topic, "Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control"

It's been a pleasure.


(I have read stories and heard stories of school dropping cursive because of Common Core, because no one will be using it. I think this article is relative to that issue. There is a video at the web site listed at the bottom of this post.)

CBS NEWS December 22, 2014, 6:47 AM
Keeping handwriting alive
in the digital age

Deep inside Microsoft's brand-new device laboratory outside Seattle, a team of highly skilled designers are working to perfect something we've all been using since grade school.

"The pen, as a tool for someone's mind, to express ideas and make them tangible, is incredibly powerful," Surface tablets creative director Ralf Groene said.

Groene leads the team that figures out how to make Microsoft's Surface Pro-3 tablet imitate paper and pen, reports CBS News correspondent John Blackstone.

"It feels just like a ball point pen button, right, so call it ClickNote, you click it, and a notepad appears and you can just jot these things down," Groene said.

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but it has been no match for the keyboard. In an age when surveys find 1/3 of the population hasn't written by hand for six months, re-imagining the pen seems counter-intuitive.

"I think there's a principle that is everything that can be digital, will be digital," Groene said. "If you take a powerful tool from the analog world, and you turn it into the digital space, or you connect it to the digital space, and all of a sudden, you multiply its use, its power."

A handwritten note on a tablet can be emailed, stored and shared around the world in an instant, but handwriting of any kind can be powerful for the mind.

"Writing is the way we learn what we're thinking," University of Washington professor Virginia Berninger said.

She studies the effect handwriting has on the human brain.

"Handwriting requires production of a letter form stroke by stroke," Berniger said. "The act of producing something supports perception, so we need to output in order to improve our ability to process what we input from the environment."

Using brain scans of young children, her team is scientifically proving what seems to be a simple truth.

"The handwriting, the sequencing of the strokes, engages the thinking part of the mind," she said.

It can also be good for business. MailLift CEO and co-founder Brian Curliss is building an entire company on the power of handwriting.

A handwritten note on a tablet can be emailed, stored and shared around the world in an instant, but handwriting of any kind can be powerful for the mind.

"Writing is the way we learn what we're thinking," University of Washington professor Virginia Berninger said.

She studies the effect handwriting has on the human brain.

"Handwriting requires production of a letter form stroke by stroke," Berniger said. "The act of producing something supports perception, so we need to output in order to improve our ability to process what we input from the environment."

Using brain scans of young children, her team is scientifically proving what seems to be a simple truth.

"The handwriting, the sequencing of the strokes, engages the thinking part of the mind," she said.

It can also be good for business. MailLift CEO and co-founder Brian Curliss is building an entire company on the power of handwriting.


I wonder how many got degrees?

The Scandal of African-American Studies

The third investigation into "irregular" classes for athletes and other students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) may have uncovered the collusion between academics and sports aimed to keep players in the "revenue sports" of football and men's basketball eligible to play. A scheme was hatched to help athletes who would otherwise be disqualified due to unacceptably low grade point averages.

Former federal prosecutor Kenneth Wainstein and his associates interviewed 126 witnesses and reviewed 1.6 million academic records during the eight-month investigation, which was released on October 16, 2014. They found classes in which no attendance was required, papers that were graded by an unauthorized staffer, that plagiarism was allowed, and that high grades were handed out regardless of merit. The deception went on for 18 years and involved 3,100 students, almost 48% of whom were student athletes.

Lots more to read at

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