Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So the back cover just joined up with the front cover...same book. Poor Cat,now it's her turn to be insulted... and she's a current teacher! tsk.tsk. It's a shame she won't see your snipe.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 18, 2014, 10:04:02 AM
So the back cover just joined up with the front cover...same book. Poor Cat,now it's her turn to be insulted... and she's a current teacher! tsk.tsk. It's a shame she won't see your snipe.

It's not a snipe !

It's a fact!

NOW it"s time for teacher to learn>

Hurry over to google and study COMMON CORE. lol

Diane, Catwoman will see this, remember education she said was not on ignore!

Besides I don't think either teacher knows how to use the ignore program.

Because you both eep showing up.

You might ask a kid hw to use it, they are real smart on computer.

More often than not smarter than their teachers and the computer techs that set the so called safety's. LOL

No insults just facts.

Bye-bye for now, until you return.


Hey Ross,
You like to discuss things publicly so let's discuss a few points from some of your recent posts.
1.  It was voters from West Elk USD 282 area that defeated the bond issue---not Elk County.  There are plenty of voters in Elk County outside West Elk's boundaries plus West Elk includes portions of Greenwood and Chautauqua County.
2.  How do you presume to know why the people voted as they did.  You lump the majority into a group opposing sports and athletics.  Was that the question on the ballot?  I didn't think so.  The question was rather there should be a bond issue created---for more things than just expanding/improving sports/athletics.
3.  It was Diane that put you on ignore, except for educational posts--not Catwoman.  You should read more carefully so you can criticize the right people.
4.  When has either Diane or Catwoman stated they put sports/athletics ahead of educational improvements?
Can you cite us a post where they did?  Or do you just feel you have the right to put your words into other people's mouths.  You must, based on the numerous times you have said that I'm KONNECTED, regardless of the explanations that I have provided to the contrary.
5.  When you can stay on the original topic of a thread, then you can criticize those that don't.  I couldn't begin to count the times you have changes topics, or 'hi-jacked' someone else's thread by inundating it with your personal, unrelated thoughts and opinions.
6.  I do not live in Elk County.  I do not live in USD 282.  I can't vote in elections for either.  I do pay taxes to both entities, so I feel perfectly justified in discussing issues involving them.  You don't necessarily have to be a resident to have a voice.
7.  You've gone on and on about how folks must think the local education system(s) can't be improved.  Can you cite me an instance where someone actually said that it can't?  I doubt it.  To your way of thinking, it appears that unless someone actually says that such-and-such can happen/change/whatever, then they must feel that it can't.  That's rather flawed logic.  You must be a homosexual, because we've never heard you say you weren't.  I know, that's an unfair example, but it gets the message across.
8.  Yes I know very little of this has anything to do with Common Core education, but most all of it has been talked about on this thread.
BTW, I numbered each point here, so it might be a little easier for you to separate, quote, and rebut each one.


 I take it I missed out on someone insulting me....????? lol  Hmmmmmm.  Ah, well, I've been called worse by better people.  Careful there, Mr. Durbin.  You are going to set yourself up for prolonged harranguing from the peanut gallery.  I have to admit, having the ignore option has greatly increased the peace and quiet.  You know, Diane, you said that you use the ignore option on everything but education.  Unlike you, once I have put someone on ignore, I don't read anything they've written.  It doesn't matter to me what the subject is...They are gone.  The mere fact that you actually care enough to try to read them when it comes to education?  Good for you...But I won't be joining you.  There is nothing they have to say that I am interested in hearing.



Quote from: ddurbin on June 18, 2014, 01:36:30 PM
Hey Ross,
You like to discuss things publicly so let's discuss a few points from some of your recent posts.
1.  It was voters from West Elk USD 282 area that defeated the bond issue---not Elk County.  There are plenty of voters in Elk County outside West Elk's boundaries plus West Elk includes portions of Greenwood and Chautauqua County.
2.  How do you presume to know why the people voted as they did.  You lump the majority into a group opposing sports and athletics.  Was that the question on the ballot?  I didn't think so.  The question was rather there should be a bond issue created---for more things than just expanding/improving sports/athletics.
3.  It was Diane that put you on ignore, except for educational posts--not Catwoman.  You should read more carefully so you can criticize the right people.
4.  When has either Diane or Catwoman stated they put sports/athletics ahead of educational improvements?
Can you cite us a post where they did?  Or do you just feel you have the right to put your words into other people's mouths.  You must, based on the numerous times you have said that I'm KONNECTED, regardless of the explanations that I have provided to the contrary.
5.  When you can stay on the original topic of a thread, then you can criticize those that don't.  I couldn't begin to count the times you have changes topics, or 'hi-jacked' someone else's thread by inundating it with your personal, unrelated thoughts and opinions.
6.  I do not live in Elk County.  I do not live in USD 282.  I can't vote in elections for either.  I do pay taxes to both entities, so I feel perfectly justified in discussing issues involving them.  You don't necessarily have to be a resident to have a voice.
7.  You've gone on and on about how folks must think the local education system(s) can't be improved.  Can you cite me an instance where someone actually said that it can't?  I doubt it.  To your way of thinking, it appears that unless someone actually says that such-and-such can happen/change/whatever, then they must feel that it can't.  That's rather flawed logic.  You must be a homosexual, because we've never heard you say you weren't.  I know, that's an unfair example, but it gets the message across.
8.  Yes I know very little of this has anything to do with Common Core education, but most all of it has been talked about on this thread.
BTW, I numbered each point here, so it might be a little easier for you to separate, quote, and rebut each one.

Chivalry is not dead ddurbin will defend the educated ladies that can not communicate for themselves, Let's hear it for ddurbin hip. Hip hooray! Enuf!

Now besides all the blah, blah, blah and pick, pick, pick thank you for the laugh of the day. And I quote:

Quote from: ddurbin on June 18, 2014, 01:36:30 PM
You must be a homosexual, because we've never heard you say you weren't.  I know, that's an unfair example, but it gets the message across.

You may believe whatever you wish Mr. Durbin it won't bother me one little bit.

You take things way to serious.

I make my points as my personal opinion and I don't ask anyone to believe a word I say.
Yet it bothers you and your girls tremendously, I therefore must ass/u/me that you either believe people will believe it as gospel or that people might discuss what I post and find the real truth elsewhere. Therefore, I am inclined to feel, I am accomplishing something. Thank you for your acknowledgement of myself and my posts.

Oh, one more thing a college degree does not make a person educated in all facets of life, usually only in one occupation. It really isn't the panacea for everything. I bet you didn't think I could put them thar words together like that did ya. LOL

Oh, I understand you think I should get upset and be offended and get terribly mad at you, but I apologize I can't do that. See how a negative can be a good thing.

I'd gladly by you a cup of coffee at Q-mart in Moline someday, if you have time sometime, let me know.

Thank you for all the time you put in to above quoted post.

You have a great evening, okay.

Bye-bye !


Diane Amberg

Why are you so bent on the negative comments about those of us who have college educations? My IQ would be just as high and my typing just as bad without it!
I have encouraged a number of people in my life to go back to school to get their GED.They did and never regretted it. One in particular went back to encourage his son, who was threatening to quit. His son was then so impressed with his father that he got himself turned around and finally graduated with very good grades.
Ralph worked his whole career on the line at GM, having grown up in the deep south with a severely alcoholic father who beat everyone whoever came near him.
Ralph finally ran away and did odd jobs here and there until he landed here. He married and had twins, one of which died of SIDS.  He was so impressed with how hard everyone on the ambulance worked to save the baby, and how kind they were to his family, he joined the fire company.. Some time later be took the EMT course and with a lot of tutoring from several of us, he passed on his second try. He eventually became the Ambulance Captain and was one of the best, most caring, EMTs we ever had. He was never very strong academically, but always managed to pass everything eventually I was so proud of him when he passed his GED, because those are hard courses! Even after, he took more night courses ,just because. He was always very gracious to those of us who helped,tutored and encouraged him. I'd like to have 50 more just like him. 
He didn't have a mean or jealous bone in his body, even though his early life had been tough. Unfortunately, he was a heavy smoker and had to have to have his larynx removed and a stoma created  to save his life after he developed throat cancer.( It was funny to hear him on the radio with his mechanical voice.) He then got involved with the American Cancer Society and helped new stoma patients.  BUT he was not going to give up riding just because of cancer, which eventually got him.  He was always a sweet loving person that everyone liked being around. Now I'll let you figure out why I wrote this.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 19, 2014, 11:57:21 AM
Why are you so bent on the negative comments about those of us who have college educations?

Because most of you think a degree is some subject makes you smart in all aspects of life.
That intellectual thinking makes for idiots.

And to you people think beloging to some rink dink organization makes you smarter another idiotic opinion.

I apologize for the ugliness of this response but sometimes the truth is just plain ugl.

You asked I answered.

Just skip on over to the hottest thread on the forum and read about some of those idiots.

Go ahead and slap me silly.

This thread was meant to bring awareness to those that might be unaware of the cons of Common Core nothing more.

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