Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control

Started by Ross, December 20, 2013, 02:42:05 PM

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Teacher Who Created Anti-Common Core Art Exhibit Says
Parents Are 'Dumbfounded' That
They 'Can't Help Their Third-Graders
Solve a Math Problem'

Jun. 13, 2014 3:02pm

Jennifer Ohar Scott sees Common Core from two sides: as a teacher and a parent. She says the view is bad from both.

"I'm the assistant leader of my daughter's Girl Scout troop and I've had conversations with parents who are mystified and dumbfounded that they can't help their third-graders solve a math problem," Scott told TheBlaze.

Scott, an art teacher at Medina High School, made news this week in the national education debate because of her art exhibit in Buffalo, New York, that she said was meant to show "how ridiculous and nonsensical" the Common Core State Standards are. The exhibit will be on display through June 18.

New York is a hot spot for the debate over the Obama administration-backed education standards developed by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers and adopted by 44 states and the District of Columbia.

Though adopted by states, Scott further said she "absolutely" believes that Common Core is a de facto federal mandate because its tied with U.S. Department of Education funding for school districts.

"They wave the carrot that they didn't have before," Scott said.

New York state Education Commissioner John B. King told WGRZ-TV the new testing is needed to assess student progress.

Nancy Zimpher, the chancellor of the State University of New York system, this week announced a national effort of college and university leaders supporting Common Core. Zimpher said too many high school graduates have to take remedial courses in college and that the higher standards will ensure they are college- and career-ready.

New York teachers unions have opposed the standards and Gov. Andrew Cuomo named a panel to review their implementation in the state. But little has changed, Scott said.
"He hasn't said much," Scott said of Cuomo. "He has just pointed his finger at King."

In one of Scott's paintings, King is depicted as looking through a school window as if it's a dollhouse at students made miserable by Common Core. In another, King is wearing a crown and turning his back, not listening to the concerns of the public.

She said she has gotten a uniformly positive response to her art.

"On Facebook and all social media, the response has been overwhelmingly positive," Scott said. "A student who graduated from here said 'way to go.'"

The states of Indiana, Oklahoma and South Carolina have opted out of the Common Core standards altogether. She said she hopes that other states follow regardless of their political views.

But she mostly sees first hand how badly it is affecting her school district, even outside Medina High School.

"It's too big a jump for too many kids," she said. "It's a serious problem at the younger level where children are struggling and could get left behind."


Only 44 of 51 States signed up for Common Core for Federal Money (400 Million Dollars) without a clue as to what Common Core was.

That's 44 out of 51 leaving 7 States that did not sign on.

There are at  present time 3 states that are opting out and may have to repay the 400 Million Dollars.

Kansas may just join the opt out States.


Mercedes Schneider 
Public school teacher, education activist, PhD

Oklahoma May Be First to
Really Dump Common Core

Updated:  06/10/2014 12:59 pm EDT   

On June 5, 2014, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed legislation repealing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Fallin told Politico that the CCSS term had become so tainted that it was time for CCSS to go:

"The words 'Common Core' in Oklahoma are now so divisive that they have become a distraction that interferes with our mission of providing the best education possible for our children," Fallin said.

Initially it seemed like Fallin might exercise a pocket veto in favor of "rebranding" CCSS as "Oklahoma standards" (see my May 24, 2014 post). After all, she is the current chair of the National Governors Association, part owner of the CCSS license.

Initial reports noted that Fallin had until June 2 to sign Oklahoma's CCSS-repeal bill into law. However, in her June 2 article, Susan Berry of Breitbart noted Fallin's deadline was June 7.

Fallin did not wait for the deadline.

In an interesting twist, Jeb-Bush Chief for Change, Oklahoma State Education Superintendent Janet Baresi said she supports Fallin's decision. As Politico reports:

Oklahoma state Superintendent Janet Barresi, also a onetime supporter of the Common Core, said that as the standards became tied to the federal government, she changed her mind.

"At one time, as it was emerging from Republican and conservative ideas from individual states, I did support Common Core," Barresi said in a statement. "As it has become entangled with federal government, however, Common Core has become too difficult and inflexible."

Jeb Bush, who continues to show outspoken support for CCSS, has foundations that have accepted millions to promote CCSS. He is even willing to sacrifice America's children's self esteem for some perceived international superiority magically achieved by an untested CCSS. As Bush told the Miami Herald in April 2014:

Bush has repeatedly explained the [Common Core] standards, implemented and controlled by the states, are designed to make the United States more competitive with the rest of the world. He said those who oppose the standards support the "status quo," oppose testing and are worried too much about children's self-esteem.

"Let me tell you something. In Asia today, they don't care about children's self esteem. They care about math, whether they can read - in English - whether they understand why science is important, whether they have the grit and determination to be successful," Bush said.

"You tell me which society is going to be the winner in this 21st Century: The one that worries about how they feel, or the one that worries about making sure the next generation has the capacity to eat everybody's lunch?" [Emphasis added.]

Here is the post I wrote detailing the legislation Oklahoma lawmakers approved on May 23, 2014, outlining the process to replace CCSS with state-based, state-decided, stakeholder-vetted English and math standards.

The Oklahoma legislation involves a careful process that legislators realize takes years. The Oklahoma process is nothing like the instant "process" Indiana exercised in supposedly "repealing" CCSS.

Until the new assessments are in place, Oklahoma will return to its former state standards. This is a major difference between Oklahoma and South Carolina, a state that supposedly dropped CCSS on May 30, 2014 -- but not until the 2015-16 school year. South Carolina is still in CCSS for another year -- which places it in a dangerous, CCSS-retaining position.

Of course, CCSS-peddling Mike Petrilli of the Fordham Institute tried to convince Oklahoma to keep CCSS. Petrilli has been travelling from state to state as a standards "expert"- whose "expertise" is in selling CCSS- even in states that had standards Fordham Institute graded as equal to or superior to CCSS.

Ironically, Petrilli told Oklahoma that repealing CCSS would "breed cynicism and distrust among educators and interrupt real progress"; that repeal would "waste money," and that Oklahoma would no longer be part of the CCSS "wave of innovation."

CCSS "wave of innovation" = Bill Gates' desired education "scale" that will "release powerful market forces" right into Pearson Education coffers.

When Oklahoma signed on for CCSS in 2010, Petrilli did not bother talking Oklahoma out of their decision despite the fact that Fordham Institute graded Oklahoma's standards in both English Language Arts and math as "too close to call" in comparison to CCSS.

Thus, according to Fordham Institute's own 2010 state standards/CCSS grading, Oklahoma's decision to adopt CCSS in the first place was a lateral move- both disruptive and unnecessary as concerns "improving" education in Sooner state.

Governor Mary Fallin is restoring some order. And wonder of all wonders, State Superintendent Janet Baresi appears to be following along.

Diane Amberg

Cat, I've got Ross on ignore except for educational subjects, or if someone has said something back to him that I'm interested in.
For some reason I always think I can eventually get through to him. Typical teacher,ehh?
I've always thought my job was to take a child at whatever stage they cross my path and take them as far as I can during my time with them. Unfortunatly, I've made no head way with Ross. His only goal is to try to discredit or embarrass me for some reason. I can't even get away with turning a phrase or using a figure of speech without it being  thrown back at me because he doesn't get it. I guess I'm stuck with posting to him in third grade language...subject ,verb and boring. Better yet let him think he's got it all figured out and stop posting to him. Yes Ross, I'm only 35...sheesh!
His in depth knowledge of teaching apparently comes from a few family members and has no more depth than that. I wish he would look at some modern teachers manuals to see how teachers are meant to engage their kids in the world we live in now.
There is nothing about education that can't be improved,always and forever. But going back to slate boards and lead sticks won't cut it.  Get with it or move on. and for Jane, I happen to agree. Improvements must be made ...or eliminate the tough inner city schools from the surveys.They skew everything 'way down.
Also I don't believe every kid should try to go to college or be made to feel they must.That is fairly new. Only a small % of kids were expected to in the 50's and 60's. Most went on to business schools, trade schools, military or directly to work. Employeers didn't expect their employees to have college educations to work in a lumber mill, build airplanes or bag groceries in the family store. That is now all out of balance. I blame the colleges. Many are in the "business"of education now and are constantly selling their education as a product. Even UD has a major in hotel management.Why? They probably have a major in dog washing that I don't know about. AND I will repeat one last time....the countries that are supposedly ahead of us have Gov't provided cirrucula, period.( Why can't some people on here get that?) They learn what they are told to, no choices. In some countries, the child's major is chosen for them. They don't have choice.Even after they are finished, a job may be chosen for them. Their freedom to choose can be very limited. So are those surveys valid? Perhaps, perhaps not. On the other hand, some of today's parents won't stand for their kids to be challenged.They want their kids to have that piece of paper, but not if its inconvienent.  Oh well, so much for the big picture. Some folks will always be looking into the wrong end of the telescope.


That is so sweet of you Diane to put me on ignore, thank you.
Too bad it doesn't work.

The figure of speech that something is older than you is not a figure of speech worthy of recognition as such, concerning something as new as 1983, which is just 31 years ago and you are old and retired right? It just doesn't fly that way. It was an attempt to show imtelect that did not exist. The old remark is not an insult because I am older than dirt, so I've been told. It sure beats the alternative, doesn't it? LOL

I do believe there may be a lcak of compassion for other people on your part as well.  Due to a lack of knowledge of the world around you. Parents can mean well, but may face problems you have no knowledge of and probably (from your postings) could care less.


To address your attitude about children that can not make it to school everyday, you said:

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 16, 2014, 01:47:43 PM
Kids who are supposed to go to school and don't, don't get an education. Truancy laws are different from state to state. In Maryland the teachers were not allowed to go seek out the missing children. That was the principal's job. How does a teacher get to know a child they rarely ever seeand is always weeks behind the other kids?

And I responded:

Quote from: ROSS on June 16, 2014, 03:22:46 PM

Diane I do get it. You have an extremist's attitude about the kids and it dwells well outside of the classroom and teaching. We have administrators to attend to problems out side of the class room. But that has little to do with educational standards and the job in the class room.

The School Board along with the KSDE set the standards here in Kansas.
For family problems and tardiness we have truancy laws and Child Protective Services.
Teachers are neither one and should concentrate on teaching in the class room, that what they are paid to do. They are not paid to be the parent or the parents boss. We now have not only School Nurses but School Counselors to handle student problems. Some schools may even have psychiatrist. So what is the problem of teachers paying attention to teaching in the class room.

And still Diane there is more to the equation than your own self interests, as a use to be teacher. There are other circumstances that you fail to take into consideration. Here is only one example.


Naked Holding Cells and Debtor's Prison:
The Latest Injustices For Women
in the Prison System
by Robin Marty
June 16, 2014

Now, we are moving further towards putting people in jail simply for being poor. We may not officially have debtor's prisons yet, but every day we are getting a step closer. This week, the Associated Press reports that a Pennsylvania mother serving a two day jail sentence has died while still in prison. Her crime? Her children hadn't always gone to school, and she had been fined $2000 in courts costs related to that fact.

Read more:

I do believe you may have a lack of compassion for other people, people you do not know. Possibly, Due to a lack of knowledge of the world around you. Parents can mean well, but may face problems, problems you have no knowledge of, and probably (from your postings) could care less.

Some understanding, comprehension, common sense and compassion is what is needed --- NOT COLLEGE DEGREES associated with a norrow areas of study.

Diane, I have taught, but not in the same sense as a grade school or high school teacher and I have learned but not in your typical class room. I have traveled parts of the world and learned different cultures, I have learned a great deal on day to day basis from people that new more than I knew. I have studied math you have most likely never heard of.

I have a diverse education from the US Navy to the oil transportation industry from Chicago to Huston and spots in between! 

I have trained (that is teaching) adults in accomplishing many different jobs.
I have studied and practiced leadership.
Leadershp is not taking credit for what others do, leadershp is not boasting. Leadership is allowing others to accopmiish and to take pride in their accomplishments.

I have also learned there is so much more to life than your opinion or my opinion.
One very important thing, i have learned is I am never through learning.

So please Diane teach me!

Teach me:
Teach me Comprehension
Teach me Understanding
Teach me Common Sense
Most of all Teach me Compassion for my fellow man!

Use all your college skills and teach me, perhaps others can learn from the lessons.

In the mean time where is your input about Comon Core? Do you like Obama's Common Core?

Do you believe there is always room for improvement in the educational standards?

Should the West Elk USD 282 School Board just continue to ignore the possibility of improving educational standards and continue to concentrate on Sports?

Today is the counting of the School Bond Issue Ballots to build a new gymnasium and I am going to observe, something new for me and I might just learn something. How about that Diane a learning experience. I hope to learn how badly it failed thanks to the great people of Elk County.

I am so glad you don't ignore me, because you are a learning experience, all by yourself. Thank you.



Well, Diane, you can't expect more of a person than they are capable of doing.  As you know, there are students that you can talk to until you're blue in the face and they are no further along than they were when you first got started.  In the meantime...It is soooo nice to get to talk to all of you again!!!  ;D ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on June 17, 2014, 09:13:00 AM
Well, Diane, you can't expect more of a person than they are capable of doing.  As you know, there are students that you can talk to until you're blue in the face and they are no further along than they were when you first got started.  In the meantime...It is soooo nice to get to talk to all of you again!!!  ;D ;D

And Diane the above demonstrates how narrow minded some teachers can be and possibly lack the skills to communicate properly!

Now about improving education for children and enticing teachers to teach, is Obama's Common Core and no tenure the way to accomplish better educational standards?

Should School Board Members be involved in educational standards or sports only?

Or is it fighting anyone that suggest that thing could be improved the way to go?

I've got the questions and would enjoy some real answers to discuss.

Oh durn that ignore thing failed again or was it the user that failed ?

There is surely a lesson there! LOL

Diane Amberg

Cat, Ross just isn't wired to do anything with education except gripe and find fault. I give up. Now he will start on you. See how he is? Twists and turns and making attachments where there are none and putting in material that has nothing to do with a teacher's responsibility. Not to mention there are are state laws that cover what teachers can and cannot do and may or may not do. After all, if kids don't go to school or never even go on the first day it must be the teacher's fault, right? I remember one poor little guy I had who transferred in from Tennessee.... except he didn't show up for school. We didn't even know we were to get him until his papers showed up weeks later from his previous school. They didn't know where he went, he just stopped coming and it took some detective work to find out where he had gone. He hadn't been going anywhere. He left the old school and was never registered anywhere else. But that's all the teacher's fault, right? Later on he killed himself. Very sad.
Now Ross is boasting ...he doesn't even know what he was doing is called training, not teaching.  ;) Now I have no "compassion?" What a crock! WOW.
Excuse me now, I have to go start a lesson plan for a unit I was asked to teach for the summer school kids from the Delaware School for the Deaf.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 17, 2014, 02:16:42 PM
Cat, Ross just isn't wired to do anything with education except gripe and find fault.

Not really Cat, Ross would like to see improvements in School Attitude and School Board Attitude.

Total concentration on Sports is not what Education is all about.

We defeated the School Boards plan for a new gymnasium today.

Yes the bond issue failed just as they predicted.

Oh by the way,  what do you know about Obama's Common Core?   Nothing?

So if they are so educated why waste taxpayer and student money to hold the election?

Attitude that's why!

They had already said months ago they would do another Bond issue in November, that is their plan. No they did not put it in the minutes of the meeting just as a lot of other things don't make the minutes.

Are these supposedly elite educated officials going to set an example for the Students by bullying the voters and taxpayers by using another bond issue for the third time?

Only time will tell ?

I may be a smart ass but I ain't no dumb ass !

I am fully in favor of improvements in education and a fancy sports arena does not meet tht standard.

To bad you so called teachers fail to comprehend simple facts.


Well, starting in on someone is rather dependent upon that person actually hearing you...Which isn't happening anymore, thank God.  Let me know how the lesson plans for the School for the Deaf go.  You shouldn't have any problem turning out something that they will all greatly enjoy!!!   :) :)


Quote from: Catwoman on June 17, 2014, 07:13:58 PM
Well, starting in on someones is rather dependent upon that person actually hearing you...Which isn't happening anymore, thank God.  Let me know how the lesson plans for the School for the Deaf go.  You shouldn't have any problem turning out something that they will all greatly enjoy!!!   :) :)

You know what, lot's of people are reading this and i am sure it has to be for the entertainment value, LOL.
Cause ya can't seem to communicate anything sensible, Concerning the subject of thread.

Where did you go to school?
Did they teach anything about staying on subject?
Is that part of your college degree by any chance?

I enjoy you and Diane tremendously for the entertainment value myself. LOL
Just keep letting educational standards continue to slip away, right?
No improvement with that kind of thinking is there?

And apparently ya think Sports is  more important than improving Education.

The majrity of voters in Elk County don't think so.

Your Konnected buddies lost their election again, sorry - not.     LOL
Do you think they will continue on into the realm of bullying the voters and taxpayers?

But what can one expect from long distant people to Elk County? Just a bunch of bull shit!
Oop's sorry -- not!    LOL

Ya just don't have a clue about Obama's Common Core do you?

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