Times Are A'Changin'

Started by genealogynut, April 23, 2007, 05:11:13 PM

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My! My! My!  Can you just visualize/imagine your ancestors from 150-200 years ago, trying to live in today's world?  If they stepped into our world for a day, they would probably feel as if they were on a different planet......all this modern electronic gadgetry would more than likely horrify them!  And the new modern bathrooms...........well, would they even know what they were used for?  If my great-grandparents seen how the women of today dressed, she be a tellin' that gal to go hide  and not to show herself until she got some clothes on, and among other things!

Back then, their mode of transportation was either walk, horses or mules.  They's be shocked to see cars, airplanes, trains, etc. today.

If today's generation were to step backwards into the 1800s, we'd probably feel dumber than a doornail, also.  We wouldn't know how to churn the butter, spin and weave, use their irons, plow the fields, etc.

Haven't things really changed?


The spin and weave would throw me, but I learned to churn using a big jar.  We didn't have a churn.  As for ironing, I have used flat irons, heated on the stove.  I learned with an electric iron, then we moved where there wasn't any electricity, so it was back to the flat irons.  Learned to sew on my mother's treadle sewing machine.  I can darn socks, hand work a buttonhole, turn a collar when necessary.  And I have followed my father behind the old moldboard pulled by a team.  I was picking up worms.  I have to say, no way, Jose, would I go back to the old ways.  There is nothing romantic about the olden times.  I like my indoor bathroom, electricity, central heat and air, TV and especially my computer.


I wouldn't care to live in a one room log home or a soddy, either, havin' a youngun' every year, nor havin' to carry water up from the stream, river or well for household use, and only getting to take a sponge bath occasionally.  No sir-e-e-         I'm gonna count my blessings!!   :)

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