Raise Minimum Wage . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 08, 2013, 06:25:15 AM

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It should be noted when Ron Paul introduced the TIPS act to help the very people who make minimum wage and see their tips taxed, there were more than 300,000 service workers in Dirty Harry's own state of Nevada. Did he support the bill? Not a chance. The bill died in committee - not a single Republican or Democratic/Communist Party USA rat in the Outlaw Congress supported it.

Dec. 12, 2000 - Paul Calls for an End to Withholding Taxes -Congressman calls current revenue system 'inherently deceptive'

April 4, 2001: Congressman Paul Introduces Legislation to Abolish Withholding Taxes

January 29, 2009: Ron Paul Introduces Tax Free Tips Act - Waiters, waitresses and other employees who receive tips would not pay federal income tax on them.

Why the silence from the thugs who run the SEIU (Service Employees International Union birthed by the Communist Party International) who don't give a tinker's dam about their members when those bills were introduced and died? If they cared so much about their workers, they would have fought to get Ron Paul's bill passed through Congress because those bills - especially the TIPS Act - would have greatly benefited their membership.
-Devvy Kidd


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