Classrooms vs Number of Students

Started by Mom70x7, November 30, 2013, 02:23:52 PM

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Quote from: Bullwinkle on December 04, 2013, 10:44:23 AM
      In addition, I could give a rat's patoot who blocks who. BFD. Those people are putting their heads in the sand.

Bullwinkle they can block if they want, but they still read what they block. 

I just spoke to a person this morning that has blocked a few people but can't resist reading what they post.

Why? Human curiosity, natural human tendencies because they are afraid someone will make a good point, or worse yet say something bad about them. Also, if they want to post to the thread they need to know everything that is posted so as not to make fools of themselves.  Extremely simple!

So, I'd only suggest they block everyone, because it means absolutely nothing.

It is a terrific way of having an excuse not to answer a question! However, if that excuse is used it only means there is no answer and therefore nullifies the statement in question. Just Common Sense!

Allow me to quote a couple of posts please!

Quote from: farmgal67357 on December 03, 2013, 07:38:51 PM
I've been in that school, and I've seen how it's set up. Hubby used to teach there. It's something to think about. I know we don't live in a huge city, but crazy is everywhere!! For example, school shootings don't just happen in big towns. Heaven forbid ANYTHING like that happens here!!

Quote from: ROSS on December 03, 2013, 07:45:35 PM
I must ask what small rural community with a distance of 60 t0 80 mile from the nearest large city has had a shooting?

Please provide an internet link.

Thank you.

No response, because the statement can not be backed up with anything substantial. There for nullifying the statement. Just yak, yak!

I even asked a second time:

Quote from: ROSS on December 03, 2013, 09:46:50 PM
I'm anxious to see that link showing a small community with a distance of 60 t0 80 mile from the nearest large city that has had a school shooting?


Still no response to back up her words. Just yak, yak in my opinion!


Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.
Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just say," NO " [/quote]


Here is some more yak yak Bullwinkle!

It's just my opinion but I can say that anyway because I think
he is probably claiming me as one of those people he talks about, that ruin the forum.

But he won't care because I am blocked and he won't be reading this, right? LOL

Quote from: frawin on December 03, 2013, 09:22:36 PM
I understand Wilma, 4 people have ruined the Forum. It is nothing like it used to be. The only reason I even it read it is because I was able to block 4 people .

But attempting to be polite I gave him a kudo, but I guess he didn't read it, because of the blocking thingy. I'm so proud of him I could just pop! But that means he can not intelligibly debate the issue on this thread can he. He can not say anything I post is wrong and why, what a shame. Poor guy!

Anyway I asked him a couple of questions about his remarks and no answer. Which effectively nullifies he point, doesn't it?

Here is a quote of those questions, it such a shame he can't read this and respond, isn't it?

Quote from: ROSS on December 03, 2013, 09:36:19 PM
Good job frawin!

Who were them people?
Did you ask the the owners of the forum to throw them off the forum?
What did the owners have to say about your accusations?
The nerve of some people, huh?

Don't forget to vote "NO" okay?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "

Isn't its time for you guys to start another thread on this subject?


Can a huge building teach children! I don't think so! Do you?

Here is some information that might be helpful to School Boards who want to rely on a Taj Mahal to increase educational standards.

Oh, has the School Board recognized the numbers concerning poverty in it area? Don't you think those numbers should tell you something? Approximately half of your students are on free meals for poverty reasons aren't they?  Or is that a lie just to get funds from the state? Just askin'.

I just read this on the internet and thought I'd share it with you: "Sellin' soap's like sellin' hope, you can't sell either one without a little bit of lye."  Rather clever isn't it? But in some cases it might take a a whole lot of Lye, huh?

U.S. Achievement Stalls as Other Nations Make Gains
Published Online: December 3, 2013

Performance-Based Test for Teachers Rolls Out
Published Online: December 2, 2013
Published in Print: December 4, 2013, as Performance Key on Teacher Tests

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

I think, I will put this over there on the Elk Konnected Hand Out thread so no one misses this.

Diane Amberg

Ross, by the way, the numbers I gave you about classrooms and number of students were from Maryland, not Delaware.
Do you ever really listen to what others have to say?..I mean really listen? You seem so full of yourself, you would never hear another good idea if it was presented to you on a gold platter! Have you, yourself, researched what other similiar sized communities with similar problems have done to take care of their particular issues? Smacking me because of where I live does not mean I don't know anything about kids, education in general, and the give and take on solving educationally associated problems. If things were "fixed " what would you have to bellyache about?
Listen to what the kids that go to West Elk have to say. How about asking the teachers who work in the portables how they feel about them? On the one hand you are saying there have been no small town school shootings so the portables are just fine,but on the other hand they are awful things that must be gotten rid of. Can't have those kids exposed to Kansas weather to go into the main building. but you don't want a safe area in a storm shelter either. You also don't acknowledge the costs of re-openimg a moth balled school,  or the transportation cost increases once kids are back to further travel distances.
    I actually think some of the kids here travel further to school than some of yours do. The kids who go to choice schools travel 12,14 or more miles to school, one way.  Plus, you never had to deal with forced desegregation. The kids then were on the busses more than an hour each way. Distance is distance no matter what state it's in.
When are you going to pin down what your real problem is?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM

Ross, by the way, the numbers I gave you about classrooms and number of students were from Maryland, not Delaware.

Who cares, those numbers are as different as apples and oranges. We are Elk County, Kansas in the Center of the US of A and not out on the North Eastern Seaboard or anywhere close to it. Here are the statistics of your Apples and Oranges. Ya just can't compare them as being the same. I have tried real hard to explain this to you! Does this help? Do you comprehend the difference or do you need more edumaction teacher?

Talbot County, Maryland
Population       5.885 million (2012)
Persons per square mile, 2010    594.8   
Population, 2012 estimate    38,098
Median household income, 2007-2011    $63,399   
Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2007-2011    $352,200   $319,800

Elk County, Kansas, Population                  81,758.72 Square miles
2.886 million (2012)           
Persons per square mile, 2010    34.9   
Population, 2012 estimate    2,720
Median household income, 2007-2011    $34,246   
Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2007-2011    $53,200   

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM
Do you ever really listen to what others have to say?..I mean really listen? You seem so full of yourself, you would never hear another good idea if it was presented to you on a gold platter! Have you, yourself, researched what other similiar sized communities with similar problems have done to take care of their particular issues? Smacking me because of where I live does not mean I don't know anything about kids, education in general, and the give and take on solving educationally associated problems.

You too my dear are so full of yourself, Elk Konnected, belonging to organizations that tell you how to think and the denial of facts that we are not on the North Easter Seaboard.

I am not smacking you because of where you live. I am not smacking you at all. But you are still very thoroughly confused about the difference between Elk County financial and population in comparison to the heavily populated states and their finances on the North Eastern Seaboard. Why don't you apply all those skills you brag about in your own community or state? I'm sure they have plenty of problems you could help them solve. You could even attend their School Board Meetings like i do here!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM

If things were "fixed " what would you have to bellyache about?

If they were "fixed" you would have nowhere to be able to compare your Apples and Oranges, would you?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM

Listen to what the kids that go to West Elk have to say. How about asking the teachers who work in the portables how they feel about them? On the one hand you are saying there have been no small town school shootings so the portables are just fine,but on the other hand they are awful things that must be gotten rid of. Can't have those kids exposed to Kansas weather to go into the main building. but you don't want a safe area in a storm shelter either.

You sure are getting better at twisting words , just like a good politician or someone from some organization. Keep practicing, practice makes perfect. But, okay. back on subject okay.

Are the teachers going to pay for the classroom they are hired to work in?
If the teacher is a resident of the School District she has just as much say as I do, or any other voter does, but no more say, than the rest of us --- when she/he cast their ballot. Don't you understand that is how the system works ?

I never have never said there has never been a small town school shooting, I asked (now you pay attention please!). I asked for a link to a small town school shooting, in a town 60 to 80 miles from the nearest Metropolitan Area. Can you provide that information? I really doubt it! And it had nothing what so ever to do with the portable buildings

That statement about the storm protection is just so much bull. If you recall it was the foolishness of the School Board that put the children in portable buildings that cost $500,000 and the same School Board that foolish in my opinion that wants to foolishly put the School District millions of dollars in debt to build a Taj Mahal for How-weird! By the way thanks for sharing that How -- weird thing. I never knew that before you told me. Back to the storm shelter thing apparently there is plenty of warning time and the portable buildings are practically attached to the building and have covered walkways. And apparently the School Board was comfortable with that when they spent $500,000 to install them.

In case you didn't know the school had a serious discussion about hiring their own police officer and apparently decided it was not necessary.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM

You also don't acknowledge the costs of re-openimg a moth balled school,  or the transportation cost increases once kids are back to further travel distances.

Oh but I have, I believe you should back up to your question to me. Let me quote you:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM

Do you ever really listen to what others have to say?..I mean really listen?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM
    I actually think some of the kids here travel further to school than some of yours do. The kids who go to choice schools travel 12,14 or more miles to school, one way.  Plus, you never had to deal with forced desegregation. The kids then were on the busses more than an hour each way. Distance is distance no matter what state it's in.

Again,  Apples and Oranges! You have far more highways for one and there are many, many more factors involved than simply mileage. So get over yourself.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 09, 2013, 11:17:31 AM
When are you going to pin down what your real problem is?

I could pin my problem down to it being you, but I won't. Because, I enjoy your maladjusted communications. Keep 'em coming. You forgot to spell check your post teacher. I thought, I'd remind you, because you remind everyone else and I thought you would appreciate it in return.
Here is sincerely wishing you a Very Merry Christmas.

Do you by any chance follow national news?
Have you read what Mr. Greenspan has to say about today's Economy?
He is far more intelligent than you and I put together, don't you agree?
Here is the headline for you! This should stand as the loudest warning about creating millions of dollars of debt for the taxpayer.

Greenspan: Economic 'Uncertainty' Greatest I Have Known

Detroit and numerous other and communities have filed bankruptcy because of debt they could not pay. Are we to follow suit? Yes this is Apples and Oranges. But we are know as a poor county not a rich one.

So keep in mind there are other alternatives besides going Millions of Dollars in Debt, and my suggestions should not be the only one !

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just say," NO " [/quote]   

Diane Amberg

By the way, I agree you don't need a resource officer at your schools out there. by the way, lower Delaware is very rural and has small schools.  There are entire districts that have fewer kids  than we do up here in one school where the population is. you just don't understand...We are a very small state with most of the population here near me. Once you cross into Kent county, the population disappears and it's little ittybitty towns, chicken and truck and grain farms. There only one major highway, rt 13.  The rest are basically farm- market roads. We are not huge nor solidly suburbs and cities. There are only three in the whole state, Dover, Wilmington, and Newark. The state population has just under 900,00.  Kansas has 28,88 905.
Frankly, I always thought the lack of population was one of the endearing things about Elk County. I guess not...You sure do want to change it! Or stick the kids there in Quonset huts with slate boards. Oh never mind,that's what you think the portables already are. Did you ever find out what the teachers think of them, like I asked? I liked the one I was in for several years...had air conditioning! ;)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 11:27:09 AM
Frankly, I always thought the lack of population was one of the endearing things about Elk County.

Delaware is still Delaware
Maryland is still Maryland
    Kansas is still Kansas

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 11:27:09 AM
Frankly, I always thought the lack of population was one of the endearing things about Elk County.

My exact sentiment!
I had enough of the crowded city life and chose to retire here.
We do not have the population to support a Taj Mahal.
I have already heard rumors of people planning to move out of the county if a multi-million dollar School Bond Debt is passed.
We have already seen numerous properties and houses abandoned and sold for recovery of some of the back property taxes. I can just see more of this happening further reducing the population. Reducing the number of children attending, an all ready oversized school building. Which would require increasing the school property taxes even more, which would most likely create a cycle of further reduction in population?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 11:27:09 AM
I guess not...You sure do want to change it! Or stick the kids there in Quonset huts with slate boards. Oh never mind, that's what you think the portables already are.

You are not paying attention, Diane! It is not me who wants to change things.
I believe if you read through this thread, I do believe you will find it is Elk Konnected who is dissatisfied with Elk County.

And I believe Elk Konnected has gained full control of our School Board just like they did with the County Commissioners Board until we voted one of them off the board. I believe we have 5 out of 6 School Board Members that are Elk Konnected in one way or another giving Elk Konnected the controlling votes on the School Board. I have asked several times on this forum and no response which is also no denial of belonging to Elk Konnected, in my personal opinion.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 11:27:09 AM
Did you ever find out what the teachers think of them, like I asked? I liked the one I was in for several years...had air conditioning! ;)

Who do you think wants to get rid of the $500,000 portables we have only got two years use out of, the administration and the teachers and those people that perhaps live in Howard that consider them to be eye sores.

I do believe Howard, who tries very hard to claim West Elk as if it were city property, thought the portables were a stop gap until a new grade school was built under a 5.5 million dollar bond issue. As the school superintendent expressed at a recent School Board Meeting, Howard approved that bond issue. I have pointed out on this forum that Howard can not approve a School Bond Issue, it takes a majority vote from all of the Voters in the School District. Stating that Howard approved the Bond Issue is just plain foolishness.

A Taj Mahal of a School Building will do nothing for nobody or any community except to create higher property and the momentum to raise the school property taxes 3 mil every year there after to pay for greater electric bills, greater water bills, greater maintenance bills.

The School Board said they could not afford to keep the grade schools open even though the Moline Grade School was upgraded in 2004 to the tune of Millions of dollars.
The main excuse for shutting down the Moline, and I heard this with my own ears, was because it would not be fair to Severy to bus their children to Moline. In my heart what I thought I was sincerely hearing was, we don't want to bus Howard down to Moline. Because, if fairness had anything to do with this whole situation, both the Severy and Moline Schools would still be open. Just my opinion and I don't ask any one to accept it as their own opinion. But it is some thought and toss it around and throw it out.

If  this proposed idea makes it to a Bond Issue and passes I expect to see an exodus from Elk County to area's with less taxes. If it doesn't pass in April, which is what the School Superintendent told the School Board they will have time to re-invent or change their plans and come back at the voters again in November? Is this what these people are elected to the School Board for? To behave like rebellious teenagers ad not accept "NO" for an answer. Is it they don't care what the voters tell them and will just continue wasting  money intended for education on contractor/salesmen.

"SHUT UP"  all you naysayer voters, is what I am hearing from the actions of the School Board. Actions speak louder than words and the action of wasting money is loud and clear. Even if there are alternatives to massive debt and massive interest.

IF a
Grade School is
the Moline
Grade School
save millions

and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "

Diane Amberg

Ross, obviously Howard doesn't care what you think. Howard is not a person, it is a place. Since the problems apparently go back to when West Elk was new, several generations of school board, city and county council members have taken their turns trying to solve the problems many small towns everywhere face.You make it sound like you think they are all stupid or crooks working for some builder who gives them kick backs. I don't believe it.
Even the efforts to have the little towns work together for the betterment of all was assassinated. So beat the clock. Before you all have a total loss of viable population, close all the Elk County schools and ship the kids off to boarding school somewhere. Problem solved. You say their education is crappy anyway, so no loss.
The way you that  you look at things, your questions have no answers. I doubt the state would reopen Moline anyway. I rather think it's more than just a local issue. You don't have the answers, attack any suggestions from anyone else, will probably move away soon because of the high taxes. After all, he doesn't want a poor yucky poo Kansas education for his son. Be like the rest and go (where?)....or so states Ross and his unsubstantiated rumors. 
Ok folks, sign up for Ross's wagon train to the promised land. A free bottle of snake oil with signature. What a pessimistic personality. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Now, instead of tossing it back on me ,come up with some real answers with real substantiation and provable facts, not speculation and rumor. Or leave the sinking ship and go to some tropic island. 8) ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM
Ross, obviously Howard doesn't care what you think. Howard is not a person, it is a place. Since the problems apparently go back to when West Elk was new, several generations of school board, city and county council members have taken their turns trying to solve the problems many small towns everywhere face.

You are exactly right How-Weird as you told me it is known as, apparently doesn't care about anything other than them selves. As demonstrated at the school board two nights ago. The School Principal was reporting to the School Board when the Howard residential, Elk Konnected member or booster, President of the Howard Chamber of Commerce and School Board Member asked, why the school was scheduling things that conflict with the Howard Chamber of Commerce.

Sure anyone can spout off about problems, but can you say exactly what the problem is. Speaking generically is a failure to comprehend and communicate in my opinion.

Besides the present problem of rejecting a "NO" on a School Bond Issue is now, not back when West Elk was built. Redesigning a Grade School as extensions to the present building is just a ruse. The thing they really want is a new gymnasium, because it is all about sports and not education. Read the other thread, where I discuss all the sports at the School Board Meeting. And notice nary a thing was said about improving educational standards. So just keep beating a dead horse Diane even though it is a waste of time.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

You make it sound like you think they are all stupid or crooks working for some builder who gives them kick backs. I don't believe it.

You say that,based on your lack of ability to comprehend what you read.
Or is it a foolish attempt to just make me look bad. Again, just another failure on your part.
But keep trying.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

Even the efforts to have the little towns work together for the betterment of all was assassinated.

Now that is shameful of you! Attempting to perpetrate such a lie is horrendous, in my opinion.

We all know you are speaking of the tiny little NGO know as Elk Konnected and that you are Konnected. I also believe most people consider it a Howard organization because it sports a Howard address.

Just how do you get the little towns to work together? Do you accomplish by dissing two of those communities in your organizations very first public letter announcing why you are starting your organization ? I don't think so!

But as far as your assignation goes, I believe that they are still very much alive due to the fact they have a web site and a Face Book site.

I also believe that they are a strong standing control of our local School Board by having the majority of the School Board Members as Konnected members as well.
Assissinated ~~~ Preposterous! Diane what are you smoking up there in Delaware?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

So beat the clock. Before you all have a total loss of viable population, close all the Elk County schools and ship the kids off to boarding school somewhere. Problem solved.

That is another one of your preposterous statements, perhaps that kind of thinking is considered good thinking in Delaware but not here.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

You say their education is crappy anyway, so no loss.

Nope I never did say that! If you believe, I said that find the statement and post it right here as a quote in the same fashion I quote you, please. Otherwise you my dear might get to be known as a liar.

I do recognize that education standards can be improved, just as our state and federal governments and highly educated people do. But, I guess you fail to comprehend that simple possibility.  Does our School Board address that possibility? "NO"

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

The way you that  you look at things, your questions have no answers.

And you got your degree where?
Every question has an answer!
Every problem has a solution!
[color=purple]Get real![/color]
Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

I doubt the state would reopen Moline anyway. I rather think it's more than just a local issue. You don't have the answers, attack any suggestions from anyone else, will probably move away soon because of the high taxes.

I suppose like any good Obama person you believe in tax 'em until it hurts and until they have no more money to tax 'em for.
Where is that Konnected positive attitude?
Where is that Konnected attitude of trying to get communities to work together?
You can have all the doubts you want, way up there in Delaware and that in my opinion that is where they should stay. You have no clue.
And apparently you have no clue what can be accomplished by the people of Elk County without an NGO!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM

After all, he doesn't want a poor yucky poo Kansas education for his son. Be like the rest and go (where?)....or so states Ross and his unsubstantiated rumors. 

Diane it sounds like you are losing your mind, please seek help. I choose to live here and you choose to be arrogantly ignorant. You sound just like all those hair brained ideas from Elk Konnected on page one of
Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 10, 2013, 09:03:28 PM
Ok folks, sign up for Ross's wagon train to the promised land. A free bottle of snake oil with signature. What a pessimistic personality. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Now, instead of tossing it back on me ,come up with some real answers with real substantiation and provable facts, not speculation and rumor. Or leave the sinking ship and go to some tropic island. 8) ;D ;D ;D

See Diane you don't appear to comprehend much of anything.
I have repeatedly stated I don't have any answers and I am here only to raise questions and seek answers.
I have also repeatedly told people to think for themselves and not to believe anything I post.

Surely if you read those previous two lines several times you may eventually comprehend what is being said through out this and several other threads through out this forum.  Good Luck with your efforts to comprehend.

I suppose they can tell they are being played for all the wrong reasons and can recognize the lies. I suggest you give them credit for having the same abilities.

There is always more than one solution to any problem Diane, remember that, please.

Here is a suggestion:

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL, Just say," NO "    

Diane Amberg

Sorry Ross, trying to insulting me will not ever solve your problems. I not only do comprehent what I read, I  comprehend what's in beteen the lines and know what you are trying to do with your between the lines assumptions, distractions and misleading attempts to slide the reader off subject and take control.We have a female "you" here too. She is you all over. She is very rude and manipulative and has no respect for those in charge or those who won their positions.. The chairs have to be very careful of her, because she tries to take over meetings and direct them to where ever she wants to go. She has to constantly be reminded that her whims are not on the agenda and it's not the public's turn to speak.
Your practice of bringing up things that are years old, as if they just happened, with different people even, is very disappointing and seems to be a failing attempt to keep things stirred up.
Get over it.You are still assuming you know what's on the school board's mind, with no proof....and you won't accept what people present as facts. I truly don't know what you are trying to do. People have heard your position over and over and over.It appears many do not agree, end of issue. Some have tried to explain to you but, you rudely snub them.... your own residents!
Don't bother answering, I'm going back to ignore and won't see it any more than others will who have already been worn out and put you on ignore some time ago. I only read someod you because i wanted to know what Wilma had been talking about. Sadly, I wasn't surprised.

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