Classrooms vs Number of Students

Started by Mom70x7, November 30, 2013, 02:23:52 PM

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I understand Wilma, 4 people have ruined the Forum. It is nothing like it used to be. The only reason I even it read it is because I was able to block 4 people .


Quote from: frawin on December 03, 2013, 09:22:36 PM
I understand Wilma, 4 people have ruined the Forum. It is nothing like it used to be. The only reason I even it read it is because I was able to block 4 people .

Good job frawin!

Who were them people?
Did you ask the the owners of the forum to throw them off the forum?
What did the owners have to say about your accusations?
The nerve of some people, huh?

Don't forget to vote "NO" okay?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "


Quote from: Wilma on December 03, 2013, 09:06:59 PM
Just tired of the ranting.

Time to take a break dear.

In the mean time don't forget to vote "NO", okay.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "


Quote from: farmgal67357 on December 03, 2013, 07:38:51 PM
I've been in that school, and I've seen how it's set up. Hubby used to teach there. It's something to think about. I know we don't live in a huge city, but crazy is everywhere!! For example, school shootings don't just happen in big towns. Heaven forbid ANYTHING like that happens here!!

Quote from: ROSS on December 03, 2013, 07:45:35 PM
I must ask what small rural community with a distance of 60 t0 80 mile from the nearest large city has had a shooting?

Please provide an internet link.

Thank you.

I'm anxious to see that link showing a small community with a distance of 60 t0 80 mile from the nearest large city that has had a school shooting?


Perhaps your husband could be employed again with West Elk School District if they were to reopen the Moline Grade School! Wouldn't that be nice?

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.



I also have certain people blocked!

Quote from: frawin on December 03, 2013, 09:22:36 PM
I understand Wilma, 4 people have ruined the Forum. It is nothing like it used to be. The only reason I even it read it is because I was able to block 4 people .


Ross, I will always vote "yes" on anything that will improve our school system and make it easier for the children and teachers.  Even if it costs me as much or more as an extra hundred dollars on my taxes.  I can always save that much by cutting out a couple of trips to the big city a year.  It would be even easier for smokers.  Just give up something that is costing you more per year than your school taxes.


      I'm interested to know what you want to make easier for the students and teachers, Wilma. From what I have seen, that is one of the problems with the school systems today, passing kids who haven't learned the basics. Readin, Writin and Rithmatics.

     I have said before, if the population is going down, why is there a need to expand? To do away with the portables? I can see the need for another gym, but not a pile of upgrades to what is working.( If it isn't working then how are they holding classes) We don't have the money to build just to keep up with the Jones's. Many of us here are just getting by and making a fraction of what those in the school system make.

     Overcome, adapt, persevere.


      In addition, I could give a rat's patoot who blocks who. BFD. Those people are putting their heads in the sand.


Quote from: Wilma on December 04, 2013, 08:14:34 AM
Ross, I will always vote "yes" on anything that will improve our school system and make it easier for the children and teachers.  Even if it costs me as much or more as an extra hundred dollars on my taxes.  I can always save that much by cutting out a couple of trips to the big city a year.  It would be even easier for smokers.  Just give up something that is costing you more per year than your school taxes.

It is not to improve the school system.
It is to build a building.
A building that is not needed.

If you want to improve the school system which function is to educate all the children improve the educational standards.

People are being feed the wrong information and seem to be un-able to decipher the difference, in my opinion.

Building a Taj Mahal for Howard and creating massive debt for someone's ego is not improving the educational system.

Building a massive sports field is not improving the educational standards either.

If this kind of thinking and taxes continues, the populations of Elk County will most like continue to decline, possibly at a faster rate than at the present rate. This is just the opposite effect of what some people are hoping for.  There would mean fewer and fewer people shopping in Howard e grocery store, at the drug store, at the hardware store and other merchants businesses.

I suppose, if you painted the building with 24 karate gold paint that to would be improving the school system, right?

That's what I am reading here on these threads.
Spend, spend, spend!
Build, build, build!

When, do you pay attention to the educating the kids in the basics.
That is the most important part of a school system, not un-needed construction.
The basics -- reading, writing, and arithmetic.

IF and when they build the new building they will have to increase property taxes even more to maintain the building, yes even new buildings require maintenance and an increase in maintenance personal will most likely be required.

Then there is an increased electric bill to pay for lighting, heating and cooling the build --- raise the property taxes some more. It will be never ending tax increases. That is what you will be voting for, not an improvement in education.

We have a school designed for 600 children and only 340 enrolled, we just spent $500,000 to install portable buildings they want to dispose of, we have a whole bunch of working Air Conditioners sitting on the roof they to expose of. Wilma will you replace your perfectly running Air Conditioner, just because it has a few years on it? Of course not, that would be just plain stupid, wouldn't it? And I happen to believe you are bound to be much more frugal, smart and sensible than that.

You can bet all this was planned by some EGO several years ago. Most likely before the grade schools were closed down. That is my opinion and I stand by it.

There are alternatives to spending Millions and Millions of taxpayer dollars and creating
massive debt. Detroit just filed bankruptcy and so have other cities because of Liberal thinking and spending their way into massive debt. I call this stinking thinking!

I do appreciate conversing with you Wilma, opposing opinions are a good thing. Our School Board could learn from such actions, and learn that is part of critical thinking. Critical Thinking is something the School Board has discussed having taught in the class room. I hope you have a great day, Wilma.

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

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