Classrooms vs Number of Students

Started by Mom70x7, November 30, 2013, 02:23:52 PM

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There's been discussion over the last several years about how many students the current school was destined to hold. To some extent, that doesn't matter.

Before the schools were consolidated, there were 17 classrooms in the main building, plus the music room, and the vo-ag/art/woods addition. Those classrooms were probably designed, as has been claimed, to hold 600 students.

When the grade schools were moved onto the West Elk campus, we added 4 mobile units, creating an additional eight rooms.

However, we also added 14 classes (K-6, both schools), plus computer labs, pre-schools, 2 Title I rooms, 2 music rooms, 2 libraries, 2 gyms and 2 cafeterias.

Yes, we've obviously combined several classrooms - we have only 1 cafeteria, for instance. But the students are pretty much rushed through there, so everyone has a chance to eat. We've had to take time out of the school day for junior high sports practice, so that everyone has a chance at the gym. That means our junior high students lose instruction time during the day. We only use 1 music room - but it's packed all day long. The music teacher has 11 classes to prepare for each day. (Might be 12, but I think it's 11.) Some of the grade school classes have been combined - but not all of them. There is not much time for lingering in the library, or studying there. Students have to be in and out quickly, because a portion of it is used for classes (and tutoring).

In other words, it's not just the number of students. It's the classroom space that is needed.

And I'm aware I'm reopening a can of worms here. I think the distinction is important, however. Sometimes we get caught up comparing apples and oranges.

The additional space is needed.


And can I please add that the school needs to be made secure! You can easily "sneak" past the office and the modules outside are really not secure at all! And if the district wants to keep good teachers, they need to listen to their Principal who they hired to supervise and guide those teachers!! The school board does not work with teachers on a daily basis!!


We need more with first hand knowledge of the conditions to "just say".


Quote from: Mom70x7 on November 30, 2013, 02:23:52 PM
There's been discussion over the last several years about how many students the current school was destined to hold. To some extent, that doesn't matter.

Before the schools were consolidated, there were 17 classrooms in the main building, plus the music room, and the vo-ag/art/woods addition. Those classrooms were probably designed, as has been claimed, to hold 600 students.

When the grade schools were moved onto the West Elk campus, we added 4 mobile units, creating an additional eight rooms.

However, we also added 14 classes (K-6, both schools), plus computer labs, pre-schools, 2 Title I rooms, 2 music rooms, 2 libraries, 2 gyms and 2 cafeterias.

Yes, we've obviously combined several classrooms - we have only 1 cafeteria, for instance. But the students are pretty much rushed through there, so everyone has a chance to eat. We've had to take time out of the school day for junior high sports practice, so that everyone has a chance at the gym. That means our junior high students lose instruction time during the day. We only use 1 music room - but it's packed all day long. The music teacher has 11 classes to prepare for each day. (Might be 12, but I think it's 11.) Some of the grade school classes have been combined - but not all of them. There is not much time for lingering in the library, or studying there. Students have to be in and out quickly, because a portion of it is used for classes (and tutoring).

In other words, it's not just the number of students. It's the classroom space that is needed.

And I'm aware I'm reopening a can of worms here. I think the distinction is important, however. Sometimes we get caught up comparing apples and oranges.

The additional space is needed.

All that high tech is not as important as people think it is. Most of the kids know the high tech better than the teachers. Unless they are teaching programing and that is not their job. Their is college and technical schools for teaching programing.

So you are saying the School Board screwed up shuting down the Moline Grade School!
Are you agreeing they wasted a half million dollars on trailers that need to dispose of ?

You need more class rooms and another cafeteria and another gymnasium it's all available right there at the Moline Grade School and would not cost $6,000,000 plus interest for twenty years in higher property tax.

And Mom70x7 I'd wager you $100 that Moline would gladly dead the property back to School District if asked.

But you folks in How-weird are only interested in wasting other peoples money to buid a Taj Mahal?


It has been said that if that if there was a big school over there by How-weird people would move there and the economy of Howard would improve. Meaning the merchants win Howard would make more money. Guess what, that is a very cruel joke! Where would those people come from?

Sure it worked fo the sleepr communities or suburbs of Wichita, because those sleepers had the largest city in Kansas with plenty of jobs and they are close to Wichita.

What large city is Howard a suburb of ?
Where are all the in Elk County for people to earn money ?

I'm sorry to have to inform you but Elk County will continue to decline until some kind of Industry that offers good pay comes to Elk County !

But as long as Elk County lacks the proper attitude to accept what they call outsiders there is no help.

If the wealth want a Taj Mahal perhaps they can afford to pay for it.
Or Perhaps you can get those people that collect millions from the wind farm to donate the funds you seek, but as the School Board noted at their last meeting a Bond Issue in April will probably fail and they discussed palnning to do another bond Issue in November. I am certain that one will fail too!

I'm certain the majority of people feel they are taxed enough and are tired of the liberals and all their high faluting plans that fail and want to continue taxing to appease their selfish needs.

Make all the excuese you want, they just won't fly any longer.


Quote from: Wilma on November 30, 2013, 07:22:22 PM
We need more with first hand knowledge of the conditions to "just say".

You are so right Wilma.

The contractor pointed out that the classrooms were Luxurious, meaning extra large for the size of the classes. There was even talk of resizing the rooms and making new rooms out of the space saved.

As I have said in past posts the School Board could do far better with an Efficiency Expert to better utilize the space available.

They would fair far better than with a contractor that wants to land a multi-million dollar contract!

Also before any Bond Issue is approved, it is my opinion that the voters and taxpayers should require the School Board to request a Kansas State Audit of our School District and the School Board should comply unless they have something to hide or are afraid the State would tell them they
don't need a Taj Mahal!

Simple get the State to back them and it would almost be a done deal.


Quote from: farmgal67357 on November 30, 2013, 05:32:41 PM
And can I please add that the school needs to be made secure! You can easily "sneak" past the office and the modules outside are really not secure at all! And if the district wants to keep good teachers, they need to listen to their Principal who they hired to supervise and guide those teachers!! The school board does not work with teachers on a daily basis!!

I'd suggest that you do away the teachers lounge and have the teachers out with the children that are entrusted in the care of the school and as they would have the opportunity to observe for bullying.

That lounge could be made into a class room.

Simple, huh! Just saying !

But why do you think we need security West Elk? I mean it was even mentioned hiring a Security Officer?
Why? Are we a major Metropolitan area with gangs and robberies and rapists and all that bad stuff in Elk County? I really wonder, why you think West Elk needs security.

When the Moline Grade School was still open they put in cameras and electronically controlled doors and yet on several occasions when I visited the school the front door was not locked. I guess they figured they did not need to use the added security. Go figure!

Just asking ?


Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  



I'd suggest that you do away the teachers lounge and have the teachers out with the children that are entrusted in the care of the school and as they would have the opportunity to observe for bullying.
That lounge could be made into a class room.

What's with the attack on the teacher's lounge? Have you been there? Do you know what's in it?

There are the two photocopiers the teachers can use - one color, one black & white. A few teachers have small copiers in their classrooms, but the majority of them use the two heavy-duty copiers. Saves on cost by having only the two major ones. Also in the teacher's lounge are the mailboxes - where the secretaries distribute the mail each day. That saves time, so the secretaries don't have to visit each classroom, interrupting teaching time to deliver mail. The teachers pick up their mail during their free time (lunch time or before/after school) or when they use one of the two restrooms. There are refrigerators in there, for the teachers to store their lunches. They don't have space in their classrooms for individual refrigerators and the school's refrigerators are full.

Also in the lounge are the office supplies all the teachers use when necessary - the three-hole punch, the shredder, the paper cutters, etc., and all the paper supplies for the copiers, including the different colored papers. And there's a set of shelves/drawers with all the different forms for the teachers to fill out for various activities. The teachers can access the forms whenever needed and turn them, completed, into the office.

Oh, and yes, there are tables and chairs in there: two tables, along with a total of 10 chairs. Definitely not enough space for many teachers and aides/paras to be there at one time. And . . . if anyone is using one of the copiers or the paper cutter, there's not enough space to use the entire table. It's too crowded.

f you were to turn the lounge into a classroom (and I think it's too small, legally, for a class) where would you suggest all the rest of the equipment be store? Or would you purchase individual supplies for each of the teachers in their classrooms? What are your ideas?


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