Classrooms vs Number of Students

Started by Mom70x7, November 30, 2013, 02:23:52 PM

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Quote from: ROSS on November 30, 2013, 07:24:10 PM
I'm certain the majority of people feel they are taxed enough and are tired of the liberals and all their high faluting plans that fail and want to continue taxing to appease their selfish needs.

Make all the excuese you want, they just won't fly any longer.

Quote from: ROSS on November 30, 2013, 07:41:31 PM
The contractor pointed out that the classrooms were Luxurious, meaning extra large for the size of the classes. There was even talk of resizing the rooms and making new rooms out of the space saved.

As I have said in past posts the School Board could do far better with an Efficiency Expert to better utilize the space available.

They would fair far better than with a contractor that wants to land a multi-million dollar contract!

Also before any Bond Issue is approved, it is my opinion that the voters and taxpayers should require the School Board to request a Kansas State Audit of our School District and the School Board should comply unless they have something to hide or are afraid the State would tell them they
don't need a Taj Mahal!

Simple get the State to back them and it would almost be a done deal.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on November 30, 2013, 11:45:37 PM
I'd suggest that you do away the teachers lounge and have the teachers out with the children that are entrusted in the care of the school and as they would have the opportunity to observe for bullying.
That lounge could be made into a class room.

What's with the attack on the teacher's lounge?

Where do you get an attack out of a comment, a suggestion ?
In my opinion calling it an attack is simply a way of bullying.

Do you feel attacked?

That in my opinion is just some kind of liberal radical thinking!

You want security for the children right?
Put the teachers right out there with the children that are entrusted to the care of the school !

Makes sense, it would reduce bullying a whole lot, wouldn't it?

After all you wouldn't pay a baby sitter and entrust your grand child to such a person that ran off to a lounge and did not keep an eye on their charge would you ?

Who is responsible during school hours?

Now, if asking the questions are an attack, you need help?

It appears to me this is an Elk Konnected method of saying shut the hell up.

Is Elk Konnected behind this big push?

They were behind the push for the previous decisions, weren't they?

LOL  OPM is what this is all about isn't? To make Howard something it will never be, right? 

It durn sure isn't about necessity! It's about building a Taj Mahal!

it's about building a new grade school, only building in pieces and attaching it to the high school, plain and simple. If this is not true why keep starting new threads to discuss this situation?

If you just want to be liberal and waste further taxpayers dollars as has been done over the last few years, contiue down this path. If not wanting to be wasteful continue reading, please!

If you really need a grade school please focus on the following:

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  


Way to go, Mom.  Tell us and tell us like it is.  Most of the citizens, including the parents have no idea of the conditions under which our teachers are expected to teach.


Quote from: Wilma on December 01, 2013, 07:55:10 AM
Way to go, Mom.  Tell us and tell us like it is.  Most of the citizens, including the parents have no idea of the conditions under which our teachers are expected to teach.

Who created the conditions?

Who shut down the grade schools out of foolishness?

Does it require a Taj Mahal for the teachers to teach or a classroom  ?

There will always be people crying about their working conditions, won't there?

Have the teachers or the School Board provided a Blue Ribbon School?

Is the teaching only going to remain at the lowly standards that the state claims they ar at?

But remember the goals of added rooms and gymnasium can be accomplished via:

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  


Ross, why don't you do a study on what it would take to re-open the Moline Grade School and if it could accommodate the present school population and activities?  And while you are doing that, find out if any of the teachers want to go back to the old grade school.  Have you thought about needing another kitchen and kitchen staff, maintenance staff?  Is the gymnasium up to state standards?  For that matter, is the school building up to state standards?  There are a lot of things that you could be doing instead of trying to get people to think the way you think about things.


Quote from: Wilma on December 01, 2013, 12:18:20 PM
Ross, why don't you do a study on what it would take to re-open the Moline Grade School and if it could accommodate the present school population and activities?

It is a grade school designed to accommodate K-12 isn't it?
Children were attending there just two years ago, weren't there?
Has the school board done a study?

How about, if the School Board does the reasonable thing, and ask for a state audit? The audit is actually a study to determine what is best for the School District! Simple isn't !

I'll tell you why they won't, they know the state would tell them what they want is not a necessity and a waste of taxpayer dollars. That's why!

It would be much more productive and positive for the School District than a contractor trying to sell the School Board a multi-million dollar contract now wouldn't it? Remember the positive thing you followers are always spouting?

Do you want what is best for the School District or what Howard thinks is best for them?
Which by the way is built on false hopes of a stronger economy for Howard based on a larger shcool ?
What foolish thinking that is! Build it and they will come, LOL.

Quote from: Wilma on December 01, 2013, 12:18:20 PM
And while you are doing that, find out if any of the teachers want to go back to the old grade school.

But really, it is more about spending money to build a Taj Mahal, isn't it?

But really, it is more about spending money to build a Taj Mahal, isn't it?

Oops I stutered didn't I?

I would simply tell the employees, if they wanted to keep their jobs and their benefits to work at the Moline Grade School. What choice do you think they would make? Simple isn't it. If they chose to quit, good, our children deserve better than hostage takers. There would be no unemployment checks would there? And they can easily be replaced like in any other industry. There are plenty of unemployed teachers across the country from closed schools.

Since when do Employees control the business?

Quote from: Wilma on December 01, 2013, 12:18:20 PM
Have you thought about needing another kitchen and kitchen staff, maintenance staff?  Is the gymnasium up to state standards?  For that matter, is the school building up to state standards?

Did they have another kitchen and kitchen staff before? Huh, uh!

When did the school building fall below state standards?
And just like a new building it needs maintenance and cleaning.

The high school I attended was built in the early 1900's and is still standing and serving students today.
So age is not a factor, maintenance is and apparently not going well enough by your percieved perception. as I understand you.

Re-opening the Moline Grade School would simply save millions of dollars to re-open it.
Or has the new wore off your of your crystal chandelier?

Do you have a problem with saving taxpayers money, or is your mind set the same as the Federal Government? The Federal Government has the Federal Reserve that can make money out of nothing and are doing it at 95 billion dollars a month. Do you have access to that privilege?

Quote from: Wilma link=topic=15731.msg215348#msg215348 date=1385921900
There are a lot of things that you could be doing instead of trying to get people to think the way you think about things.

Ditto lady, the same goes for you, pushing for a building that is not needed with phony information to build a How-weird Taj Mahal for all the wrong reasons.

But really why are you working so feverishly to get people to think spend, spend, spend ?
The same reason I am right, only I say be frugal, be smart, save millions ?

BE SMART, BE SENSIBLE, BE FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.


Hold your resolve and continue to say "NO" in April to a Bond Issue and they will be fighting their battle against you the Taxpayer, you the Enemy of the elite next November! They said they would regroup and do it again in November !

Don't let them laugh at you ---- Vote in April and again in November.

Oh, isn't it time to start yet another thread? Just a reminder!

Before, I go here are another reasons to be frugal. Anothe banking crisis may be upon our nation. Just saying !

New Wave of US Mortgage Trouble Threatens Banks



Check out what a really high edumacation, I mean really high edumacation.
Like a high falutin Doctor! A top-scientist !
Wow! I'm impressed!

How about you?

Go to:


Well everyone don't forget it's time to run out and buy new air conditioners !

It doesn't matter if they are still working, the contractor says replace all of them at West Elk !

The contractor says do it. How else is he gonna make a living if he can't sell you all new ones?

Spend, Spend, Spend after all it just money and on top of that other peoples money, right?

Tax, Tax, Tax until it hurts so much it begins to feel good!

Do I get an Amen on that!

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  



Ross, there's a lot of 'em who have been educated and indoctrinated in the local government schools.  They want your money - they want you to pay 'your' share of the ongoing socialist system so they can promote free education, government control and whatever else they dream. 

What's the difference between Obamacare and government free education?  Not much.

After dark, just look at the red lights on the west side of Elk County.  Just another reminder that the socialists have a huge presence and they want to control you and your money for the community - their socialist cause. 

Stay on 'em.


Yes, I know, I quoted myself from:,11780.msg215385.html#msg215385

Why because these progressive liberals keep starting new thread about this subject, i'll leave it up to you to decide why they do that. Okay, OK!

Quote from: ROSS on December 02, 2013, 07:54:26 AM
This is what real leadership in a School Board should be concentrating on, instead of building a Grade School that is not needed. Concentrate on education and the misuse of it. This is effectively re-writing history or flat out omitting true history. Is this what we want for our children, is this what the School Board wants for our children, a lack of a full education?

It appears the Federal Government wants less then a full education for the Kids, Doesn't it?
Is this related to the critical thinking of which the School Board has made numerous remarks about, that they want to teach at West Elk?

Well is it?

Is it Possible To Teach Students The Meaning Behind President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Without Mentioning The Civil War?

Common Core Instructs Students to Learn About Gettysburg Address Without Mentioning Civil War

According to the government's new Common Core education standards, the Gettysburg Address must be taught without mentioning the Civil War and explaining why President Lincoln was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

The Student Achievement Partners instructions tell teachers to, "Refrain from giving background context or substantial instructional guidance at the outset...This close reading approach forces students to rely exclusively on the text...and levels the playing field for all students as the seek to comprehend Lincoln's address."

(See a Video at:)

While the School Board is busy teaching Critical Thinking how about throwing in a little Frugality the quality of being economical with money; thriftiness.

Add to that a little bit of education in Constraint, by an act of employing some Constraint. EG,  by Practicing some Constraint now.

After all, if the School Board can not practice it how can they hope to have it taught?

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  


Quote from: Wilma on November 30, 2013, 09:28:57 PM
Ross, shut up.

Quote from: frawin on December 01, 2013, 07:09:06 AM
Awesome, Wilma you said it all.

And the National Socialist Party 1st Amendment defenders show their true colors.... again.

On the other side of that issue:  Ross, keep expressing your political dissent.  Were it not for folks like you, we would have been standing in Soviet style bread lines or sleeping in German style concentration camps long ago.

Now, regardless of the 'how big should our classrooms be' issue, does any of that address the need for expanded, expensive recreational area construction?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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