West Elk Proposed Additions

Started by W. Gray, November 20, 2013, 01:16:00 PM

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Good post Wilma, West Elk was designed for 300 Students and the new facility is badly needed.

Brodys dad

I also doubt if they realize we have the Jr. High boys, Jr. High girls, High school boys and High school girls basketball teams all trying to share the same gym for practices, not to mention the wrestling team.  When there is a Jr. High home game the high school team take turns practicing well before school starts or well after the Jr. High game ends.  These kids deserve better.

I am from Severy.  We lost our grade school also.  This is not a Severy, Howard, Moline thing.  This is about our kids and their future.  It's unfortunate that you don't see it that way.


Quote from: Wilma on November 21, 2013, 11:09:11 AM
I wonder how many of you nay sayers know that the grade school children have to go outside in all kinds of weather just to use the bathroom.  How many of you know that at least one of the grades has had to be divided because of it's size and a part of it uses part of the library as a classroom?  Just how much do any of you know about actual conditions at the school?

Good post Wilma,
But you have it a bit wrong. You folks that want to waste taxpayers money are the true naysayers.
I'd guess liberals that voted for Obama and enjoy the damage he is doing to our country.

There is a perfectly good grade school in Moline that could be re-opened in short order!
It should have never been closed, closing it only cost the taxpayers excessively.
You use the word naysayer very loosely in my opinion, you don't take a look at yourself.
Here is a verbal mirror to help you out with that naysayer thing.
Aren't you the naysayer about spending taxpayers money wisely?
Aren't you a naysayer about re-opening a brick and mortar building that would be much more frugal?

Waa-waa-waa Wilma, Howard got what Howard wanted and now they are complaining about it.

Don't the kids have to go outside in all kinds of weather to get on and off the school bus ?

How about putting an attached covered Bus Barn for the poor little dears so they don't have to be outside at all.

The poor little children were cheated out of their grade school in Moline amd forced into trailers at the tune of a half million dollars. Oh my, oh my!

Besides, the kids have covered walkways.

I don't remember covered walkways to the outhouse, do you?

I'll tell you Wilma, the High School I graduated from was built in the early 1900's, and is till being used today. Don't you feel sorry for them kids that have to go to school in an historic bilding?

If there are problems with that much newer building, I would suggested improving the maintenance crew so as to get better care of the building.

Or is it like the country western song says, "When the new wears your crystal chandelier" ?

Nice talking with you Wilma, I sure hope we get a lot more of your heart felt feeling as reasons to waste taxpayer dollars.

Quote from: frawin on November 21, 2013, 11:14:17 AM
Good post Wilma, West Elk was designed for 300 Students and the new facility is badly needed.

Keep that up, built for 300 students, what a joke, where do you get that information ?

The School Superintendent told the School Board during an Official School Board Meeting and I quote, "The school was built for 600 students."


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Ross, would you care to give the names and the date of your "quote"?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Wilma, I'm in the school on a regular basis - additional space is so very needed, so are the safe rooms.


Quote from: Brodys dad on November 21, 2013, 01:41:48 PM
I also doubt if they realize we have the Jr. High boys, Jr. High girls, High school boys and High school girls basketball teams all trying to share the same gym for practices, not to mention the wrestling team.  When there is a Jr. High home game the high school team take turns practicing well before school starts or well after the Jr. High game ends.  These kids deserve better.

So it really isn't about Education, it's about sports, isn't it?
You are right that the kids deserve better, they deserve a better education. Not necessarily better sports.

Quote from: Brodys dad on November 21, 2013, 01:41:48 PM
I am from Severy.  We lost our grade school also.  This is not a Severy, Howard, Moline thing.  This is about our kids and their future.  It's unfortunate that you don't see it that way.

Oh, I do see and understand our kids need their future and it is not I sports. They need better educations, not better buildings.

I am not from Moline I live outside of Moline, I am a county resident and I don't have a child in grade school any longer either.
You are quite correct it is not about Severy or Moline.
I'm sorry you can't comprehend and understand how it is about Howard.

But it is also definitely about wasting money by shutting down grade schools and paying nearly a half million dollars for trailers to put the kids in and then to complain about having the trailers? Plain foolishness, in my opinion.

The Moline Grade School is still standing and it would be a whole lot more frugal than the 5, 6 or 7 million it might cost to do all the construction that is proposed. There is no real set figure on the cost of all that construction.

So what is wrong with asking Moline to deed the Moline Grade School back over to the school district?

Because it really isn't about the kids and their education is it?

It's about sports and whoever is demanding this expansion, isn't it?

Sometimes it is really difficult for some people to see through the smoke screen.

Just tax the hell out of the taxpayer to appease someone's ego, that's all that counts, isn't it ?

But I am not asking you to believe anything and I agree you are whole heartedly entitled to your opinion.

Come on over to http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html and review what has been going for over two and a half years.

Pleasure visiting with you. By- By


Quote from: Mom70x7 link=topic=15717.msg215076#msg2150 385065166
Wilma, I'm in the school on a regular basis - additional space is so very needed, so are the safe rooms.

At the School Board Meeting they spoke of 2 square feet per person in safe rooms.
I am pretty certain that 2 square feet per person does not meet the FEMA guide lines.

I just recieved the School Board Survey.

They tell you that, you are to tell them want you want by numbering each item in the your priority.

There is nothing official about this thing and that is what it is a thing.

I will respectfully write across this silly thing to, "Reopen the perfectly good Moline Grade School and save the taxpayers money. I hope many other people do the same thing.

I think it is time for the elected officials to respect the taxpayer instead of thinking the
Taxpayer is dumb enough to fall for this type of entrapment. This type of thing!

Don't these Board Members recognize what is happening in Elk County?
This summer alone numerous properties in Elk County were sold by the County Commissioners at auction.

This included homes as well as acreage.

Why do you suppose that happened ?

Perhaps, because people didn't think the property was worth the property taxes !

Have they looked around and seen all the homes for sale in Elk County?

The county population continues to decline as the School Board has pointed out numerous times.

Just say "NO" just as if it is a drug!

Because their actions and efforts are not much different from a druggy. 
A druggy can't take "NO" for an answer either.

The paper even said there is a demand,
just who is demanding the taxpayers buckle down to them?

Just say "NO".  And say there is a better alternative.


If anyone has any doubts about what the West Elk facilities are like, you are welcome to visit and see for yourself.  It is not about sports or money.  It is about the security and safety of our children.  One look around the modulars, etc. and you can see for yourself what is needed. 

The present situation reminds me of the one room schoolhouse, where the "boys" and "girls" were out behind the schoolhouse.  The drinking fountain was a water bucket that was filled at the outside pump.  The schoolhouse was cold when you got there because the fire had gone out during the night and the teacher had to start a new one and on and on and on.  I have had my "one room schoolhouse experience".  I don't think my great grandchildren need to have one.

Ross, have you talked to any of the teachers that taught in the Moline school and gotten their opinion on whether or not they want to go back?  Besides, what is your interest in the conditions for other people's children.  I understand that your's goes to another district.

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