Reasons for Locating West Elk Close to Howard

Started by frawin, October 23, 2013, 09:35:33 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2013, 02:00:49 PM
Ross, if you don't know what the school standards are, how can you demand harder/better ones? How could you judge? By what measuring stick? Why do you think the parents of the kids out there don't want to spend what it takes to have their kids ready to compete and succeed in the modern world? CCTP

Hi Diane, hey I'm wondering two things:
1.   Do you have your black tall pointy hat with the big round brim on it on your head?
2.   Do you give any thought to what you say or ask?
3.   Do people want to invest in their kids education or in unneeded brick and mortar and tin? Give that some thought while stirring your pot. Please!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2013, 02:00:49 PM
Most people want to invest in their children. Why do you think your county is different?  Did you ask to have the school sign changed? Are you the only one for whom it has such importance? Can you prove it's where it is just so Howard can promote the town and insult the school? SEZ who?

Diane think!
Why else are the signs in Howard instead of at the school outside of Howard? DUH!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2013, 02:00:49 PM
I'd think the winning would be much more important than the specific sign placement. Do you know people are calling the town "How weird?''

Well Diane stop the whining it might spoil the brew in that pot you are stirring.
Who won the signs, How weird (I never heard that before) or West Elk?
So Where should they be placed?
Think real hard this is a graded test! LOL
Ace it and you get a lollipop.

So you say Howard = How-weird, that is some fun trivia you have shared with the rest of the world from your perch in the State of Delaware. How far are you from Salem? LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2013, 02:00:49 PM
What REAL reason is there for having a hot dog toast tonight? It can't be just for having fun, now can it? There must be some dark political reason, right? Sheesh!

No Diane, no dark political reason, unless you consider economics and economical development and public relations political. But still it would not be dark anything, just simple business strategy that has occurred for years and years around the world. Really economics does involve a lot of politics, doesn't it?

The only thing I can think of that is dark is; and I sure hope you and your broom and pointy hat a big black pot of brew you are stirring have a great and safe and Happy Halloween?

As always it is always great to be engaged by you. Happy Halloween Diane!


Diane Amberg

Um..if Ross is laughing at his own arguable point of view, have the white coat men arrived with the net and the straight jacket yet? My word!
Ross, just because you think the school building is fine as it is, doesn't make it so, now does it? I'd tend to believe the people who work and teach there. As far as the placement of a sports sign at the High School, have the kids complained? the coaches?  Could it be that more people would see it in Howard than at the school? You make it sound like there was some sort of conspiracy to rob the kids of their whom? The  local merchants? The Chamber of Commerce? EK? The City Council? The Mayor? Who would be dumb enough to think that someone other than WE the school, won the honor?  So put up another sign at the school too! Be a good guy and do it for them.Now please explain to me how Howard in any way benefits from having the sign in town?
There are so few of you out there it just amazes me how you can find so much to complain about.
Of course instead of answering my questions,in a direct manner, I get your third grade offering about my witches hat..and kettle....great distraction and attempt at diversion. It does show you have nothing good to say about Howard.CCTP


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 03, 2013, 06:26:18 PM
Um..if Ross is laughing at his own arguable point of view, have the white coat men arrived with the net and the straight jacket yet? My word!

Good lord Diane it was Halloween, have you no sense of humor?
Ha, ha, they are coming to take me away, Ha, ha, they are coming to take me away, ha,ha!
You silly goose, Diane!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 03, 2013, 06:26:18 PM
Ross, just because you think the school building is fine as it is, doesn't make it so, now does it? I'd tend to believe the people who work and teach there.

Where are those people you trust? Where is their input in this conversation? We know they are reading this?
Especially the Elk Konnected Followers!

No, you are right Diane, because I say so doesn't mean anything. But when the School Superintendent says at a Board Meeting that that the school was designed and built to house 600 students and the School Principal says at a School Board meeting that they have a total of 319 students from K-12 enrolled does make it so, doesn't it Diane? And follow up that up with their contractor stating at a School Board Meeting that the class rooms are luxurious adds further meaning to it, doesn't it Diane?

Diane do you remember anything you have read in this thread?
Do you comprehend any of what you read?
Or are you just hung up on your Elk Konnected Konnections?
What a shame!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 03, 2013, 06:26:18 PM
As far as the placement of a sports sign at the High School, have the kids complained? the coaches?  Could it be that more people would see it in Howard than at the school? You make it sound like there was some sort of conspiracy to rob the kids of their whom? The  local merchants? The Chamber of Commerce? EK? The City Council? The Mayor? Who would be dumb enough to think that someone other than WE the school, won the honor?  So put up another sign at the school too! Be a good guy and do it for them.Now please explain to me how Howard in any way benefits from having the sign in town?

So the fact that Howard wanted to their city limits to encompass the school means nothing, of course they failed to do it.
The fact that Howard calls West Elk --- Howard West Elk means nothing I suppose, even though West Elk is officially listed with the state as the name of the school, Diane do you get it? So why else would the signs be placed at the wrong location, you Diane are supposed to be educated, with a college degree, right? Tell me Diane what exactly do you find copasetic in all this? Where do you find any honesty in all of this coming out of Howard?

Diane do you advocate dishonesty? That is what you are coming across as, a person that advocates dishonesty. And that makes me want to pity you.

Is that why you told us Howard is know as Ho-weird?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 03, 2013, 06:26:18 PM
There are so few of you out there it just amazes me how you can find so much to complain about.

There is only one of you up there in Delaware with their nose in other state, other county business, I ask why? Why are you complaining about people complaining about something that does not concern or affect you in Delaware in any way shape or form.

But really to answer your question, when wrongs are being done, I think people should know and be able to discuss them.

Now consider this, if the same attitude would have happened before all the financial problems happened a few years ago, perhaps it would not have happened.

Perhaps if same attitude would have happened before ObamaCare became law, perhaps it would not be law today.

But as long as your type of attitude exists problems will grow until they are catastrophic.

Besides the School Board has said many times they want citizen involvement.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 03, 2013, 06:26:18 PM
Of course instead of answering my questions,in a direct manner, I get your third grade offering about my witches hat..and kettle....great distraction and attempt at diversion. It does show you have nothing good to say about Howard.CCTP

Good lord Diane it was Halloween, have you no sense of humor?
Do you live in How-weird in Delaware? LOL
Don't you have a life in Delaware? If so, why live through the internet in Kansas?

Oh, I forgot, all your Konnections with Elk Konnected and the Konnected School Board Members, right?

What is Elk Konnected doing these days Diane?
Are they doing anything at all?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2013, 02:00:49 PM
Ross, if you don't know what the school standards are, how can you demand harder/better ones? How could you judge? By what measuring stick? Why do you think the parents of the kids out there don't want to spend what it takes to have their kids ready to compete and succeed in the modern world?

Diane I attend School Board Meetings at West Elk?
Do you?
Of course not! You live in Delaware?

They announced the grade give to them by the state as average?

But I had pointed out in earlier posts that the state has said Education Standards in Kansas are below the National Standards.

I am certain parents would be pleased to pay for education, but not so sure they would consider building a Taj Mahal improving education.

The primary job of a school board is to improve education in the school district.
How is building a TajMahal going to improve education?

Encouraging more of the teachers would be a means of improving of all of the students wouldn't it?

With class crowed with 11, 12 or 15 students, I guess the teacher can't give individual attention to less performing students, even with the help of para's.

No I guess there is no room for improvement at an average performing school like West Elk, is there Diane?

With the School Superintendent sitting on the School Board it is difficult for the School Board to attain a proper posture of decorum. So it really doesn't matter does it.

The kids education suffer for it, but that's okay, isn't it Delaware Diane?

And you claim to be an Educator?

Diane Amberg

Wow... what a rude dissertation. Keep in mind, you live in Oz, I don't. I have friends and family in Elk County. The families have been there a very long time. You would recognize the family name.
Of course I'm always going to be interested in what's going on. Nothing you can say will ever change that. It was an event that happened in Howard that upset me and caused me to join the forum in the first place.
So you don't like how some of the meetings are run?  Based on what? You have nothing with more meat than that? You think they don't use proper rules so you are saying they are uneducated hicks? My,my.
Of course the school Super is allowed to be there and be invited to sit with the school board....unless there is something in their by-laws that expressly forbids it. In most states the Super is the CEO of the school board and is ''hired" by them to hire and fire teachers and assign them to their jobs, among other things . I can't say for Elk County specifically. Have you ever checked it out? Why do those details bother you so much? You need to look into the "how" and "why" of the school board and the Super to see what their responsibilities really are.
It's a shame that overall, education in Kansas isn't what it should be. BUT... were Elk County Schools listed specifically as below par? To create an average some must be above as well as below average. Perhaps they ARE just average, if so, there is some work to be done. You ducked my questions about that.
The class crowed? Are they roosters?  ;D
Why do you think school improvements are so expensive? Check the state building standards for Kansas public schools. That is where your gripe should be. With your declining population you shouldn't be building 75 year schools. BUT... you can still upgrade and get what the kids need for today's world.
We just finished  building Newark Charter Jr. Sr. high. As a charter we were not bound by ridiculous state standards. It's a beautiful building that came in at about $85.00 a square foot, none of it from taxes.  Yes, I'm very proud of it and how well the kids are doing.. Very high in school evaluations for all categories, even their special ed kids. Do you have anything positive to say about the schools there and the staff and teachers?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 07, 2013, 10:21:21 AM
Wow... what a rude dissertation. Keep in mind, you live in Oz, I don't. I have friends and family in Elk County. The families have been there a very long time. You would recognize the family name.
Of course I'm always going to be interested in what's going on. Nothing you can say will ever change that. It was an event that happened in Howard that upset me and caused me to join the forum in the first place.
So you don't like how some of the meetings are run?  Based on what? You have nothing with more meat than that? You think they don't use proper rules so you are saying they are uneducated hicks? My,my.
Of course the school Super is allowed to be there and be invited to sit with the school board....unless there is something in their by-laws that expressly forbids it. In most states the Super is the CEO of the school board and is ''hired" by them to hire and fire teachers and assign them to their jobs, among other things . I can't say for Elk County specifically. Have you ever checked it out? Why do those details bother you so much? You need to look into the "how" and "why" of the school board and the Super to see what their responsibilities really are.
It's a shame that overall, education in Kansas isn't what it should be. BUT... were Elk County Schools listed specifically as below par? To create an average some must be above as well as below average. Perhaps they ARE just average, if so, there is some work to be done. You ducked my questions about that.
The class crowed? Are they roosters?  ;D
Why do you think school improvements are so expensive? Check the state building standards for Kansas public schools. That is where your gripe should be. With your declining population you shouldn't be building 75 year schools. BUT... you can still upgrade and get what the kids need for today's world.
We just finished  building Newark Charter Jr. Sr. high. As a charter we were not bound by ridiculous state standards. It's a beautiful building that came in at about $85.00 a square foot, none of it from taxes.  Yes, I'm very proud of it and how well the kids are doing.. Very high in school evaluations for all categories, even their special ed kids. Do you have anything positive to say about the schools there and the staff and teachers?

Diane od Delaware you have my sympathy, you are not here first hand to understand and you fail to understand what you read and twist what you don't understand.

It is simple common sense here in Elk County, Kansas the School Superintendent is hired by and works for the School Board, he is simply an employee. The School Board Members are Elected to sit on the School Board. The Superintendent is not, again he is simply an employee that is suppose to answer to the School Board and Yes he is required to attend the School Board but he is not the Administrator of the School Board. There is plenty of room in the setting area by the rest of us, which includes the School Principles and the Coaches (sometimes) and the computer technician and other citizens. Do you comprehend? This is not Delaware.

We don't need more brick and mortar and tin in an attempt to undercut the voter's wishes by doing an end run. That is Obama's and the liberal's ways of saying screw the voter. Do you believe we should have Elected School Board Members that say screw the voters?

We have a School Building that is capable of housing 600 children as reported to the School Board by the School Superintendent and has only 319 children enrolled as reported the School Board by the School Principle. The class rooms as reported to the School Board by their contractor are Luxurious.

Just how in the heck does spending lots of taxpayer money on an un-needed building whether attached to the present building or not going to raise the educational standards?

You see I believe you Elk Konected Followers are very easily lead, no offense meant, it just appears that way. And I deduce that from your reasoning that building fancy Taj Mahai type buildings some how improves educational standards.

Diane we all know what average means, and I believe there could be more done to improve the teaching of the students that are doing poorly to raise that standard of average. It seems the coaches have done more to improve sports, West Elk went undefeated this foot ball season. Don't you reckon there was more effort on the field by the coaches to accomplish such a feat. How about applying the same attitude in the class room. Bring up all of the kids grades through more effort by the teachers. But the School Board would need to insist on written reports from the Superintendent showing how he is accomplishing the task and how it is progressing. But if he is sitting there at the head of the School Board as an unelected official controlling the board, oh, well.

I do have to admit our School Superintendent is a extremely intelligent person, which makes him quite capable of controlling and manipulating our School Board. No, I am not saying our School Board is a bunch of hicks, Diane, so stop going there. I wonder is our School Superintendent associated with Elk Konected ? Pleas tell us, ALL KNOWING (WIZARD OF OZ) Diane in Delaware. Ooop's, I apologize for that Diane, the devil made me do it. LOL

Does the School Superintendent encourage such a thing in the class room? How does he do that?  We don't hear or see any reports about his efforts with his staff, why? Perhaps because he sits on the School Board and the roles are reversed. Perhaps, because he is sitting at the head of the School Board playing the role of Superintendent over the School Board instead of an Employee of the School Board.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 07, 2013, 10:21:21 AM
I have friends and family in Elk County. The families have been there a very long time. You would recognize the family name.

And that name would matter exactly how?  Do they have some claim of royalty?  As you said, this is Oz.... not some family based monarchy.  Though there surely are a few here who seem to think so.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I checked your work and came up with 12 errors without even trying. If that is acceptable writing to every one there, then close the schools after 6th grade and save all that money. No wonder the schools are average or below. After all, I could figure out what you were trying to say...sort of. So what does it matter? A "setting" area at school board meetings? I guess the cafeteria could use the eggs, though. ;D
So, if you have poor teachers, why are they still working there? We don't tolerate it, why would you? You want Blue Ribbon Schools, ya gotta have Blue Ribbon quality teachers, top quality curricula and parents who team with the teachers,not fight against them and whine at everything.
I see Ross Jr. had to spout off. Here I thought his geyser had gone dormant. Don't bother answering,it won't matter. You are gone....poof! As I said, I will always be interested in what is going on out there, especially with the "Main Stream People" who always try to hold communities together, no matter where one lives.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 07, 2013, 12:07:15 PM
Ross, I checked your work and came up with 12 errors without even trying. If that is acceptable writing to every one there, then close the schools after 6th grade and save all that money. No wonder the schools are average or below. After all, I could figure out what you were trying to say...sort of. So what does it matter? A "setting" area at school board meetings? I guess the cafeteria could use the eggs, though. ;D
So, if you have poor teachers, why are they still working there? We don't tolerate it, why would you? You want Blue Ribbon Schools, ya gotta have Blue Ribbon quality teachers, top quality curricula and parents who team with the teachers,not fight against them and whine at everything.
I see Ross Jr. had to spout off. Here I thought his geyser had gone dormant. Don't bother answering,it won't matter. You are gone....poof! As I said, I will always be interested in what is going on out there, especially with the "Main Stream People" who always try to hold communities together, no matter where one lives.

Diane you should check your own errors before trying to be the internet police. You make plenty.
See we have something in common, we both make errors, we are both human. But I don't go around policing the internet.

Besides, I am communicating in code with the spirits of Ho weird future. LOL
Do you think it is a conspiracy I'm running?
What is your excuse? LOL

You seem to be suggesting that we have inferior teachers, did you get that idea from your Elk Konnected Konnections?

Well I think you are wrong about that "Main Stream People" Bull Shit ! Here in Elk County they seem to have started an organization putting down communities that were not known as "Ho weird" ! You pointed that out, that "Ho weird" . Pretty cool of you. I had never heard that until you told me. Thanks.

I thought you said "poof" a while ago while denying Elk Konnected over on the other thread.

Just couldn't control yourself could you?
Don't forget to check for errors ole Wizard of Oz of Delaware.

Diane Amberg

How-weird came from one of your residents, not from me. and not EK either. I don't judge your teachers, just used you as an example. Never mind,ya didn't go to any of the local schools,huh? Go ahead sass me all you want. You are gone.

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