Guns - American Style

Started by Warph, December 28, 2012, 10:09:45 PM

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"Today Will Be The Last Day of My Husband's Life..."

"Ben and I have been married for 1 year, 4 months and 2 days. Ben has just 16.5 hours left here on this earth with me. Sixteen and a half hours of time and we have no idea the end is coming...  The clock is ticking."

So my friend, Nikki Goeser, begins her story. On April 2, 2009 she and Ben were operating their karaoke business in Jonny's Sports Bar in Nashville, TN. A man stalking Nikki was asked to leave the bar. He pulled a gun and murdered Ben while she watched, helpless, just feet away.

Denied a Chance: 'How Gun Control Helped a Stalker Murder My Husband' is Nikki's recounting of not just the tragic loss of her husband but of her transformation into a powerful and articulate voice for gun rights and advocate for the 2nd Amendment.

Far too many respond to the shooting of innocents in theaters and schools by blaming guns for violence, Nikki places the blame where it really belongs – on the murderers.

She came to understand legislators crafting bad law bear responsibility, too. The gun used to murder Ben was in the bar illegally. Nikki, although a carry permit holder, an Intermediate Handgun Certification holder and experienced gun range volunteer was required by law to leave her handgun in her car. She obeyed the law. The murderer did not.

Nikki can't say with certainty that had she had her handgun she could have stopped Ben's murder. She also knows a bad law denied her the chance to try.

In the aftermath of Ben's murder, dealing with her loss, Nikki kept a journal which became Denied a Chance. She walks us, in poignant detail, through her last day with Ben and the murder itself. She tells the story of the Marine who tackled the murderer and the cop who stayed with her for the longest night of her life.

She tells her story honestly. She sought counseling and dealt with PTSD. Ironically, it was probably this that began her transformation into an activist.

Nashville provides counseling to those affected by violent crime. Nikki didn't think twice about being armed while taking advantage of that program. The counselor felt differently. Nikki was told she was welcome to continue the sessions only if she left her handgun outside. Denied a chance once, Nikki wisely chose not to risk becoming a victim a second time.

Nikki went beyond asking merely "What happened?" to "Why did this happen?" Squarely at the center of the problem was Tennessee state law. She began to correspond with state lawmakers regarding the injustice of her being denied the chance to stop Ben's murder.

Nikki connected with Suzanna Hupp, the woman who watched another lunatic murder her parents and 21 others in a Luby's restaurant while her handgun was locked in her car in accordance with Texas law. Suzanna advised her not to fear standing up for what she believed and assured her such courage would impact others.

Nikki began seeking out like minded people and groups. As her story began to spread, she received offers to speak to various groups and eventually to testify before the legislatures of several states looking at ways to keep their citizens safer. Ultimately she would appear on programs like Nightline, Fox Business with John Stossel, ABC News, CNN, the BBC and other shows. She was awarded the Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award by the NRA in 2012.

Thanks to her tireless efforts, Tennessee and other states changed their bad laws and began the process of protecting the law abiding and punishing those who are truly guilty.

Nikki's tale closes with the trial where the law victimized her yet again. Despite the "open and shut" nature of the case, it took 3 years to come to trial thanks to the circus surrounding an insanity plea. Finally, however, some measure of justice was done and Ben's murderer is behind bars for the next 25 years.

Nikki continues her work. She remains a tireless advocate for the rights of Americans to defend themselves in an increasingly violent world. No longer a victim, she has turned her pain into purpose. She will never again be Denied a Chance.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Stupidity of the DAY
August 19, 2013

Bloomberg press conference to promote gun confiscation
points hundreds of firearms at reporters

(Just when you think Bloomberg... the idiot mayor... not the news service, has reached the height of stupidity, he pulls something like this)

Charles W. Cooke at National Review Online found this headdesk moment in the twitter feed of J. David Goodman, the NYPD police reporter for the New York Times. Goodman covered a joint NYPD press conference featuring Mayor Michael Bloomberg today that saw hundreds of guns pointed directly at the audience...

...While we hope that the NYPD had the good sense to clear each and every firearm on display, what they failed to do is as undeniable as it is unforgivable. They clearly left magazines in, with bolts closed, on numerous firearms pointing at the press...

...At least one of the guns picture above, third up from the bottom on the left, clearly has the bolt-closed and the safety off as it points towards the assembled reporters.

I've concluded there are three levels of liberal idiocy:
There's stupid.

There's really stupid.

And there's Bloomberg stupid.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Harvard study proves gun-grabbers' argument dead wrong

August 24, 2013 by Joe Saunders

Will a Harvard man listen to Harvard research?

Probably not, if the Harvard man is Barack Obama, and the research finds flies in the face of liberal pieties – and misconceptions and lies – about gun ownership, gun violence and gun control in the United States.

Like the recently reported CDC study about gun violence Obama commissioned himself, the message to gun grabbers is clear:

They're wrong.

A study released in the spring in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy – to virtually no media attention – focused on the prevalence of gun ownership in the United States versus those strict gun-control countries in Europe the left is so fond of talking about.

It was called, with disarming bluntness, "Would banning firearms reduce murder and suicide?"

Its answer was: "No."

Looking at historical patterns in the United States from the colonial and post-colonial days, and in Europe going back to the time before guns were even invented, two researchers came to a clear conclusion:

"Nations with higher gun ownership rates ... do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership."

That's just a fact, even in those European countries the U.S. left is so fond of citing.

Heavily armed Norwegians, where gun ownership is highest in Western Europe, have the continent's lowest homicide rate, researchers Don Kates at the Independent Institute in Oakland and Gary Mauser of Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, wrote.

Russia, where the civilian population was virtually disarmed by the communist government for 80 years, has one of the highest homicide rates in Europe – and one four times higher than in the United States.

In the United States, homicide rates were relatively low, despite periods when firearms were widely available – the colonial era, when Americans were the world's most heavily armed population, the post-Civil War years, when the country was awash in surplus guns and filled with men trained to use them.

Homicide rates in the United States didn't increase dramatically until the 1960s and '70s, which correlated with a rise in gun purchases, but Kates and Mauser point out that fear of crime could just as easily have sparked a rise in gun purchases, rather than more guns causing more crime.

And today?

Communities where gun-ownership rates are highest are where the homicide rates are lowest, Kates and Mauser wrote:

"Where firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are highest."

That's not what the gun grabbers want to hear.

And the two researchers know it. In their conclusion, they launched a pre-emptive defense, quoting another researcher who found similarly unwelcome (to the left) results when he studied crime in the United States versus gun-restrictive Canada:

"If you are surprised by [our] findings, so [are we]. [We] did not begin this research with any intent to 'exonerate' hand‐ guns, but there it is — a negative finding, to be sure, but a negative finding is nevertheless a positive contribution. It directs us where not to aim public health resources."

The study takes up 45 pages in the journal's spring issue.

But when it comes to gun-grabbers, the whole thing can be summed up in two words:

You're. Wrong.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Caught on Cam: Clerk Stuns Robber, Puts Gun To Face:

Jon Lewis Alexander is an Iraq veteran currently working in a liquor store in Marionville, MO. A robber asks for money as he attempts to pull a gun, but Alexander pushes the robber's arm down and draws his own gun. The description below the YouTube video explains that Alexander told the robber to leave before he would "blow his (expletive deleted) head off."

Because no shots were fired and no one was hurt, this incident isn't reflected in the Liberal media gun violence statistics. However, it is proof (once again) that a good guy with a gun is the great equalizer. provides more video reports and the following information:

MARIONVILLE, Mo. — A would-be robber gets quite the surprise at a store in Marionville. When he pulled a gun on the clerk, the clerk then pulled his own gun on the man — and it's all caught on camera.

Most of us wouldn't be calm and collected at the barrel end of a gun, but lucky for Jon Alexander, he was prepared.

He was working a typical shift at Beer:30 Liquor Store Sunday night when things got interesting.

"Had a gentleman come in the door there smoking a cigarette and I asked him to take his cigarette back outside," recalls Alexander. "He pulled a gun out from behind him and said, 'you need to give me all your money.'"

But the would-be thief learned quickly he picked the wrong guy — a former military police officer packing heat.

"I pulled my weapon up and told him, 'you need to get out of here before I blow your head off.' Backed right on out the door."

Now two days later, Alexander's bold moves are the talk of Marionville and the store's owners are pleased they hired a security guard and a clerk, all in one.

"I think it's a situation where everybody has to determine what they are capable of handling," says Max Dawson, who has owned the store for two years. "Wouldn't recommend everybody do it. You have to have a little training to be able to do stuff like that."

From the time the man walked through the door, Alexander says the whole exchange was only about 11 seconds.

"You never know exactly what to do," he says. "You just hope you do the right thing."

With 30 years in the military under his belt, Alexander says he is used to high risk and is just glad he was prepared in this situation.

"Any place that deals with a high volume of money is a target. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody does attempt it again down the road."

And if they do, Alexander will be ready.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Second Amendment Wins:
Two CO Senators RECALLED

Colorado Democrats need a new State Senate leader. History was made tonight in Colorado as Democrat Senate Majority Leader John Morse was recalled for abridging Coloradans's Second Amendment civil liberties. The tally is currently 52%-48%. According to Kelly Maher of Revealing Politics, Morse supporters need to "beat us two to one in remaining ballots." Impossible.

It's the first wave of legislative battles planned by citizens angry at state lawmakers who denied them a vote on their Second Amendment rights. As it stands now State Senator Angela Giron is narrowly ahead of her recall.

Morse conceded around 11:30 eastern time. Republican Bernie Herpin was elected to replace him.

UPDATE: Sen. Giron (D) is also RECALLED with over 60% in favor. Amazing what average, everyday Americans can do, in this case a plumber (Victor Head, Pueblo Freedom and Rights) from Pueblo. Pueblo deputy police chief George Rivera was elected to replace her.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Texas Man's Pregnant Wife Never Wanted to Have a Gun in the House – But Now She's Sure Glad He Insisted

(Yes, Nanny Bloomberg, read it and weep)

Via The Blaze:

A Texas man's pregnant wife made it clear she was against having a firearm in their house. However, the husband insisted she learn how to use a gun to protect herself just in case. In fact, it was just a few months ago that he took her out to teach her the basics.

On Saturday, she was extremely thankful to have the protection of a gun on her side.

The pregnant woman, identified only as "Alex," told KGBT-TV that she was startled by the sound of a man banging loudly on her front door while another man walked around to the back of her Palmview, Texas, home. Her husband had just left 20 minutes before.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


State Battles For Gun Control Intensify

(I still feel that one should have a CC permit
and a class on how to use their weapon...Warph)

Via Breitbart:

Battles for and against gun control continue to intensify in various states around the country. Although Colorado took center stage with the recall of state senator John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) and Angela Giron (D-Pueblo) days ago, gun control is or has been the recent focus in Mississippi, Texas, Missouri, New York, and Connecticut.

The good news for gun owners is that the clear majority of the battles are against gun control.
In Mississippi, House Bill 2 was passed in the last legislative session and signed into law by Governor Phil Bryant (R). This law allows Mississippians to carry a firearm in plain sight for self defense, without a permit. Supporters of this law say it "confirms... the right to keep and bear arms." This law will soon take effect.

Continuing the effort to protect the right to keep and bear arms, CNN reports that Texas refashioned their concealed permit renewal process to make licenses easier and cheaper to renew. Legislators also passed an added discount on concealed carry licenses for military veterans and peace officers. Governor Rick Perry (R) supported both measures.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Gestapo Missouri Cop Demands Identification from
Law Abiding Girls Carrying Guns Legally

September 18, 2013 by Tim Brown

So four young women entered a local Wal-mart in Marshfield, Missouri for a bite to eat. Missouri is an "open-carry" state. It appears they are also getting their food at Subway inside Wal-mart. Apparently someone called the police to complain about them carrying their firearms. The owner of the restaurant didn't ask them to leave, but lo and behold the cops are on the scene.

What's most concerning about this event is the fact that several officers arrive and the first officer in the video starts asking for identification without even addressing why he needs it, even from a girl without a gun! You'll notice he also does not consider a passport or a weapons permit identification.

He then seems to have a problem with the group videoing him and asks them why they are doing so. Apparently, he thinks he has a right to violate the Fourth Amendment of these girls, but takes issue with their First Amendment, as well as their Second Amendment rights.

The officer is not paying very close attention to IDs either. He looks them over and then asks the girls how old they are.

The officer then asks them to step outside, and once he steps outside discovers a young man walking up to see the girls and asks for his ID! Why does the officer need to see ID? No crime has been committed. In fact, the young man asks him explicitly, "Am I being suspected of something?"

The officer responds like Barney Fife, "I don't know, I just get a call, and that's the reason I'm here."

So he admits he doesn't know if anyone is suspected of anything. This officer needs to understand the Fourth Amendment because he is violating it all over the place. Here, let me help:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The officer, by demanding their identification is violating their rights. Additionally, he has admitted that he doesn't even have probable cause to ask them for their identification.

The young man asks again, "Did I break the law?"

The officer, visibly frustrated, demands the ID, which the young man provides.

Upon providing the identification, the young man asks the officer, "Has the law been broken?"

"I don't know yet," the officer bellows. "That's what I'm trying to determine."

Then others arrived that have been traveling with the group and he wants to see their identification! Seriously, what is this Nazi, Germany?

He then asks about the young man filming him. The young man says that he has a First Amendment Right to do so, to which the officer seeks to demean him by asking him, "Is this what you normally do travel from town to town filming everybody?"

I guess the question would have been best asked in response to the officer, "Is this what you do, demanding IDs from people who haven't broken the law without any probably cause nor citing a reason for demanding identification?"

Then the officer told the young man that a business has the right to refuse them and ask them to leave, which the young man understood and complied with, but apparently, the young girls were never asked to do so.

There was also a follow up video as well, in which Marshfield Police Chief Doug Fannan, who at least carried himself in a more cordial manner than the previous one, attempted to talk about being pro-gun. However, the glaring problem that most people should see what he says is that if someone feels uncomfortable that you are exercising your right to carry your firearm, then you are creating a disturbance of the peace! I'm not kidding. Listen to him say it below.

Additionally, why do law enforcement officers not tell those that feel uncomfortable that they do not have the right to infringe on others' rights because of that? Why do they not educate those who do not understand the law? Could it be because they don't really understand it themselves? Could it be that they don't actually believe in the rights of the people? I'll let you be the judge.

Eventually, the group is released after a discussion of various ordinances.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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