Started by Warph, August 31, 2013, 02:01:10 PM

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This from Nov. 2010 on the American Flag which this forum is probably unaware of:


Federal Judge: School Can Ban American Flag Shirts

A federal court has ruled that a California public school had the authority to prevent students from wearing clothing emblazoned with pro-American messages on the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo.

U. S. District Court Judge James Ware was ruling in a case involving students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, CA, who were banned from wearing American flag t-shirts on the Mexican holiday in 2010.
he judge determined that the Morgan Hill Unified School District did not violate the First Amendment and said that concerns by school officials over possible violence justified censoring the pro-American message.

"The school officials reasonable forecast that Plaintiff's clothing could cause a substantial disruption with school activities, and therefore did not violate the standard set forth – by requiring that Plaintiff's change," the judge wrote.

"This is nothing more than political correctness," said John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute. His organization, along with Thomas More Law Center, represented the students and their families in the lawsuit.

"If these kinds of decisions are upheld, they will destroy our First Amendment rights," Whitehead told Fox News.

The lawsuit stems from an incident that generated national attention last May when three students wore patriotic t-shirts, shorts and shoes to class.

Whitehead said the boys were approached by assistant principal Miguel Rodriguez who instructed them to  either remove their pro-American shirts or turning them inside out.

"The students were told their shirts would offend Hispanics," Whitehead said.

The students refused to change because they said it would be disrespectful to the flag. At that point, Whitehead said they were ordered to the office where Rodriguez allegedly lectured the trio on Cinco de Mayo and told them that their clothing would offend Hispanic students on "their" day.

Whitehead said the school's behavior was incredibly offensive.

"It's offensive to most Americans," Whitehead told Fox News. "The symbol of America is the American flag."

The school district maintained their only concern was student safety – and that's why they asked the boys to change their shirts.

Wes Smith, the superintendent of the school district, told Fox News that he is "very satisfied with the decision."

"We were encouraged to hear that the federal court found student safety paramount," Smith said. "The other finding – that we did not infringe or deny students their First Amendment rights was also encouraging."

Rutherford said they plan on appealing the judge's decision, arguing that it sends a terrible message to students.

"It teaches students that at any moment, any time, a state official can shut down free speech and that's what we're going to fight against," he said.

Smith noted that the 2011 Cinco de Mayo celebration went off without a hitch.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Public School Art Project Desecrates American Flag
By Todd Starnes

Students at a Kentucky high school were encouraged to step on an American flag that had been placed on the floor as part of an art display, outraging parents and students.

The display at McCracken County High School, was a re-creation of "Dread" Scott Tyler's 1989 installation titled "The Proper Way to Display an American Flag."

A photograph shows a music stand on top of the flag that had been placed in a hallway, in a story first reported by Kathleen Fox, a reporter with The Paducah Sun.

(All of these people who hate our country so much need to find a different country to live in and turn in their citizenship.
BUT... why would they move since the 'commie progressives are in the process of taking over?  Why move when the get away with what ever they do?  Why move when many agree with what ever they do?  Would she have done this to the Lesbo rainbow flag??  Doubtful, but if she had, everyone be demanding she be fired! 
Shock is only shocking when used sparingly and outrage only effective when not a tantrum.  For a century at least those that have been held up as 'smart', 'genius', or 'intelligent' in reality are only shocking.
I'm no longer shocked, and I'm certainly not impressed.  I'm not even outraged... just pissed and disgusted.

As part of the art exhibit, students were encouraged to stand on the flag and write their reflections on how they felt standing on the flag.

Local residents filled social networking sites with their outrage over the flag desecration with many calling for the art teacher to be fired.

"The teacher should be fired and run out of town," wrote one outraged Paducah resident. "I have a son serving to protect this flag at this very moment."

"It is a sad day when the symbol of this great nation is relegated to occupy the floor," a reader wrote. "It is a truly sorrowful day when the one who placed it there has the nerve to ask, 'How does it make you feel?'"

"I doubt this teacher intended the disrespect her art project exhibited," one reader wrote. "But nonetheless, it was really a despicable assignment."

Art teacher Shand Stamper has since apologized for the controversial art display – telling The Paducah Sun that it was not a specifically assigned project. The newspaper reported she sent a written letter of apology to school administrators.

"I love our flag and the nation it stands for. I love the freedom I enjoy because of our brave veterans. I feel sick and deeply sad that through my actions I have dishonored these men and women and also poorly represented you all," she wrote in a letter obtained by the newspaper. "(To say) I am devastated by my actions bringing outrage and negativity on you is a gross understatement."

Michael Ceglinski, the principal of McCracken County High School, said the teacher made an error in judgement. He said the project was not sanctioned by the school nor approved by administrators.

"We (McCracken County High School) don't condone this action and we handled it immediately and appropriately," he told the newspaper.

Nancy Waldrop, the superintendent of McCracken County Schools, told television station WSPD the flag would be burned – the proper way to dispose of an American flag that has touched the ground.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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