Linda Ronstadt

Started by Bullwinkle, August 24, 2013, 09:04:42 AM

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      One of the best female singers of her time, Linda has Parkinson's and has lost her ability to sing.


I saw this when I turned on the 'puter this morning.  She is my all-time favorite singer.  I am pretty sure I have every album (LP, tape, CD) she has ever done.  There is a album cover image of "Hasten Down The Wind" on glass in a frame hanging on the wall in my family room.  I have been to as many of her concerts in the LA area that I could get to.  I have memories of her back in the sixty's when she was still with the Stone Ponys, but just started to go solo.  I was a manager of a record store in Hollywood and she would stroll in, unnoticed at that time, and check the leader cards in the record bins.  The leader cards were just larger than the albums and indicated the name of the artist. The employee in charge of ordering albums could see how many had sold and how many more he needed to order.  Linda could get an idea of how well her records were doing by looking at the leader card and noting the order dates and amounts.  She dressed like a typical hippy off the streets so prominent in Hollywood in those days.  "Pirates of Penzance" was an absolutely fantastic performance, one that I would not have expected of her at that time.  One of the highlights was a concert at Universal when she did the whole concert without singing my favorite song at the time, "Heat Wave," and then the whole area was bathed in red and she came out for an encore and sang it.  I was overjoyed.  From folk to rock to her "Songs my father taught me" in Spanish to the operetta, there is no finer voice or talent.

It is very sad that such a pure singing voice is gone.  The tonal quality of her voice was beyond anything I have ever heard and I have been a student of music all my life. 


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Suffers not only from Parkinsons but, for many years, Hashimotos disease and deep bouts of depression.

I agree, guys... the best of the best... no one could touch her voice.  Did you know her favorite singing artist was oprea star, Maria Callas?  As she discribes her feelings after Maria Callas died, "I was in a blue funk for months."  Christopher Loudon of Jazz Times noted in 2004, Ronstadt is "Blessed with arguably the most sterling set of pipes of her generation . . . rarest of rarities â€" a chameleon who can blend into any background yet remain boldly distinctive . . . It's an exceptional gift; one shared by few others."

I agree! ... but I have to say, her political views STUNK.  Case in point:

My favorite: Long, Long Time...(brings back aaaaaaalot of memories).

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You and I travel to the beat of a different drum... can't you tell by the way I run every time you make eyes at me...


You forgot the most wonderful song:  "Goodbye My Friend"  (Google it).   

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