Longing To Be Free . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2013, 04:31:21 AM

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Diane Amberg

A New Jersey and Boston accent mixed together. ???


    Yup. Go for the last post , again. ::)


Quote from Diane:
Where in Wilm. is your buddy? I don't live there, I live in Newark. We don't shoot anything that moves here.

Lady Di,
Now do you really think I would tell you that even if I knew ? Mother Edwards never raised such a foolish son to divulge info like that especially after you telling us you can shoot anyone of us and never be charged .(see below quote ) What if Preacher tells me something that might not set well in your craw ? BAM !! He's wasted ? I have never asked him for his street address because I could care less. All I know is he lives a tad over a 23 minute drive from your house.
What do you mean you don't shoot things that move there ? You only shoot bums that are passed out or what ? Why no shooting of moving targets ? I reckon "if I was" a buglers in your house I would stay on the move so you didn't shoot me  !!!
Quote from Diane:
I'd shoot any of you dead in an instant if necessary, and since I am who I am I'd never be charged.   

Quote from Diane
Where did you get 162 9th graders?

I would think that anyone that is as deeply involved with the new school as you are, would know that.
I hope I'm not revealing a secret. My source didn't tell me to keep it under my hat .


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2013, 09:34:38 AMMT, you are absolutely right, I could have taken all my SS money, if I could have predicted when I would die, and made more on my own.  Most people don't know how and shouldn't be expected to.

And people wonder why we're so screwed. So you're trying to say people should not be expected to take care of themselves!?!? That instead they should expect everyone else to take care of them!?!?

In that case why don't we just hook everyone up to feeding tubes or even easier would be government provided rations. That way we only provide the absolute necessary amount of nutrition required to sustain life so absolutely no one dies due to excessive eating. No one should be expected to know how to take care of their bodies, it's clearly far too complicated and should be left to the government and their approved doctors to keep everyone healthy.

While we're at it lets quit being so conservative on helping with money. We can let the government along with approved financial experts take all of the money earned by workers and purchase only the necessities for them to live, that way they have enough for their entire lifespan and the government would also have extra money to spread around to help those that may not be able to work at all.

Instead of the overly complicated system of driving we just need government approved drivers in massive buses to commute people where they need to go, which of course would just be between work or school and home. No need to go anywhere else, that would be a waste of precious resources and not necessary to life. Naturally the proper government provided food rations will be available and automatically dispensed at each location making going out to eat or shopping completely unnecessary. Can't expect people to have to actually go and get their food, that would be ridiculous.

Business, of course, is so completely over complicated that no one should be expected to have to actually run one. Government will run businesses and will choose its employees and their work as no one should be expected to have to find a job either, they can expect it to be provided to them naturally.

The school system is already pretty well optimized for this scenario, only a few alterations would need to be made. Private and home schooling would be done away with, can't expect anyone to offer actual schooling options. Also choices of classes would be done away... of all things to expect, we certainly can't expect our children to actually decide what they want to do. No, no, no... a 100% government approved curriculum devoid of any choices will be provided so that everyone gets the same, quality schooling that everyone should expect their kids to receive. Math, science, Spanish, Olde English, atheism, history of the other great nations like England, the Soviet Union, China, etc. to better our country (absolutely none of that American history crap except to show how bad the Constitution and Capitalism is and how it destroyed the country), then of course sex education for all sex types (LGBT) with proper videos and/or demonstrations so that no one risks getting diseases or getting hurt while performing (penile fracture is no laughing matter), probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have a whole class dedicated to honoring and praying to the all mighty, all seeing, all knowing Government so that they should never have an expectation again.

Need I go on?

QuoteI can't make squat now with savings/investments because of the economic situation and the older I get, the less risk I'm willing to take.

Ready to bring back the Constitution, slashing government to the absolute minimum, and reinstate free market Capitalism yet? If not, don't expect it to ever get much better.

Diane Amberg

Jar.you are so funny... more with the out of context quotes again. ;D ;D ;D   I said I'd shoot you "if necessary". So don't make it necessary, no problem. I never shoot "buglers. They tend to be very nice musicians ;) Again ,you folks ask me all sorts of personal leading questions and if I choose to not answer I'm "ashamed?" But you don't have to answer mine? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Wilmington has had 7 shootings in just the last little while, in the bad areas. There is also a big difference between living in Wilmington and having a Wilmington zip code. I was just interested. ::)
As far as the  "source" for NCS....That's funny too! Four classes of 25 each is not 162, not at it's important. As far as a Taj Mahal... why not? No taxes were used in the building of it. At $84.00 a square foot building costs... could you do it?
MT.. what set you off?...remember, I'm a moderate .I do acknowledge that there are people who absolutely cannot care for themselves or live independently. The ones who can should, no excuses .Please don't start spouting what you think I think based on your interpretation and then the extension of something I said. Chances are you'll be wrong every time. Cool down!


MT got it right for sure.  Good job - well said. 

You Bolsheviks and a lot of Republicans are not going to agree with MT.


Quote from Diane:

As far as the "source" for NCS....That's funny too! Four classes of 25 each is not 162,

Silly me, why would I believe what the Newark Charter School web site says. I should have asked the all knowing one in the first place so when you get done laughing at my funny will you contact their web site and set them straight. Before I forget---how's the crabs doing ? Someone told me that you posted you picked up the crabs at the firehouse the other night. I know a cure that involves gasoline and an ice pick if you're interseted.

How many students are in each grade?

Grade K: 132 students 6 sections of 22 students/ea.
Grade 1: 132 students 6 sections of 22 students/ea.
Grade 2: 132 students 6 sections of 22 students/ea.
Grade 3: 132 students 6 sections of 22 students/ea.
Grade 4: 162 students 6 sections of 27 students/ea.
Grade 5: 162 students 6 sections of 27 students/ea.
Grade 6: 162 students 6 sections of 27 students/ea.
Grade 7: 162 students 6 sections of 27 students/ea.
Grade 8: 162 students 6 sections of 27 students/ea.
1,338 total students

Diane Amberg

Jar, I'm just funnin' with you. I know exactly what is on all the sites about NCS. When I see the director tomorrow I'll ask him the final count for this year ,since it seems to be important for some reason. Web sites can be out dated. The K classes were expanded also. Who ya gonna believe, Greg or the website? As far as crabs. :o ....
These were Blue Claw crabs and very tasty ;)


Quote from Diane:
Jar, I'm just funnin' with you. I know exactly what is on all the sites about NCS

Sure you are---just like when you mis- spell words just to see if the hicks catch it.

Diane Amberg

Jar, ya just gotta learn my quirky sense of humor. If you do catch a word I really did misspell, I'll admit to it and do. I said once long, long ago I'd laugh loudest of all. Sometimes I even tell you there is one mispslled to see if you can find it. ( ahem!)  ;D ;D ;D ;D
    If you think you are hicks, remember, it's a self assessment! ;) When I was in  school I was considered a hick too because my bus took all the country kids home, including me. Now as far as NCS..... Just having fun. If you reread it you'll see I didn't verify any of the attendance numbers as being correct. As parents are transferred for work, which is common here, the numbers do change.
I have no idea how Greg came up with the original class numbers and sizes. I think it had to do with the number of units = the number of support and service people. I'd ask, but I know you aren't really interested. The two buildings have been modified ,and were designed to be, to add a few extra classrooms as needed ...and they have been. No details to bore you. At least if you've been chasing all this down, I know you've seen the photographs of the middle and elementary schools.(Yes, Al and I were the owners' reps. for them also.) NCS actually started several years prior in a cluster of modular classrooms or what Ross calls "trailers."... 9/11 happened just after they opened for the first time. That's why the kids chose a tri corner hatted patriot as their mascot.( Sorry Pat!)

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