Longing To Be Free . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2013, 04:31:21 AM

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Fer goodness sakes ya'all shor spend a lot o time proven ya got nutin to prove.
Don't it get tire in.


Quote from Diane:
Why do you want me to identify my company? I told you it's named after my mom. You accuse me of bragging, but when I don't ,ya don't like that either. Look up Delaware business licenses and you'll find it.

It's Howdy Doody Time. Pull up a chair cowboys and cowgirls. Today we are going to play, "Guess the name of Lady Di's company". First correct answer wins a ---drum roll please---Yes, a plastic fire helmet and and an autographed picture of Smokey the Bear, all donated by The Aetna, Hook and Ladder Co. (applause )

Diane Amberg

 ;D ;D ;D ;D It's Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company. If you lived in our fire response district I could provide the fire hats, but I can't do the photos any longer because Smokey died. :angel:
Jar, I keep telling you there is a Lady Di on the forum and I'm not her. You few have proved not to be trusted with any new information about me and mine. Back when, we all shared back and forth and it was fine. Not anymore. Anything said is turned into into a weapon. WHY do ya want to know the name of my company?


I am having a problem understanding why Diane is ashamed to tell everyone the name of her company. As to WHY, what difference does it make. The guys just want to know.

Diane Amberg

Maude, they are just gaslighting me and they think I don't know it. There is no such thing as an "innocent" question from them. They want to tease, torment or do someting untoward with the information. Sometimes I don't mind and I'll play along, but there is a line, and it better not be crossed.
If you REALLY need to know for some reason, I'll PM you.
That "ashamed" nonsense is typical gaslighting.  Ask someone something very personal. If they don't care to answer, they'll hear you must be "ashamed" of it, like you just did. That's about as "grew up in a barn" rude as one can get.  At what age did YOU start having sex any way? ;) Just an example. :-X
I'd have thought you would understand. You wouldn't tell me how old you are. Are ya ashamed of it? ;) Now that's gaslighting. Why do I need to know how old you are? Of course, I don't.
I could ask Ross how often his son disobeys him. If he says it's none of my business (..which it isn't), I can retort ..."what's the matter are you ashamed of him?" Yup, that's gaslighting. Don't be taken in by them.They think they are being funny.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2013, 04:08:20 PM
Maude, they are just gaslighting me and they think I don't know it. There is no such thing as an "innocent" question from them. They want to tease, torment or do someting untoward with the information. Sometimes I don't mind and I'll play along, but there is a line, and it better not be crossed.
If you REALLY need to know for some reason, I'll PM you.
That "ashamed" nonsense is typical gaslighting.  Ask someone something very personal. If they don't care to answer, they'll hear you must be "ashamed" of it, like you just did. That's about as "grew up in a barn" rude as one can get.  At what age did YOU start having sex any way? ;) Just an example. :-X
I'd have thought you would understand. You wouldn't tell me how old you are. Are ya ashamed of it? ;) Now that's gaslighting. Why do I need to know how old you are? Of course, I don't.
I could ask Ross how often his son disobeys him. If he says it's none of my business (..which it isn't), I can retort ..."what's the matter are you ashamed of him?" Yup, that's gaslighting. Don't be taken in by them.They think they are being funny.

To borrow from the TV Show "Hee-Haw" (1969 -1992) Buck Owens & Roy Clark
Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
Gloom, despair, and agony on me.


You talk about being "grew up in a barn "rude---asking Maude at what age she started having sex. Did you not know that Maude is a Catholic Nun ? Now I aint positive she is but we just don't know do we ?
Was gonna ask you---on that new charter school your company is doing the inspection on---you say it's 140,00 square feet total and is gonna house grades 7 thru 9 but they will only be allowing 162 ,9th graders, then there must be a bunch of kiddies in the 7th & 8th grades to warrant having that much space---but hey, my hats off to y'all---I hate over crowding.

Got an e-mail from "Preacher" today. He said it was on TV that some outfit came out with a list of the 10 unfriendliest towns in the USA. He said his hometown of  Wilmington, De. was number 8 on the list. He said that after following our forum for the past 2 months he thinks they got Wilmington and Newark confused. That ol Preacher is a hoot I tell you !! :D


If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. —Samuel Adams

  So you're quite comfortable, enjoy your wealth before it is taken from you.

  You're so proud of your servitude, and see no contest for freedom, don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

  The forum isn't nice and rosy anymore, go home.

  We seek not your opinion, advice or counsel, or self placating spewage.

Diane Amberg

Hey Jar, ask your Wilmington buddy about the 4 shootings at second and Franklin a little while ago. It's not a nice place in certain areas. YES,Wilmington was on that most unfriendly cities list Where in Wilm. is your buddy?  I don't live there, I live in Newark. We don't shoot anything that moves here.
As far as Maude being a nun, some of the funniest people I've ever known were nuns. We have a polish orphanage near here and the Polish sisters who ran it got their CPR and annual fire safety class from me for many years. There they would be, down on their knees, wimples flying, doing chest compressons with a passion. Wonderful folks. Sister Natalie was a real hoot.
Where did you get 162 9th graders?
The school won't be full until 2017. Then there will be 1200. They will grow into the building a grade each year, feeding from the rising 7th grade.
We aren't just "inspecting" the building either. We are the owners reps....the "go to guys" and have been since day one. It has worked out very well.


      Another thread bites the dust......  in the Delaware garbage bin full of fun facts of one cares about.

     I think your going to have to stop calling West Elks plans the Taj Mahal, Ross. It seems the Newerk Chata truly is one.

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