Longing To Be Free . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2013, 04:31:21 AM

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Quote from: Maude on August 08, 2013, 11:05:31 AM
Patriot, Bullwinkle, Ross, MTcookson  You will not win. Diane is so busy patting herself on the back. Al is just perfect because of the free time he gives up to help. But what you all are overlooking is she can say her and Al do all of this and how would any of us know? They are so great they even get to help with the design of the school. When they come down off of the soap box and decide they put their pants on just like everyone else, you will not WIN. She is always going to be right as she has done it, been there and build it.  :P

You are my kind of gal Maude.

I guess I'm just plumb stupid for replying to her posts.

Slap me Maude, I deserve it. LOL


I'm going to try and help you out a little. Thru a web site named, together we served, I have been writing to a Nam vet that lives in Wilmington---born and raised there. Tell us the name of your "little company" (your description ) that is doing all that inspecting on that charter school, and the name of the school. I'll have my "pen pal" confirm what you say and put some of these "doubters" to rest. Hell , while you're at it tell us the names of the schools you taught at and the years you were a full time teacher and I'll have "Preacher" (his Nam nickname ) check that out too. We will make ol Ross eat crow for implying he might not believe everything you say.


       Maude, we have already won. ;)

      She has employed the same MO no matter what a topic starts as, it all turns in to Delaware dimwit me, me , me.

       I did this, I did that. Boring. For her to imply others do the same without someone asking is pure petulance.

       No , she won't stop. This is her imaginary world. She can make herself feel good by thinking she is so much more intelligent than the rest of us. MT tries to explain things calmly and rationally and all he gets is an A is composition. Sure some of us push buttons, and that's where we win. She can't just let anything go, actually has expressed her refusal to do so. Ergo, always the last word. Just look at how many topics there are that have the last post made by her.

       I'm leaning towards following Ross's lead and feeling sorry for her. :P


Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 08, 2013, 03:34:52 PM
       No , she won't stop. This is her imaginary world. She can make herself feel good by thinking she is so much more intelligent than the rest of us. MT tries to explain things calmly and rationally and all he gets is an A is composition.

Just like Obama, Biden, Waters, Ried an millions of other Progressives (high profile or otherwise).  Having cloaked themselves in their own fantasies & lies for so long, they can no longer tolerate the reality that the world universe doesn't actually revolve around them.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 08, 2013, 03:34:52 PM
Sure some of us push buttons, and that's where we win. She can't just let anything go, actually has expressed her refusal to do so. Ergo, always the last word. Just look at how many topics there are that have the last post made by her.

And it will likely be the same here.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 08, 2013, 03:34:52 PM
      I'm leaning towards following Ross's lead and feeling sorry for her. :P

Sorry, methinks that pity only enables more self imposed victimhood.  Tough love dictates that BS & social dysfunction be called out for what it is.  Of course if it's a mental disease....

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


  ;D POKE POKE, I have been proven correct in my assumption of what is going on. Diane is so busy I wonder how she has time to eat, sleep or shower and on the forum 24/7.

Diane Amberg

Jar, you must really think I'm a fool. Why would I rewrites all that to you again? It was long enough the first time. When do I get to pump you all for information! 50 years worth! As far as your having a friend in Wilmington... I really doubt it
You know perfectly well it's Newark Charter School...in Newark, not Wilmington, some 12 miles away. How about you give ME his name and I'll call him! There is no reason why he'd have ever heard of my company, named for my mother. We only do one project at a time and we don't need to advertise. Now ask in the charter school administrators circles and yes, they know who we are.
I don't have to prove anything to any of you.
I'm too open and friendly for my own good, but I do know a set up when I see it. Yes, I've been busy for the last 40 some years. Haven't all of you? As I said just recently, we are winding down now and I'd like to be totally retired, except for some fire company stuff when I'm 70.  or include me over the years? Nah, that really would be bragging. I don't blame ya for not caring.
  Unfortunately, that is more of what has sadly changed on the forum over time. Nobody welcomes new members any more to make them feel welcome. No more roll call, where people were asked to share information about themselves, including where they lived and what they were interested in. Now it's just "who can the conservatives beat up next." Why, there even used to be some  admitted Democrats who  were allowed to post their opinions... and weren't attacked for it. Now, if anybody wants to be nosy, then just accuse some body of being "ashamed" of answering whatever the question is. Nothing is too personal.
I'm here 24 /7? Now that is funny. How do you know unless you are on here too?
My after dinner break is over. Time to clean up from dinner.


Well Jarhead I guess you've been told.
A company that needs no advertisement, so therefore no technology like the internet to get customers.
And a secret name.

So just try to find it Jarhead.

And good luck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 08, 2013, 06:26:34 PM
...Unfortunately, that is more of what has sadly changed on the forum over time. Nobody welcomes new members any more to make them feel welcome. No more roll call, where people were asked to share information about themselves, including where they lived and what they were interested in...

Forum Fact: 203732 Posts in 13528 Topics by 632 Members!

Any you're bellyaching about a few posts in a few threads on a single forum topic category that are, in large part, a result of your own captivating, self absorbed ramblings?   You really don't see the bigger picture here, do you?

Now, go welcome somebody, will ya?  Cuz you're either a part of the problem you describe... or a part of the solution.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 My company's name is no secret. I just don't want to share it with you bunch. I know I'd live to regret it. Pat, why don't YOU welcome somebody...Remember, as I am so rudely reminded over and over, I don't live there. But, there is a nice piece of land sw of Howard that is mighty tempting. Taxes are less than $400.00. Lots of ponds. Sounds like fun.  I'll build a trailer park. ;) Now, Pat go drink some of Jar's brain killer home made "wine." I hear it will make your earlobes grow.


     More deflection.

     If you have a legitimate business, then it is public knowledge. Fictional business , however, eh.

     Actually , the last new members were welcomed by all , but you. Since they weren't supportive of your BS.

     You want to come home and start over? Buy that place. You and Ross can be neighbors, and you'd be lucky to have him because most would give you no help. He would, even after all your bloviating.

      I'd rather have some of Jarhead's home brew than your Upstate New York wine. Or do you buy Napa Valley. No, you probably buy foreign.

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