Longing To Be Free . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2013, 04:31:21 AM

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Diane Amberg

Frankly, I haven't bothered to read the documents. Ya told me it was none of my business. As far as my talking behind your back... I obviously wasn't, it was just a figure of speech since you weren't in the conversation at the time.
Is argue all you ever want to do? :P How many times are you going to bring up your education? and hate me for mine? I had to go to college to be a teacher and you know it. Why keep bringing it up over and over again. You are the one making a big deal about it ,not me. Now i'm supposed to change my writing style to something simpler so you can understand it? How about if you just try a little harder? 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 07, 2013, 05:07:48 PM
Frankly, I haven't bothered to read the documents. Ya told me it was none of my business. As far as my talking behind your back... I obviously wasn't, it was just a figure of speech since you weren't in the conversation at the time.
Is argue all you ever want to do? :P How many times are you going to bring up your education? and hate me for mine? I had to go to college to be a teacher and you know it. Why keep bringing it up over and over again. You are the one making a big deal about it ,not me. Now i'm supposed to change my writing style to something simpler so you can understand it? How about if you just try a little harder?  

My dear,

I just can't help pointing out how confused you are.

I don't recall saying it wasn't your business. However I have said you don't live here and only operate on hearsay. And I am sure you have problems way up there in your county in the State of Delaware that you could tend to instead of trying to figure out our problems long distance. Be active in our own community. Do you have a problem following the problems up there? Do you fail to understand the local problems up there? Do you have trouble communicating with the people of Delaware as well?

And deary you brought up brought up the subject of my education on this thread. But it is not the first time either. Thank you.
Which just goes to show you how much your paper work is worth. My goodness are you confused.

You have more excuses and a lot of figure of speech problems.

MY, my, my oh my!



Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 07, 2013, 05:07:48 PM
How many times are you going to bring up your education? and hate me for mine?

I don't hate you or anyone else for that matter. Hate as I have told you is a very strong emotion that I have only experienced once in my lifetime. It is a very devastating emotion and it takes a great deal of work to get past it. That was many years ago and I never want to experience it again in my lifetime. As an educated person you should be able to comprehend these facts and cease with the use of the word so freely. Unless you are using the term to foster pity from other people. Naw, I didn't think so.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 07, 2013, 05:07:48 PM
I had to go to college to be a teacher and you know it.

That sounds almost like an excuse rather than a reason. LOL
I don't even envy you your education, how long did you teach 2 maybe 3 years? Wow!

I just don't understand your reasoning and I'm sure others don't either.


     We started with Samuel Adams and now have been subjected to yet another " Life of MS Silverman"



Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 07, 2013, 01:52:27 PMAs far as SS is concerned, go find the history of it and why it was started in the first place.

Started by FDR. Prior to his Presidency, while a Governor of NY, he spoke about such types of "features" of government essentially stating that the U.S. federal government didn't have the authority to implement such "features" like Social Security and even stated that "...Washington must not be encouraged to interfere.", in reference to those types of programs. Yet just two years later campaigned on the New Deal and, of course, got into office eventually got those very programs into effect... doing the very things he said should not be done.

Anyway, Social Security itself started as a simple retirement plan. It has changed drastically through the years but the basic facts remain the same:
Social Security is:
1. Blatantly unconstitutional.
2. Unsustainable.
3. Corrupt (and programs like these will always be corrupted by the government).
4. Inefficient.
5. The list can keep going but I'm too tired to at the moment. :-[

Why it was truly started though... I have no idea. In the minds of the New Dealers it could have been a "good intentions" idea to "help" people or it could have been specifically implemented to help fund more of their big government ideals or maybe even specifically to slowly destroy the country. Can't really know for sure without traveling back in time with a mind reading device and interrogating them to find out.

I'd lean towards the "good intentions" one, as that seems to be the most common of reason they do it... at least most commonly stated reason... but either way I'd reference my list above as to the reasons why it should have never existed in the first place.

The actual Social Security Act of 1935 did more than just implement Social Security but, again, it wasn't constitutional and the federal government should have stayed out of it. Everything they did after '32 made the Depression substantially worse and irreparably harmed the country to this day and will into the future as well.

QuotePlease don't take mine away...I paid into it for many years. I could live without it but only because I planned for it. It's still my money.

Agreed. A plan would have to be put into place to essentially keep those that are on it or that will be getting it very soon within the system and for everyone else basically giving them their money back through tax credits or something similar. Basically wane everyone else off of it.

Though it may be too late to do that, not really sure as that scenario would have to be calculated. If not though it would have to be done quite soon so that it isn't too late.

QuoteIt's the same with my taxes. I don't pay out more than I have to in order to get a refund. Why should I be giving the Gov't a free loan of my money until they give it back a year later? I'll keep as much of it as I can. Besides not all people are good with money.

Excellent advice. The last thing the government needs is an interest free loan. If they would simplify the current tax system it would oh so much easier to pay exactly what is "owed". Or... just do away with it to make it truly constitutional again*, like I've mentioned. ;D

*Since it has been amended to the Constitution it is legally constitutional. When I say unconstitutional, I mean when looking at the original intent. The Framers would have never allowed such a thing to exist and for good reason too, reasons I've already explained in past posts.

QuoteIs the paperwork worse now ...Well of course. It's ridiculous!

Yep... way, way more time spent doing paperwork than is spent with the patient.

QuoteAs far as people who are capable of getting help from a private entities...what private entities and how does an institutionalized person with an Infant's IQ and severe physical disabilities get the help?  Easter Seals and such can only do so much.

If the country continues on its path to the left it shouldn't be all too long before we won't have to worry about the disabled... they will simply be euthanized.

By getting the government out of it, by getting money back to the people, the amount of money through donations, businesses, NPO's, etc. that can go to help those in need would increase tremendously. Efficiency would increase, corruption would decrease, it would be substantially easier to get help and funding to those that need it and keep it away from those that don't.

There would be some pretty severe side effects to getting government out of welfare though... Morality would go up, families would be actual full families again, single parents would start to diminish, births out of wedlock would diminish, society would just get better as a whole.

Diane Amberg

Ross.... I have to ask this and then I'll re- comment to MT, who writes a nice piece.  Ross, where in the world are you coming up with the idea I only taught for two or three years? Why would you think that and continue to say so. It's a lie at worst and an error at best. Why are you trying to smear me? Why is it so important to you to try to convince yourself and others I wasn't a teacher long enough to count? In my mind that IS hate.  Dislike doesn't run that strong.
  I wrote a huge piece for Jar awhile back explaining it all in painful detail.
I don't know why I even care this late in my life, but your information  about me is wrong, not true and unfair. >:( no wonder folks are sick of hearing about it!
Bull, go jump! We had a real conversation going on here!
Now where was I? As far as I know, SS, which isn't that old as far as history goes, was started as a bit of an old age pension to keep old folks from literally starving to death. It was never intended to be people's only savings, just a bump. But there were those after the depression who had 0, nothing, nada.... Especially women and widows. Between charity and SS they were supposed to survive. Sure families should have taken care of their own: many did ...but many didn't, wouldn't and exercised their freedom not to, just as today. It definitely has changed over the years. I'm not sure how I feel about some parts, like disabled children getting SS. But, like Topsy it grew and I have no doubt politics had a lot to do with it.  Yes, I do understand what you meant when you said unconstitutional. BUT Thomas Jefferson also said the document should be reviewed every so many years, I think it was nine, to see what should be altered or added to as the country grew and matured.
I don't think the morality issue could be fixed as easily as you think unless all the TVs were turned off, or with strong parental controls, ( many parents don't care) and the violent video games outlawed and a lot of influences were eliminated. The states could handle that themselves!   The Feds wouldn't have to be involved... But then the people who make their living that way would squawk. They don't care about morality!
No, I don't think forced euthanasia will ever happen. What happened to the Hippocratic oath? BUT there will come a time when people who are at the end of their lives should be allowed to die with dignity. When medicine as we know it can do no more people should be allowed a good and peaceful passing without bankrupting their family. On the other hand. .How does one get past the inability of a family member to accept the passing...especially if it a child. The little girl in all the news with Cystic Fibrosis is a good example. She has had two lung transplants now...so one was 'wasted' and she is still in terrible shape. That disease is much more complicated than just a lung problem.  I wish her the best and I do understand ,but....
Gotta go to work, more blue tape to do. Thanks for not being a stinker!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 08, 2013, 09:59:25 AM
Ross.... I have to ask this and then I'll re- comment to MT, who writes a nice piece.  Ross, where in the world are you coming up with the idea I only taught for two or three years? Why would you think that and continue to say so. It's a lie at worst and an error at best. Why are you trying to smear me? Why is it so important to you to try to convince yourself and others I wasn't a teacher long enough to count? In my mind that IS hate.  Dislike doesn't run that strong.

You just explained that I read it here on the forum. It is not hate. But as you clearly stated, "It's a lie at worst and an error at best."
So it was an error, hot hate. You sure concentrate on hate a lot. Why is that? Are you filled with hate? Just asking!
You have rubbed our noses enough about having been  a teacher, key words, "having been". I explained to you I to am a has been. I am retired and am now a bit of an active taxpayer.

You really seem to like the words liar and hate an awful lot.

So let's move on.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 08, 2013, 09:59:25 AM
 I wrote a huge piece for Jar awhile back explaining it all in painful detail.

I guess, I missed that!
Was there documentation? Just kidding! Pokie, poke.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 08, 2013, 09:59:25 AM
No, I don't think forced euthanasia will ever happen. What happened to the Hippocratic oath?

Neither did Neville Chamberlain.  And he was a 'moderate' conservative, too.

Optimism be damned, never underestimate the human capacity to do evil.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, Bullwinkle, Ross, MTcookson  You will not win. Diane is so busy patting herself on the back. Al is just perfect because of the free time he gives up to help. But what you all are overlooking is she can say her and Al do all of this and how would any of us know? They are so great they even get to help with the design of the school. When they come down off of the soap box and decide they put their pants on just like everyone else, you will not WIN. She is always going to be right as she has done it, been there and build it.  :P

Diane Amberg

 Hi there! Another long one, get some iced tea!
  Hey, Ross..hot hate? Sounds pretty strong to me! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.
Do I hate people? Nah, I just feel sorry for certain ones.They are usually very narrow minded people being led by those who choose to prey on their ignorance. I see it quite often on the tape clips on the web. Non Americans being portrayed as Americans ....but they aren't even speaking English. Half bricks of unproven information...  It never stops anymore.
So just close the schools and let the hooligans just run wild in the streets? Sure would save tax payer money in one way and cost huge amounts in another. Or give them all guns and hope they all kill each other? :P Hey, we could demand all the females be sterilized!
It's soon going to be proven, I'm sure, that the end of the world will be very soon. So who cares how anybody behaves? Isolated areas deep in the ghettos of very large cities are often too far gone to be rescued, but they are portrayed as being "typical" schools.      So who care anymore whose fault it is? Kids act out for their friends' camera phones and dare the teacher to do anything about it. Or some completely lose it. and go nuts, in front of cameras. Must be mental problems! Don't ya wonder what happened next? What a waste! and what happens to kids exposed to class disruptions who did want to learn?
They don't stand a chance, so they quit and join the next generation of misfits, crooks and drug users or dealers. Isn't that what you all believe and want to hear to prove your thinking is correct? What about your own local small town kids who won't behave when they should? Aren't they wasting some person's time that could have been better spent helping some one who wants to benefit from what is offered?
I'm glad I did retire.  I'm getting too old for all the controversy. :'(

As for Maude... You don't know what an owner's rep. is apparently.  Helping design the school and working with the architect and builder is what my little company does. It's a nicely paid job, not volunteer.  Just one project at a time. Why does that seem so improbable to you? Warren ,the builder gets along well with us. Al is the "Go to Guy" so the school director does have to be involved in every small detail.
  If you start in on my husband you will be making a huge mistake.  Lay off.
Sharing information is not bragging. Many of you do it, some almost every day. I love hearing about what you all are doing. Thanks to a few who joined several years after some of us are not allowed to share back? Wow! How unfriendly! I don't bother posting photos but even if I did, you would say they are fakes.  Why so grumpy?  You say they will not "win?" Since when is this a game? ;)
  Maude you are way off topic...and caused me to be also. Perhaps someone will move it for ya! Poke poke.

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