Longing To Be Free . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2013, 04:31:21 AM

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Diane Amberg

Oh well. I won't even ask if you think you get any services for the tax money you spend.That is very clear. I agree in some  groups it 's tax heavy, top heavy. But a lot of people work for the Gov't in one way or another. It's jobs too.
  We are still stuck in wars at huge amounts of money that has to come from somewhere, and although poorly paid in my mind, the military gets paid. That money has to come from somewhere too.
You still have the freedom to make all kind of purchases. If you choose to, if they are associated with taxes and fees,you are agreeing to pay...you know the costs are there. That's one of the reasons I get a car I like and don't buy another until I run the wheels off this one.
Considering the American way of paying things off over time, many don't care what the total cost is, just if they can make the payments. One can thank the business and advertizing industry for that. Do you know how much less a heavily advertized car would cost if we didn't all share in the cost of those hugely expensive car commercials? Including the dealer?
I don't know of anyone who WANTS to pay taxes. It's even fashionable to complain... CCTP   But then how often does one hear "why don't they do something about that?" Who is "they?"
As I said before, I don't mind most things having to do with health and safety.  I haven't had to scrape a child off the road in years because they rarely fall out car doors any longer. Very few door related spleen injuries either.
No more time for now. It's a punch list, cut sheet and blue tape day at NCS. And it's pouring again.
Ross, very interesting how you turned this into all about your personal project. ;D You chose your life and how you live it. Now you are blaming others because you aren't part of the elite? You always had the choice to do something else.The WASP males have always had that choice. and more choices than most women ever had. 8)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2013, 08:12:59 AM
Ross, very interesting how you turned this into all about your personal project. ;D You chose your life and how you live it. Now you are blaming others because you aren't part of the elite? You always had the choice to do something else.The WASP males have always had that choice. and more choices than most women ever had. 8)

Oh Diane, I am so hurt!

You haven't figured it out.
I am part of an elite group, but I ain't disclosing that info, sorry.

Ya ever heard of the two guys of being brothers of different mothers. Well it ain't that elite group.


Gotta go, got real important stuff to attend to. Real important!
I'm free to say that and I'm free to do that, right?

Oh by the way I have had an excellent life and I own everything I have, no house payments or car payments or credit card payments.
Most of your elite probably can't say that, right?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2013, 08:12:59 AM
Oh well. I won't even ask if you think you get any services for the tax money you spend.

Oh well? OH WELL? Are you serious? Its like you're not even comprehending just how serious this issue is. What rights must you lose before you say, or even think, enough is enough? Will it be the loss of the freedom of speech? Will it be when prayer becomes a crime? Maybe when police are allowed to walk into your home anytime they want and arrest you for no reason? What exactly would it take for you to open your eyes, seriously? Do you think these services we get for our tax money makes up for the loss of our freedom or something? Would it make up for further losses of our rights?

For my taxes I get a neutered military, am forced into an unconstitutional "retirement plan" that is absolute junk, am forced to pay for medical coverage for others while having hardly enough money to pay for my own, pay for people to eat whatever they want, to get the internet, have a cell phone, get drugs, my money goes towards keeping the border open to those that would do people harm or that get paid by simply being here all the while to turn around and send it out of the country, goes towards sending legitimate immigrants back where they came because the current admin doesn't agree with their views, goes towards horrible roads, its sent to countries that would like to see us dead, goes to countries that act as our allies yet betray us, is used to gives weapons to our enemies, pays to endlessly spy on the American people, funds a police force that seems to be moving closer to having no other job than to violate our rights on a daily basis, funds massive agencies to further take away our freedom, pays the salary of politicians at every level of government who are violating the law (a federal felony to be exact) every day by taking away more and more of our rights, and on and on and on and on and on...

Wow, you're right! I never realized just how awesome a deal it was, losing freedom but getting services back for my taxes! Totally worth it! ::)

QuoteYou still have the freedom to make all kind of purchases. If you choose to, if they are associated with taxes and fees,you are agreeing to pay...you know the costs are there. That's one of the reasons I get a car I like and don't buy another until I run the wheels off this one.

Of course I can purchase stuff... its one of the most basic of our rights! The government feels as though it can tell us "Yeah, you can purchase that gizmo buuuut... NO you absolutely cannot purchase that widget!" - "But why?" - "...Um... well.. because we said so! Its for the safety of the children you know!" - "But the gizmo and widget do the exact same thing!" - "How's jail time sound to you?" - "...".

QuoteConsidering the American way of paying things off over time, many don't care what the total cost is, just if they can make the payments. One can thank the business and advertizing industry for that. Do you know how much less a heavily advertized car would cost if we didn't all share in the cost of those hugely expensive car commercials? Including the dealer?

Are you serious? You think the cost of cars is higher because of advertising? So by that thinking GM should have the most expensive cars on the planet... considering that between 2011 and 2012 they had an ad budget of $3.1... BILLION... yes, with a B... They were second on a list of 36 companies that had ad budgets of over $1 Billion. Of that 36, including GM, 5 other auto manufacturers were on that list. Ford, Fiat/Chrysler, Toyota, and Honda being the others. Which of those 5 has the most expensive cars for sale in the U.S.? NONE! They make some cars that can be quite expensive, but not even remotely close to being the most expensive.

Now... how many in that list of 5 has some of the most affordable cars for sale in the U.S.? All 5... every single car manufacturer in that list has cars that are just as affordable as manufacturers that don't spend as much on advertising. All 5 have cars under $17,000. 4 of them under $16,000. The biggest spenders, Ford and Chevy, have cars under $15,000. They are 2 of only 7 manufacturers selling cars in the U.S. with offerings below $15,000.

Just to add to how ridiculous that statement was:
- Google's budget was $1.005 Billion... searches are still free.
- Microsoft spent $667 million more than Apple... Microsoft products still substantially cheaper.
- Verizon, at number 3 on the list, was at $2.52 Billion yet I'm spending less through them than on the local and regional offerings with much, much, much better service.
- Walt Disney - $2.112 Billion yet I never once have had to pay more money for a movie ticket or DVD/Blu-Ray from them than any of the other studios.
- McDonald's - $1.37 Billion yet they're still cheaper than most local and regional offerings and still thoroughly competitive with, and on top of, all of the other major chains burger chains.

QuoteI don't know of anyone who WANTS to pay taxes. It's even fashionable to complain... CCTP   But then how often does one hear "why don't they do something about that?" Who is "they?"

If the government wasn't allowed to get away with what they do, we wouldn't even have to pay the outrageous taxes that we do. That is what is so ridiculous about it all. The more government expands, unconstitutionally, the more we have to pay and the worse it gets. The federal government used to, for 126 years, run perfectly fine on just tariffs and excise taxes. If its not wasting money on things its not even allowed to spend money on, we could easily do away with the income tax... and we should.

QuoteAs I said before, I don't mind most things having to do with health and safety. I haven't had to scrape a child off the road in years because they rarely fall out car doors any longer. Very few door related spleen injuries either.

Its not the governments job to take over everything to "increase safety". If a manufacturer makes a defective product that injures someone and doesn't do what is right to help those involved and fix the problem, then the government should step in and tell them to get it dealt with properly or else. That's it.


Very well said.  Couldn't agree with you more.

Diane Amberg

Ross,"my" elite? Who are you talking about? I have no debt either. It came from careful planning and no frivilous spending. What is your point?
MT at least you can disagree and not get nasty about it. I agree with much of what you say, but I'm an optimist about this country. If the bottom hasn't happened yet, perhaps it never will. There are checks and balances in place and I do believe that slowly ,over time, things will get better.
I have said many times that Obama care is a bad deal.  As long as the tops (CEOs) of the big companies are getting obscene money with lots of tax escape clauses, the middle class will have a hard time. But without some taxes how would we pay for the things that help the common folks? Will every bridge and road and library have to have user fees? Will every zoo and park have to have fees too?I sure don't know, but I refuse to believe the sky is falling.


       Your usual dodge tactics.

     MT gave you examples to refute every item you claim isn't anything to worry about. Sounds just like a page from the POS potus speechwriters. The roads and bridges? First promise I heard from Obuma , infrastructure was to be a top priority. He hasn't done squat. The locks on the Mississippi are outdated and falling apart. A major mode of transportation for goods from the heartland. I see nothing helping the common people when it comes to where taxes are spent. The majority of the bridges in this country are falling apart and aren't even inspected as to their safety. Health care? You might want to ask a few "good" doctors , as well as pharmacists, nurses; those who deal with it daily, what they see happening. Go ahead tell me how many you know. I know many, personally, in my own family, and they are not predicting good things happening. Where do you get that people running profitable businesses are the cause. They pay more than their share of the tax burden. What a liberal/ socialist statement. If those who think like you have their way, our future is doomed and taxes will expand to every item people want, so they might  live in comfort.

     Hard to see the sky when you wear rainbow colored glasses.

Diane Amberg

Why did you read my post, let alone respond ? Ya think I'm interested?  ???
  I'd rather see the states survive, or not, on their own merits. No dodge intended, just bored. SSDD. CCTP. ::) Where did you get the idea I support Obama care? Are you suffering from selective blindness? Again? ;D
How many people do I know or am related to in the medical profession? Hundreds!! That's really funny. Have you forgotten my history all ready? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D WOW...
Al is a director at our local free standing Emergency Center...has been since the 70's. I'll avoid the snotty answer I was about to give, but you don't know that you don't know!  ;D ;D ;D  Living where there is some population does have some advantages.
Profitable businesses?  Profit is one thing. Obscene profit that only goes to a few is wrong!  There is nothing that they can do that is worth that kind of money!  They all protect each other  You ever been invited out on the company yacht. No ? pity.? The biggest companies? Some, not all, pay themselves many millions and pay their workers close to minimum wage for short hours and have many CPA's on staff to keep up with every tax dodge and loop hole there is, some with outright cheating.   Until they get caught and then there are so many layers between the top and the rest that they deny knowing anything was going on. A few are set up as fall guys and if things come apart they are paid huge sums to take the hit. Remember Enron?
Wanna make it better? Bring the jobs back that went overseas. That was done strictly for profit. But you support that? Why?
Do you have any 200 million $ and up friends?  Do Ya? I rather doubt it. The younger generations of these companies don't care like the owners of years ago did. Donations? Sure. Scholarships and matching. Sponsorships? Sure, and every bit of it a tax deduction.  They always know what they will get out of it. The little businesses do get hit hard...The big guys don't...or you bought into their line. I didn't say don't worry... worry doesn't get ya anything.
It will get better. You might have to rethink how you live and spend, but it can and will get better. Wet blankets are very boring. I choose to think differently.


      Well, I have been on the company yacht, it's a 30 ft pontoon boat.

      You're related to or know what, EMTs. They are clueless to the workings of the health care system on a business basis.

     I won't reply to your first line, it is quite predictable. You spew that and yet return , over and over and over, trying to get in that last word . And that makes you smile. I know people like you. " Smilin' faces pretend to be your friend"


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


        Perfect, Warph, the "Warphmiester" strikes again.

      I too, am so sick of all this s***

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