Longing To Be Free . . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2013, 04:31:21 AM

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If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. —Samuel Adams

I see apathetic Americans, most still unaware that we are now a communist country.
-Kelleigh Nelson


Diane Amberg

Papers please, show me yer papers. ;)  Wake up and stop wishing for what we already have!  Don't waste it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 29, 2013, 11:06:29 AM
Papers please, show me yer papers. ;)  Wake up and stop wishing for what we already have!  Don't waste it.

For clarification sake, what, precisely, do you think we already have, and what should we not waste?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Sure. We have travel limited only by ones ability to pay.No one threatens to take your family hostage to make you toe the the political line.
You can choose your own line of work. The Gov't doesn't assign you your job. Your housing is what ever you can afford. The Gov't doen't' assign your housing by how valuable you are to the party.
You can own land if you choose to. You can educate your kids any way you want or can afford to.
You can be in as much debt as you allow yourself to be...It's in your hands.
College or not..you get to choose. School debt? Your choice. Choose poorly, you have only yourself to blame.
Your family can get together as they did years ago and combine money to send family members to college if you want .It isn't forbidden.
There is no state religion . You get to choose where to go or not go at all.
You can shop where you wish, and spend as much as you have. You can buy what you want, even if you shouldn't. You can waste your own money on junk if you wish. You can be a conspicuous consumption spender and buy whatever vehicle or toy,or fancy brand   clothes you want.
The Gov't doesn't tell you what kind of vehicle you are allowed to have, how much mileage it has to get, and how often you can "earn" a new one.
Food is very cheap here as compared to the rest of the world. For the most part there is lots of it in enormous variety,even off season. Your health issues are your own..Never see a dentist? Up to you.. Never see a doc..your privilege. Neglect your family? Chances are you'll get away with it.   Want more ? I'm out of time. OK, now I'm sure you won't miss the chance to rip me a new one. Remember ,you asked!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 30, 2013, 06:57:17 PM
OK, now I'm sure you won't miss the chance to rip me a new one.

Were it not for the hypervigilent victim line quoted above, there could have been a comparative discussion about the not so subtle erosion of liberties and the government policies & intrusions that make many of the things you cited more difficult and/or more costly for millions of folks.  Sadly, that unemotional discussion of ideas isn't possible.  So, you answered the question.  Too bad you couldn't leave it at that.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


       And one of those erosions would be that the government DOES require car manufacturers products to meet their standards for MPG.

       They have also piled so many taxes on the middle class that they are not spending their money on whatever they wish.

New Information about Aspirin

Effective August 1, 2013, aspirin will be heavily taxed under Obamacare.

The only explanation given was that they are white and they work.

No other reason was given, but I thought you'd want to know. ;)

Diane Amberg

You have the freedom to build your own car from scratch and I doubt the Gov't will tell you how much mileage it has to get.
WHAT....  I missed a chance for debate with "Pat... ronizing"... I may to cut my wrists! ;D ;D ;D ;D Personally, I have no problem with most safety standards. Some, as far as pain killers and such, be a bit extreme.
I was happy to hear the warnings recently about contaminated fruit and vegetables. Now I have to freedom to risk illness or not.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 30, 2013, 06:57:17 PM
Sure. We have travel limited only by ones ability to pay.

There are certain things that, of course, one must pay to travel being whatever form of transportation you want to use, whatever form of fuel that transportation requires, and whatever else might be needed... however... for the government to require us to pay THEM to travel... that is blatantly unconstitutional and here in Kansas even goes against state law (as well as most other states' law).

Unless you are using the roads for commercial purposes the government(s) CANNOT make you pay money to exercise your right to travel. No driver's licenses, no registration, no license plates, not even can they require you to carry insurance.

QuoteYou can choose your own line of work. The Gov't doesn't assign you your job.

Yet if you want to start your own business the government(s) will require some form of license (i.e. permission) to operate many different types of business. If I were to want to start selling cars, if I sell over 5 a year, Kansas would require me to become a dealer... which, I refuse to do. Not even allowed sell my own property without permission.

QuoteYour housing is what ever you can afford. The Gov't doen't' assign your housing by how valuable you are to the party. You can own land if you choose to.

Yet the government seems to want to control as much of the housing market as it can, causing house prices to become ridiculously high, so high that many can't even afford one at all without getting credit... if they have good enough credit to begin with. If they can't then they have to look into government housing... interesting.

Don't leave out regulations though. Try building a house in some areas without the government meddling "in the name of safety". In many places you'll be punished for not mowing your grass.

Then of course there's taxation on property, where I'm pretty sure most places aren't doing it even remotely legally, or rather constitutionally.

QuoteYou can educate your kids any way you want or can afford to.

Just wait until they start to really go after home schooling, which they already highly dislike. Tell me you can educate them any way you want then. Some states have regulations on home schooling already, some rather dumb regulations in a few states I've seen.

QuoteThere is no state religion . You get to choose where to go or not go at all.

You're leaving out the massive attack on religion though, the so called "separation of church and state" nonsense. Trying to pray at a public school anymore is becoming more and more of an issue. Only going to get worse I imagine. So much for freedom of religion.

Oh, and choose where to go... uh, yeah I seem to recall a family being fined for having a Bible study group at their house. Violated some insane city ordinance.

QuoteThe Gov't doesn't tell you what kind of vehicle you are allowed to have, how much mileage it has to get, and how often you can "earn" a new one.

Yes, the government does tell us what kind of vehicles we can and cannot have. I cannot purchase one of my dream cars because the government does not want me to have it, not without spending insane amount of money to get it "legalized" for use in the U.S. because it may or may not meet the U.S.'s emissions and/or safety standards. Last I heard it was actually completely banned from being imported but that could be until the changes were made to the car.

To import them you must go through an insane series of absolute BS. A company wanted to import them to sell so had to run a car through crash tests... no I'm not kidding... and if it failed at any point (which it did on the side impact tests) they were required to modify the vehicle to pass. Once this was complete and it passed they had to do emissions testing. This particular car was required to add 3 catalytic converters to pass. After a bunch of other nonsense they were finally allowed to import and sell these cars... or so they thought. Turns out the nonsense was worse than anyone imagined. This particular car, we'll car the "2nd gen", had the exact same engine and transmission as the 1st gen and 3rd gen versions of the car, only the bodies were different. Little did they know they were actually required to do all of the nonsense (crash testing, emissions testing, red tape after red tape) on all three generations of this car but since they didn't to the tests to the 1st and 3rd gen essentially the owner of said business was throw in jail, owner's of the cars had their cars taken away by the government, this and that and everyone is pissed and doesn't know what to do.

Did I forget to mention that some of these cars were worth less than $10,000 if you were to go to the originating country to buy them but for the company here to make any sort of profit had to sell them for a minimum of $50,000 for the older versions (starting with the 1989 model year versions) and nearly $100,000 for the newest version. If one wanted to have them convert a car you bought yourself it would be $16,000. Good luck trying to do it yourself, you'd have to go through the same process they did.

If you wait until the car is 25 years old supposedly you can import it just fine then. We'll know for sure next year if that ends up being true with these particular cars.

Anyway... no... you absolutely are NOT allowed to own whatever vehicle you want.

Its already been mentioned but car manufacturers are REQUIRED to meet fuel economy standards. Worse part about that is these complete, utter MORONS in government don't understand that a car that is coming out next year was designed probably a good 5 years ago, maybe more or less for some... but regardless they keep throwing out these higher and higher requirements every year and the manufacturers basically have to sort of panic and meet the new requirements on cars that are way past the development stage. Sure now they are probably used to it enough that they can cope.

I'm just waiting for the politicians to go even dumber and start trying to require fuel economy numbers that aren't technologically possible yet sit there dumbfounded as to why and start punishing the manufacturers because of it.

QuoteYour health issues are your own.

Where were you for all of this Obamacare BS??? I mean... really!?!? The government sure doesn't seem to think so. They have their tentacles so deep into health care its THE reason no one can afford it. I'm just... completely out of words for this one.

QuoteWant more ? I'm out of time. OK, now I'm sure you won't miss the chance to rip me a new one. Remember ,you asked!

I'd love more, but I won't wait.

Lets do... the Right to Life and Liberty!

The Right to Life, nope... gone... abortion anyone?

Liberty... already covered. Just think about this for a moment, its pretty easy. Are you required to get permission to exercise a right? I'll help you, just in case... the answer is yes. We've already covered a small section of this above. Driver's licenses, business licenses, a "permit" (cough license cough permission cough) to conceal carry a firearm, and the list goes on and on. Liberty extends to so much more but its already thoroughly diminished and getting worse every day.

We've already lost so much of our freedom yet so many think we're still free. I'm sorry, its a joke. We may be "more free" than many other countries (and that's nice and all) but we are NOT anymore, truly free. I sadly believe it is only going to get worse. Our liberties are attacked every, single, day. It's truly quite sad that people don't want to be free anymore and don't know just what they've lost.

Oh and hi everyone! Figured I'd lurk a little bit. ;D


Oh come on Patriot we have the right to allow ourselves to be brain washed, right?
We have the right to believe everything printed in the newspaper to, right?
We have the right to believe everything the media tells us, right?

We have the right to believe that Project 19 is going to make a real difference in our local economy.
Afterall they have received a great deal over One Million Dollars in grants to make a difference.
By the way what is that money being spent on. Is it to pay the high paid executives running the program to
entice people to volunteer? The paper hasn't provided any information how this organization is going to accomplish anything, has it?
But we have the right to blindly believe they have every intention of improving the economy for Elk County, don't we?
Why question these over paid elite?  We have the right to allow them to keep us in the dark, right?

We have the right not to question anything, right?

We have the right to allow the School Board to tax the heck out of us, so they can build a Taj Mahal for a mere 300 children and not improve the educational standards for the benefit of the children, right?

We have the right to ignore how taxing entities screw us over, right?

We have the right to make bad choices, right?

We have all them rights don't we Patriot?


Have you heard you are not free in some communities to collect rain water in a rain barrel with out paying the government taxes on it.

Where is the freedom in that?

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