
Started by Maude, July 27, 2013, 08:19:15 AM

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Dereks surgery went just as the Dr planned . They took the disc out and shaved and sanded all the bone spurs off and inserted the cadaver bone and it went just as planned. he will have to wear a neck brace and do very limited movement for a few weeks but should be back to normal after it all said and done.  He ate some spaghetti tonight and the regular pan meds didn't stop the pain so they put a little morphine in his IV and that seems to calm it down so I imagine he will rest tonight and that is what they wanted hm to do so his neck wouldn't be all tightening up. I posted of course on FB, but wanted you all to know the outcome. 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


That is very good news.  I am a firm believer in staying ahead of the pain.  When you try to stand the pain, your whole body tenses up creating more pain, creating the need for even more pain medication.  So, on with the morph or whatever.  Keep him comfortable so that he can heal.


I am so happy for you and him Teresa.


Sounds like he has a winner going for himself.  I was able to get Derek's surgical DVD from his doctor and he said it went quite smoothly, altho' the thunderstorm at the time was quite loud.  I know back surgeries can be iffy if you have the wrong man doing the plowing back there.  But what I have seen here on this DVD, Derek was lucky to find this doctor.  Oh, if the pain persists, give him a 6-pak of beer and call the doctor.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

HIPAA? OOOOH! That'll be $5,0000 please. :-*


There is no HIPAA violation here. Your East Coast needs you. Once again we cannot stay on the thread that was started.

Diane Amberg

Good grief, Maude. It was a joke all the way around. :o  I knew it and they knew it.   How old are you anyway?  :'(
Wasn't Derek's surgery an event? They seemed to think so, so don't bug me about it. :(    I'm just happy it all went well.


Diane, This is the last thing I am going to say about this. Your comment had nothing to do with Dereks well being.  Once again you just say it is a joke and it was a stupid joke at that. I will never understand why you think you are cute or funny. As far as my age, it is none of your business but I am old enough to know that there is no way I know or have a comment on every thread of this forum like you do. I guess there is no one on the forum as smart as you are. If I put something on the forum please to not make a comment to it, as I do not care what you think about anything I have to say.  :-\


Does anyone have information about the happenings on the Hiway 99 events on the 27th and 28th of September? Since I live not far from Hiway 99 and I have ask my driver if he could take me on the route. 8) 

Diane Amberg

So that bit of tape that WARP posted was Dereks's real surgery? And that was his real surgeon? Why aren't ya busting his chops? You missed his joke entirely! Go back and read it again...especially what he wrote in red.
I do respect the elderly, even though I'm a "younger elder'' myself. I'll take that into consideration.
If you hate me so much you must be related somehow to one of the more negative posters. As far as my commenting on "everything",not so! Some things I never comment on, some rarely, some I often do. Ya don't like me....don't read me. I can do without your comments too. :P I suppose I could have PM'd this to you, but unlike some, I rarely do that either. Have a nice day.

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