
Started by Maude, July 27, 2013, 08:19:15 AM

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The forum is a good place to let people know what is going on in Elk County but it is not used. The fair came and went an nothing was put on the forum. I am sure at different time's people need help with things, what a great place to put and ad. What about the kids that are mowing yards the could put on the forum what their hours are and what they charge. I just think the forum could be used for something better then complaining and being upset about something someone put on the forum.


       Good point, Maude. In a way , the forum is like a daily paper, except there are many reporters. Perhaps someone will post the blue ribbon winners at the fair, or something. Maybe those involved with organizing it don't realize people on here are interested and weren't able to attend.
     I know Frawin is always giving us reports on oil and gas, Warph does an extensive job on current events, Judy brings church to those who don't always attend or are unable, ( thank God we don't have religious debates, as I have seen that get ugly), LarryJ is like a modern day Paul Harvey. I think the only topic that generates discord is Politics, and that is the way it is. I haven't talked to anyone who is happy with the politics of today's world. Some just don't sit back and mutter about it. The OpEd page in any paper is full of bickering, and though some say they don't read it, they do. Just like people rubbernecking at an accident or watching a house burn, it's human nature to be curious. There are also a thread or two that reflect the new thing, Twitter, where people like telling the world what they are doing every minute.

     I read what I want, comment when I care to, and post when I think something is of interest. It is all optional. Nothing is mandatory. One can hardly say things here are personal, it defies the meaning of the word. We are not face to face. If we were, a lot of comments would be kept to ones self. Most of us were taught as children, sticks and stones, etc. "words can never harm me".



Thank you Maude and Bull for posting that.
I would really like to visit Elk County and spend my money there as would be a local support (from another county). However, local events do not get posted.  Perhaps it is not read only within the county? 

I tried the gardening, and it went to shhi....merings.
Forget Politics.  That turned into a blog by one.
Most topics get hijacked with personal attacks and personal agendas.  I find that rude, not at all courteous and somewhat condescending, as well as high school- ish.
I choose not to participate.  That is only my opinion.

The only topic I have found that isn't hijacked with another personal slant is the want ads. 
Let us know what is happening and when!  Up to us to choose what to attend, but won't if we don't know it is happening!



Sometimes I wonder how many people really read the forum ,only hand full post.


We have 631 members and almost half of them have never posted.  Makes me wonder why they joined.  A whole lot of others have posted only once and quite a few more only twice. 


     Some people just want to read the paper, not make the news.


But you don't have to join to read.  Kind of like a baseball game, if you want to get on the field, you had better be playing.


I used to post some, but the politics board has run me and a bunch of others from posting anymore.   The hatred and bullies have spilled over onto other boards too.   You never know when you could end up on a few peoples hit list.  I read often, but usually keep my mouth shut.  If I voice my opinion much... I am sure someone would feel the need to remind me that I don't live in Elk county anymore.  Sometimes I wish Fred Bahr read and posted on here...Ross reminds me a lot of ole Fred, the only difference is Fred really is a good hearted soul. 


 :) Marcia Moore put a thread on here about the 2013 Severy Labor day celebrations. I just do not understand why someone in Howard could not do the same thing. It was a great idea. Now people from out of town knows' what is going on, when and where. :o


just in case no one heard.the longton fair is this weekend.there will be meat and beans,free music and fun,friday then Saturday we'll do it again with watermelon oh and you can't miss the parade Saturday morning.

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