Worried about gun violence... consider this

Started by Patriot, July 20, 2013, 12:10:48 PM

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The Wall Street Journal
July 19, 2013, 7:09 p.m. ET

Rise of the Warrior Cop
Is it time to reconsider the militarization of American policing?

...Americans have long been wary of using the military for domestic policing. Concerns about potential abuse date back to the creation of the Constitution, when the founders worried about standing armies and the intimidation of the people at large by an overzealous executive, who might choose to follow the unhappy precedents set by Europe's emperors and monarchs...

...Unfortunately, the activities of aggressive, heavily armed SWAT units often result in needless bloodshed: Innocent bystanders have lost their lives and so, too, have police officers who were thought to be assailants and were fired on, as (allegedly) in the case of Matthew David Stewart.

In my own research, I have collected over 50 examples in which innocent people were killed in raids to enforce warrants for crimes that are either nonviolent or consensual (that is, crimes such as drug use or gambling, in which all parties participate voluntarily). These victims were bystanders, or the police later found no evidence of the crime for which the victim was being investigated. They include Katherine Johnston, a 92-year-old woman killed by an Atlanta narcotics team acting on a bad tip from an informant in 2006; Alberto Sepulveda, an 11-year-old accidentally shot by a California SWAT officer during a 2000 drug raid; and Eurie Stamps, killed in a 2011 raid on his home in Framingham, Mass., when an officer says his gun mistakenly discharged. Mr. Stamps wasn't a suspect in the investigation....

Full story:  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323848804578608040780519904.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_LEFTTopStories

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Yep, everything is crazy, inside out, upside down and backwards.
Authority is out of control. I think the line in the sand has faded beyond recognition.
I believe our country needs correction a renewal of what is right and wrong
as well as what the difference is between the truth and a lie.

When the elite can stand before a congressional committee and lie and walk away without being charged, things need to change from the top down. Leaders need to learn the real meaning of leadership. IMHO!

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