Updated: Speaking of crap from Delaware...

Started by Patriot, July 20, 2013, 11:50:11 AM

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Quote from: Oldtimer on July 25, 2013, 09:28:56 AM
It is difficult to tell where the Most Crap is coming from, Delaware or Elk County. The Forum continues to reach new lows everyday. The fun and informative posts are gone, thanks to a few people.

Oh, come now, with all the threads on this forum you can't find anything to entertain yourself?

There are a Total Topics: 13490 today and I don't know how many threads and you come here to complain.

Are you saying none of those 13490 topics and Lord knows how many threads have any fun and informative posts?

Wow! Really Wow!

My oh my, you must be really bored.


Quote from: ROSS on July 25, 2013, 10:20:49 AM
Oh, come now, with all the threads on this forum you can't find anything to entertain yourself?

There are a Total Topics: 13490 today and I don't know how many threads and you come here to complain.

Are you saying none of those 13490 topics and Lord knows how many threads have any fun and informative posts?

Wow! Really Wow!

My oh my, you must be really bored.

You are the DISKONNECTED one, most people I talk to refer to you as Elk DisKonnected. The Forum went downhill when you and Patriot came on.


Quote from: Oldtimer on July 25, 2013, 11:06:29 AM
You are the DISKONNECTED one, most people I talk to refer to you as Elk DisKonnected. The Forum went downhill when you and Patriot came on.

I don't know what brought that on from you, but thanks.

What a great compliment it is to be called DisKonnected, I sincerely appreciate that, thank you.

Just what does it mean to you to be Konnected? Konnected to what?
Or are you ashamed to say?

It seems to me that anything Konnected with Konnected has failed.
That is why I accept your compliment of being DisKonnected

Most people you talk two would be who? A couple of your relatives that are perhaps Konnected to the failures?

Tell them, I said thanks for the compliment and you have a great day, okay.

DisKonnected Ross

I think I'll move this post over to the Konnected thread, see ya over there, Okay, OK!


       The Delaware gene pool could use a little chlorine.

      Doesn't matter what name I use, no more than you, MS Silverman. There is only one poster on the Forum that spends their time trying to antagonize others. You. Your comments that include your personal urban dictionary are another example . You might want to look up CTTP , nasty.
"Senility Prayer"...God grant me...
The senility to forget the people I never liked
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do
And the eyesight to tell the difference

Diane Amberg

Sorry pal. Get it accurate. For the second time... It's CCTP ... local here and is not the least bit nasty, just truthful. Several of you qualify. Other areas use other initials. By the way,I did look up CTTP. Nothing nasty in what I saw in Google.Ya got a bad book of evil sayings or something?
 The snipe about being "TOO Jewish?" What the he## does that mean? That is very personal, bigoted and rotten.  Besides, all I have to do is add an e and I become Indian. Ya sure it wasn't already changed? :angel:
I hope Teresa doesn't let you get away with it . There is a line and you sure crossed it with that one. Is there no bottom for you? Have you forgotten what you are even mad about?
And Ross sure wasn't in the main stream of Elk County life in 2007, or he would know exactly what I meant was going on. I promise you nobody has forgotten. Yes, I'm tormenting him about it. If someone else doesn't choose to explain, I will spill it eventually. By the way. I got an e-mail from a very nice Elk County person telling me I will always be an Elk Countian to them, no matter where I live. That felt really good... and not from an EK person, at least as far as I know. Nor was it a relative. No, it wasn't Liz or any of that group, so don't strain yourself trying to figure it out. Remember, there are nice people who read but never post.
  I have tried to call a truce many times, but you few enjoy what you are doing too much. I'm going to rewind my clock and start turning my much bruised Presbyterian cheek again and see what happens. Perhaps I'll bring back the Elk County Creeper that some will remember.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Larry, I'm sorry.  I really did try and they won't leave me alone. I won't be their doormat.... but according to Teresa ,I'll  make history  some day. Again.


      First of all, I'm not your PAL. You seem to like using anachronism to hide what you say. If I am B&, you will be as well.

     You are not remotely in touch with what happens in Elk county, regardless of your PALs that you have here and what they tell you.

     Bigoted ? Only an observation that you hide behind your ancestors and don't use your real name. Are you saying that you kept your maiden name for business reasons? What do I care. You are the one claiming people are hiding. I'm right here. Most people know who I am. Quit making everything about you. Patriot started this thread about the corruption in Delaware, which you freely admit. But like most threads you post on, it suddenly becomes about you. Narcissist.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 02:28:41 PM

And Ross sure wasn't in the main stream of Elk County life in 2007, or he would know exactly what I meant was going on. I promise you nobody has forgotten. Yes, I'm tormenting him about it. If someone else doesn't choose to explain, I will spill it eventually.

Mainstream --- what are you shooting mainstream?
I have never been mainstream anything ---- I am strictly an individual ----- no membership dues what so ever ---- and that includes sucking up or shooting up. LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 02:28:41 PM
By the way. I got an e-mail from a very nice Elk County person telling me I will always be an Elk Countian to them, no matter where I live. That felt really good... and not from an EK person, at least as far as I know. Nor was it a relative. No, it wasn't Liz or any of that group, so don't strain yourself trying to figure it out. Remember, there are nice people who read but never post.

An imaginary friend I suppose?

But that's okay, I got a call from the President today requesting my advice. Thank you.

So what? You are still an outsider, living many, many miles away in Delaware.

Unless of course living in Delaware, Kansas --- is there such a place? Still outside of Elk County isn't it?



      Adding to previous posts ? Sucking up to others here won't change the fact you can't stay on topic and want to make a thread into a personal pity party.
      Make history? Again? A legend in your own mind. Teresa is completely neutral and I doubt has told you any such thing unless you are to follow the path of David Alexander and get the axe.

      As for me , if the administrators want me gone , I leave it to them. They have been quite patient with those who only want discord. I do not, but will not be talked down to by someone who wants to dominate any thread she chooses. She has not tried to do anything but make waves. No one on this thread has done anything but respond to her Poke, Poke.

     My apology's to those like LarryJ and Wilma , who just want to offer sensible information. It is obvious to all of us that you, and many others , are good and caring people.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2013, 02:54:40 PM
Don't worry, I won't say how much we get, so I won't be accused by "the grumps" of bragging.

Nope, never antagonistic.  Not!


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Long epistle to follow. You have been warned! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
 Are you admitting to being one of the grumps? ;D ;D ;D ;D   I didn't post any names. Suit yourself.
You know perfectly well that this entire thread was started just to be antagonistic.  There was no other purpose. Ya set out bait and wait to see who takes it and then complain if they do.
 Things were fine and fun on the forum for several years before a couple of you came on to cause problems, be super critical in as mean a way as possible and put people under a microscope.  You made no effort to fit in to what was going on already..Ya just tried to take over!
People in other states and other areas of Kansas, who never ever lived in EC had come on and we had a lot of fun threads.  We shared information about everyone's home areas, trips we had taken, recipes we liked and it was never called bragging! People in other states, some like me, knew Elk County from visiting family in the summer. That they had never actually lived there didn't mean they weren't interested in the area. Nobody attacked anybody!
There was word play and original poetry,sharing of some wonderful local paintings, arts and crafts and some give and take and fun poking, but never anything mean or purposefully harmful.  It didn't matter what religion anyone was or wasn't, or whether anyone was moderate, liberal or conservative. People were allowed to have opinions and agree to disagree without being attacked or being forced to defend themselves from ridiculous accusations or look foolish.
 When a few joined in and decided to get their way and change the direction of the forum and allow personal attacks and general ugly rudeness to rule, yes, I did speak up on behalf of a number of us that wanted it stopped. It had nothing to do with my feeling like a victim..which I've been accused of ever since.( I would never have allowed such behavior in my classroom.) Because I'm not there, I was willing to speak up.  I've been attacked ever since .Apparently several of you have collected everything I've ever said in self defense to throw back at me later, but some rule says I can't do the same? Perhaps I should be flattered that I'm expected to be "better" somehow than some of you self described "uneducamated hicks" I have never understood that. Jealousy? Why? You all, every one of you, had a chance at education. If you didn't take advantage of it, don't come after me about it. One of you has even gone back to school to finish. I find that very admirable, and a sign of a good parent.
Make it " all " about me? HA! You few did that for me and keep bringing it up over and over and over. It's ancient history! Do you do that at home? A family member gets angry and you save it up to throw back for years to come? yikes!
And now it's being made very personal about my name? It's "too" Jewish? Holy Cow! Is nothing ever too much? Not that it should matter. I still want to know how someone is "too" Jewish and what that meant to the poster that said it. Can one be too Baptist or too Methodist. or too Church of Christ? It was one more try at a personal insult.
And one might wonder why I spit and claw and fight back some times? How much is a person supposed to take?  When there is nothing of substance to say it, gets personal, even after it was supposed to stop.
Several of you appear to just be showing off for each other and keeping score on how many swipes you can get away with and how many people you can offend. Don't you care what anybody thinks?

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