"Gender Bender Day" at School - Boys Dress as Girls... Girls Dress as Boys

Started by Warph, May 25, 2013, 02:58:34 AM

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Diane Amberg

So don't do it. Others can decide for themselves.
Just for the sake of debate...how did men and women dress when that was written?
How about male speedos? Bikinis? Purple hair? None of that makes sense to me either, but people demand their right to be different and individuals.
Things do change .When I was a country kid, the country boys and farm boys wouldn't be caught dead in shorts. How about now? By the way...do you have clothes made of more than one kind of fabric? I assume you have tassels sewn on the four courners of your garments? Well why not? So says Deuteronomy 22:11,12  Better look again.


       I've seen no farm or ranch kids wearing shorts, for good reason, which, by the way, folks around here still have. Wearing shorts would be asking to have burned or bleeding or bitten legs. Most wear long sleeve shirts as well.

      The only role reversal I experienced in high school was the Sadie Hawkins dance, when the girls asked the boys to go. New lettermen had to wear a dress to school for one morning as initiation to the letterman's club.

      A far cry from this pro gay nonsense.

Diane Amberg

Well gee,I didn't mean shorts on the job doing farm chores, that wouldn't be smart.I meant anywhere else like going to summer picnics, or shopping etc....places other than where long work pants etc. weren't needed and they had a choice in dress. The country boys here now do wear shorts when they can.


Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on todays liberal society.

Inducing confusion for what reason?

Boy or Girl?' Gender a new challenge for schools
'Associated Press By MARTHA IRVINE |
Associated Press – 31 mins ago

It's not, of course, that pat of a process. Parents don't just decide to let their kids switch genders. But, whether parents are dragged through the process, or if they decide to work it through more openly, more kids are challenging the boundaries of traditional gender, and going public at younger ages.

And they are doing so with the guidance of a growing faction of medical experts who no longer see this as something to be fixed. Last year, the American Psychiatric Association removed "gender identity disorder" from its list of mental health ailments.

Some experts predict that views on gender will evolve in much the same way they have for sexual orientation, since homosexuality was removed as a mental illness nearly four decades ago. Today, the gender spectrum includes those who are transgender, who see themselves as the opposite gender, and those who are gender variant, or gender nonconforming, whose gender is more "fluid." For kids, it means they identify part of themselves as boy and part as girl.

This is part way down the article, read the whole article at:

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The world just keep getting sicker and sicker and more and more people are being violently killed, and we ask why?


Quote from: ROSS on May 28, 2013, 10:09:01 AM

The world just keep getting sicker and sicker and more and more people are being violently killed, and we ask why?

        An excellent point, Ross.

     Some just can't see the forest for the trees.


      And......   Well gosh, some kids don't have a choice in "dress". They don't have a closet full of clothes. The clothes they have serve a main purpose , protection from the elements and nature, as it has been since the beginning.

      Mama only had one quirk, she forbid me to wear bib overalls, they reminded her of the poverty that was everywhere and kids wearing nothing but, including no shoes.


Reminds me of a story that a mother told me about one of her sons, back somewhere in the early 40's.  They were farmers and they dressed as farmers, bib overalls.  Came time for him to go to high school in town, they felt like he should wear a suit to school.  He also had to walk a couple of miles to get there.  The suit lasted only a couple of days and he was back in his bib overalls, to h-e-doublehockeysticks with what anyone thought about them.  I knew the gentleman.  He was a bit older than I and you couldn't ask for a finer person than he.


      The folks bought me a suit to graduate in, though it was only worn in school pictures. I still have it. Have not had one since, no use for it, besides funerals and weddings. If the church folk don't like my best, then to h-e-doublehockeysticks with them.

      Clothes don't make the man, Uncle Millard always said.

Diane Amberg

I find this conversation very interesting.
Our farm kids never showed their 4-H animals in overalls, jeans or dungarees.  It was usually a white shirt and white pants with a black belt. Some moms made them...everybody's mom sewed back then..or a sister, aunt or grandma.
  I made my own 4-H uniform dress. It was a shirt waist green stripe seersucker with the 4-H emblem on the pocket. I was so pleased when I got a blue on it and got to wear it too.  Nobody was allowed to wear jeans to school  except for summer school...and no pants for girls except for summer school either.
The school had a huge clothing sale every fall where we all dropped off what ever had been out grown and for practically nothing everybody was able to get school appropriate clothes. The local folks dropped off clothes and shopped too.
The school nurse knew all the sizes of our poorest families and she very quietly took care of them by pre shopping and taking bags of clothes to them at home. She also kept a clothes closet at school for emergencies. Shoes were always quietly donated. We all took care of each other.


       I guess you don't understand Dolly's song " Coat of many colors" either. Sure , even I knew/know how to sew. I pushed the treadle for Grandma when she was putting together shirts ans quilts out of scraps from worn out clothes. They looked fine to me, and they were made by my Grandma, so they were perfect.

     I wore handme downs from my three older brothers, and we were considered rich because we had more than two changes of clothes. Never saw anyone at the 4-H fair , or county fair, or even the state fair showing livestock in white.

     Some of us missed school on days when plowing, planting, what have you was more important. If they wouldn't have allowed denim, they wouldn't have had any students, and jeans were patched until they wouldn't hold a stitch anymore. Then they were cut up to patch the next ones. New fabric was a luxury.

     Maybe growing up in an affluent community is part of your problem.

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