"Gender Bender Day" at School - Boys Dress as Girls... Girls Dress as Boys

Started by Warph, May 25, 2013, 02:58:34 AM

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Tippecanoe And Tyler Transvestites, Too...
Milwaukee School Holding "Gender Bender" Day For Students To
Dress As Transvestites

(HOLY CRAP, this is INSANE!!!  What is wrong with these degenerates?
....and of course academia has no hidden agenda)

Read more at: http://eagnews.org/at-least-one-milwaukee-mom-wont-be-sending-her-child-to-school-on-switch-it-up-day/

'MILWAUKEE – Deidri Hernandez's seven-year-old son won't be in school today, after officials at Tippecanoe School for the Arts and Humanities confirmed they're still holding "Switch It Up Day" – a time for students to come dressed as members of the opposite sex.

Hernandez tells EAGnews the day was originally billed as "Gender Bender Day," but Tippecanoe officials made the name change after she called Principal Jeffrey Krupar to complain.

The Milwaukee mother was not impressed.

"I didn't have a problem with the title. I had a problem with the activity taking place," Hernandez says.

She says it's "ridiculous" and "creepy" to ask elementary boys to come to school dressed as girls, and vice versa, and predicts that having students dress as "transvestites" will distract from the learning process.

Hernandez knows of at least one other parent who shares her concerns and plans to hold her child out of class, too.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Choke! Now why is this being made into such a big deal? Little girls have worn "boy" clothes for generations now and boys have  dressed as girls for Halloween, play productions and such. Kilts anyone? Many male circus clowns dress as females for shows. This should not be made into an ugly issue. Kids are confused enough as it is. The word transvestite is nowhere on that poster. Anything to stir people up and get media attention. Black hearted people! Yuk! Spirit day of many forms have existed for many years, sometimes as fund raisers.


      Well, at least a couple of the parents are sane and not willing to "go along" with some idiot's idea, Warph.


Who you calling an idiot---the School principal who thinks this is a good idea---or person who taught for 2-3 years back in the stone age and STILL thinks she knows what's best for OUR kids ?


Have I ever told you about the wedding at a grade school production where I played the groom and my nemesis was the bride?  To top it all off, he offered to tie my tie for me since I was a girl and didn't know how to do it.  Being the groom, I stood at the front of the room, while he, being the bride had to walk down the center aisle between all the high school boys. 

I can't say that girls dressing in boy's clothing or boys dressing in girl's clothing is any thing new, nor can I say that it has anything to do with those children's future sexual preferences.  I turned out all right, didn't I?


We had "reverse-dress" days back in the 60's when I was in school. No big deal.

Diane Amberg

I always thought Tom Thumb weddings were really cute and did nothing to influence kids in any way. Some little boys like to play with  girl dolls as well as boy dolls. Is that a problem too. Hardly! Usually only among sexually insecure men. Ya think it might rub off? Phooey.
   Jar, ya trying to start it up again? Silly man. I do hope you didn't mean me. Cat or Angie maybe? You were told to lay off. Once again, ya don't get it and never will. Better stay in the bunker so no new ideas contaminate ya. >:(
 Do you know in some schools it's the kids who come up with the ideas?  Then the principal chooses. Some do backward day,dress as your favorite movie star day, sports star day, hero, favorite food, and all sorts of silly fun things. When we did it the kids would write stories about how they chose what to be and why and what they learned . Besides these things are always voluntary.The kids who choose not to participate don't have to. Milwaukee is a city...doesn't have hay or wheat to bring in. Shaking my head in bewilderment.
Wilma, I think you turned out great!


Jar, ya trying to start it up again? Silly man. I do hope you didn't mean me. Cat or Angie maybe? You were told to lay off. Once again, ya don't get it and never will. Better stay in the bunker so no new ideas contaminate ya.

Diane, why do you want to address me that way ? Did I mention your name ? You see, I'm learning from you---just throw them generalities out there. I say something about an idiot and you just presume I was talking about you. You should really do something about that low self esteem.

Diane Amberg

 O k, so, name names. I also suggested Cat and Angie as possible victims. As far as I know I'm the only "Stone Age' "she" teacher on here,just as you are a Stone Age Marine. So try and back peddle all you want, it won't wash off. So, who did you mean to insult? Think fast!  And seriously, thanks for all you did...back in your day.


Some people thought performing in black face was funny, well it's not.  Cross dressing is not funny.
The bible forbids men to dress in women's clothes and vise versa.

Deuteronomy 22:5
Good News Translation (GNT)
5: "Women are not to wear men's clothing, and men are not to wear women's clothing; the Lord your God hates people who do such things.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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