Tornado watch in KS. & OK

Started by Warph, May 19, 2013, 06:17:36 PM

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As far as I know, there was no tornado activity in Elk County.  There was a possible cell down by Dexter, in the system that moved through Elk County.  We did get a spurt of strong wind, some rain and some hail.  Right now there is something overhead that hasn't given us anything, but seems to be much worse off to the east.  I think that when this clears out, we will be cleared of anything until possibly tonight.


Major storms and tornadoes over Tulsa right now.. Hope it continues to miss us..
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A monstrous tornado struck Moore, Oklahoma which is south of Oklahoma City, this afternoon about 3:15 p.m.  At least two schools were totally demolished, possibly with children still present, so please say a prayer for all those affected in that area.  There are literally thousands of houses and businesses destroyed, also, and no idea of how many and what types of injuries.  This is such a horrific situation.  Our son lives in north Norman, Oklahoma, just south of Moore, but his area was not directly affected.  What a sad day.............


2 1/2 mile wide~~~~~ huge huge devastating damage in Moore and Newcastle Oklahoma.. The news are saying that this might be the worst tornado damage that anyone has ever seen. It looks like it leveled it! It was an EF4 or an EF5.. it was a slow moving ~~ about 15 mph 200 mph winds.. ripped and shredded everything it came in contact with.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


    They are covering it on NBC nightly news. Unbeliveable.


Massive Tornado Kills 51 In Moore, Hits Elementary School

Oklahoma City 

MOORE, Oklahoma - A massive tornado that ripped across Moore Monday afternoon has killed at least 51 people. The twister wiped out neighborhoods, destroyed two schools and left dozens injured.

The state medical examiner confirmed the number of people killed, but there's no specific number on how many people have been injured.

The powerful tornado first touched down in Newcastle and churned toward Interstate 44 and S.W. 149th Street. It hit Plaza Towers Elementary School, which is northeast of S.W. 19th and Santa Fe. There are still reports of children and staff still trapped in the debris. Emergency workers are on the scene, searching through the debris. There are also unconfirmed reports children were killed at the school.

Crews are bringing cadaver dogs to search for children trapped under the rubbles.

The tornado also hit Briarwood Elementary School, destroying the building. Parents ran to the school, trying to make sure their children were all right. Firefighters and police raced to the scene to help rescue trapped students and staff.

A teacher told News 9's Karl Torp that students and staff took shelter before the storm struck in hallways and under their decks. There were some minor injuries but all students were accounted for.

News 9 confirmed three people were killed at 7-Eleven Store in Moore. There were also reports two children were killed in the tornado.

Between 300 and 400 students are trapped at Southmoore High School. They cannot leave because of the debris littering the roads.

Bob Mills SkyNews 9 flew over the affected areas and found homes and buildings that had been reduced to rubble. Footage also showed vehicles, power poles and debris littering Interstate 35 and side streets.

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has shut down Interstate 35 both directions between Interstate 240 and Indian Hills Road.

The tornado also heavily damaged the Warren Theatre and destroyed neighboring businesses. Despite the damage, the theatre has been turned into a triage center.

News 9 meteorologists say the twister closely mimicked the path of the deadly tornado on May 3, 1999. That storm had the highest winds ever recorded near the earth's surface.

After hitting Moore, the tornado crossed Interstate 35 and continued its destructive path, but soon dissipated.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


      When it comes to tornadoes, I believe I get it. I've witnessed three firsthand, my brother was in the trailer park wiped out in Andover. He was smart enough to get to shelter, two of my other friends were killed. The other ones just destroyed buildings and crops.





Hope everyone is well, did the tornado come through Elk county?
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