Power Ups

Started by ddurbin, May 05, 2013, 03:19:54 PM

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Quote from: ROSS on May 08, 2013, 01:12:39 PM
I don't see where they have anything to do with the Kansas City Metropolitan area that is made up of 15 counties.

And once again:

The Kansas City Metropolitan Area is a fifteen-county metropolitan area, anchored by Kansas City, Missouri, that spans the border between the U.S. states of Missouri and Kansas. As of the 2010 Census, the metropolitan area has a population of 2,035,334. It is the second largest metropolitan area in Missouri after Greater St. Louis and is the largest with territory in Kansas, ahead of Wichita. The area includes a number of suburbs including the following which have a population exceeding 100,000: Independence, Missouri; Kansas City, Kansas; Olathe, Kansas; and Overland Park, Kansas. The following suburbs have a population exceeding 50,000: Blue Springs, Missouri; Lee's Summit, Missouri; and Shawnee, Kansas. The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) serves as the Council of Governments and the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the area.

Do these communities you ask about  have the above mentioned in common with Baldwin City?

If you can show me such a similarity, I will try to be responsive.

IE do they have The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) serves as the Council of Governments and the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the area or similar Governing Body that covers multiple counties?

Or are we going to attempt to attempt to compare apples and oranges to be the same as rural and metropolitan?

Is there no difference?

I have provided facts, I received from Wikipedia because I have no real answers but I do have lots of questions.

And sometimes I find answers such as I provided from Wikipedia.

Heck I never realized tat the Kansas City Metropolitan Area covered 15 counties until just a couple of hours ago when I stumbled on to that information.

Ross has provided so much mis-information here that I completely overlooked the fact that Baldwin City is not in the Kansas City MSA at all.  It is in Douglass County, which is the Lawrence MSA.  Neither Baldwin City or Douglass County are members of the Mid-America Regional Council.  The Lawrence MSA is comprised of Douglass County only, and had a 2010 Census population of 110,826.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.



Quote from: flintauqua on May 08, 2013, 06:30:44 PM
Ross has provided so much mis-information here that I completely overlooked the fact that Baldwin City is not in the Kansas City MSA at all.  It is in Douglass County, which is the Lawrence MSA.  Neither Baldwin City or Douglass County are members of the Mid-America Regional Council.  The Lawrence MSA is comprised of Douglass County only, and had a 2010 Census population of 110,826.

Well doggone I stand corrected and there was no intention of spreading misinformation.
Here is an update on tha Kansas City MSA and CSA.
From the web page http://www.marc.org/metrodataline/statisticalarea.htm it is stated:
In February 2004, Atchison County, Kan., and Johnson County, Mo., were added to the 15 counties in the MSA to form the new 17-county Combined Statistical Area (CSA).

That was Followed by:

Douglas County
Douglas County in Kansas, although not a part of the MSA or the CSA, is often included because of its cultural and economic ties to the region.
So do you see the significance of the proximity? Economic isn't that significant?

I did a google search for the Lawrence MSA and could not find anything; would you please help me out with a link?

This is simply saying what I have been saying all along, that Baldwin City is with in economic range of Kansas City.

If there is a Lawrence MSA it would also have the same Economic advantage that actual rural areas lack.

As I said I googled for the Lawrence MSA and had no luck finding it. And again, I would appreciate a link to the Lawrence MSA.

Thanks for indulging me.


This is an example of what efforts to recruit former residents of a rural community can accomplish, and what many in the Rural By Choice group (Sparks, PowerUps, and PowerOns) would like to replicate in other rural communities of Kansas.

From:  http://www.kansassampler.org/8wonders/commerceresults.php?id=139

"What makes this business so important to Plainville is that the success of it does not depend upon the local economy for support. But, the dollars the company generates are then infused back into the local economy through payroll, purchases from local merchants and charitable contributions and support of school and community activities."

And from the company website:  http://www.dessinfournir.com/#aboutus

"Our philosophy of preservation extends beyond the design and manufacture of furniture, lighting and
textiles to encompass our choice to base our business in Kansas. Here, we live and work in a small town with a great quality of life, a rural community that we've helped to revitalize by creating jobs and renovating downtown buildings, which are now home to thriving shops and cafés. As with design, it's about being true to what matters."

And one more, from Preservation Magazine, winter 2013:  http://www.preservationnation.org/magazine/2013/winter/theres-no-place-like-home.html#.UYsAivko7cc

"Entrepreneur Chuck Comeau relocated his international luxury furnishings company to the rural Kansas town where he grew up and learned preservation isn't just a way to celebrate community—it's good for business, too."
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Flint I was really counting on learning more about the Lawrence MSA you spoke of?
I wish you would provide us a link to your information.

As far as what I read about the PowerUps that The founder and steering committee of Elk Konnected and the President of Public Squares Communities was bragging about in the Kansas Country Living magazine sounded rather selfish to me. I posted that either here or on the other thread.

But with the very thinly spread and minimal membership which includes our very own Elk Konnected Steering Committee Member their just doesn't appear much they can accomplish with the attitude I perceive of them. And it appears the recruitment effort in Elk County didn't accomplish much either. Just my thought and opinion for what it's worth.

Any one can write anything and not have to back it up with any proof, just say it and sheeple will believe it! Isn't that a grand idea?

Oh I stumbled on to something to day that people might find interesting. It now appears the Public Squares Communities, Inc no longer resides in Leoti, Washington County, Kansas but now resides in Howard, Elk County, Kansas. Doesn't that now give us two NGO's in Elk County? I wonder if we will become home to some more NGO's?

Well have about it do you have a link for that MSA you spoke of?

Have a good night, I'm off to bed.


Quote from: ROSS on May 08, 2013, 09:14:47 PM
Flint I was really counting on learning more about the Lawrence MSA you spoke of?
I wish you would provide us a link to your information.


Any one can write anything and not have to back it up with any proof, just say it and sheeple will believe it! Isn't that a grand idea?


Well have about it do you have a link for that MSA you spoke of?

Have a good night, I'm off to bed.

Are you claiming I made up the fact that there is a Lawrence Metropolitan Statistical Area?  

Not everything has a Wikipedia page that says "here I am Ross, since you don't want to have to look very far for anything."  The Lawrence MSA exists.  It even is referenced in the Wiki page that applies to the county it consists of.  And it is in excel files and huge map files that reside at the Census Bureau's site.  They're not that hard to find if you expend a modicum of effort.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Here's the article from Kansas Country Living that initiated Ross' latest attack on Liz Hendricks and anything she might be a part of.

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Sure can see why Ross would not like that article in Kansas Country Living.
Why do we need them?  We don't.

America has much of that kind of promotion of progressivism - also known as communism.

It's good that there are folks like Ross who will stand for liberty.


Quote from: flintauqua on May 08, 2013, 10:01:57 PM
Are you claiming I made up the fact that there is a Lawrence Metropolitan Statistical Area? 

Not everything has a Wikipedia page that says "here I am Ross, since you don't want to have to look very far for anything."  The Lawrence MSA exists.  It even is referenced in the Wiki page that applies to the county it consists of.  And it is in excel files and huge map files that reside at the Census Bureau's site.  They're not that hard to find if you expend a modicum of effort.

I believe, I said, I performed a Google search and came up with nothing. I did not say, I performed a Wikipedia search. And that simply led me to politely ask you for a link. I guess asking politely means nothing.  But just the same if it is in an MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) it is considered metropolitan, isn't that correct? But perhaps you could show the unedumacted redneck hick a link, caussin I'se can't find one.

Well, I suppose, I should have been more precise in stating that you can write anything and sheeple will believe it. No it was not aimed at you. These articles that proclaim everything, but don't back the proclamation up with anything that is what I was referring to. 

For instance moving back to Kansas to live the rural life. But actually living in a sleeper community that is within range of a major Metropolitan area and where the community is anything but rural or agricultural and survives off that Metropolitan's economics as stated by the governing and educated people that govern as the MSA and the CSA. I hope my opinion is as clear as mud.

And no sir, I am not attacking Liz Hendricks, I don't know where you get that idea! And actually I'm not even attacking the NGO's that she is on the steering committee of or the president of.  If asking questions and stating opinions is considered attacks then In my opinion the NGO's should re-examine what they are about. I would think that by answering simple question honestly would place any such NGO in good light! If there are no good answers that they can provide why have someone claim an attack?

What I understand about these NGO's, it seems they have an attitude that everything has to be positive and if you do not agree with what they declare as positive you are wrong in expressing your opinion. Now that is another of my opinions.

But, also they tend to twist words and again that is my opinion. When an organization says their position is to remain politically neutral on one hand and on the other hand say they want to have enough people involved in their NGO to affect local and regional issues, is political that not being political? Where is the sense in that?

But you see to call my opinion an attack on a person is just down right wrong.
I believe that there is some kind of misunderstanding of some kind. 
Or does this mean, I am being attacked for asking questions?
What is really going on here?

We did not hear you saying that Elk Konnected was attacking Longton when Liz Hendricks as Elk Konnected wrote her open letter dissing Longton and its governing body for not falling in to what Elk Konnected deemed the right thing for Longton to do, did we? That article was written about trash pick-up which was more politely referred to as waste disposal and is still posted on line given as a reason for the start up of Elk Konnected. I would not consider it an attack on Longton but I do consider the letter distasteful and something that would, could and still does provide further division within Elk County. The letter also went on to praise another organization for doing fund raising for their own benefit as a comparison which is hardly a comparison to operating a communities governing body as a city council. You probably consider this an attack as well, when all I am doing is just stating my opinion as to what I saw happen. If so, oh well!

Quote from: flintauqua on May 08, 2013, 11:12:31 PM
Here's the article from Kansas Country Living that initiated Ross' latest attack on Liz Hendricks and anything she might be a part of.

Just what attack on Liz Hendricks or anything she is a part of?
That is one of them thar things with no meat ain't it?
Just a feel good story ain't it?
So asking questions is attacking.
If asking questions is attacking, then there must be something wrong and asking questions would bring that out, is that what you are saying?

I do believe that is what the Democrat Liberals are saying about the actual and physical attack on people in high places by other people in high places for asking questions in the investigation of what happened at Benghazi. Are the Republicans really attacking because they are asking for honest answers, in what caused the death of the Ambassador and other American citizens? If so does that make the whistle-blowers anti-American?
By what standards does our society operate on?
Should the truth come out or not?
Personally, if the truth comes out, I will be shocked.
What's that saying about politicians?

Quote from: flintauqua on May 08, 2013, 11:12:31 PM

This story in my opinion has no meat, in my opinion that makes it a feel good story and nothing more. But that is simply my opinion. And thank you for providing the website link. That is much appreciated. I am going to try to explore that information when I get time.

Janet Harrington

Ross,  Douglas County is not part of Kansas City. Kansas City resides in Wyandotte County and Johnson County. Douglas County has Lawrence. I have never considered Douglas County part of the Kansas City area.


"After college graduation, I had no desire to strike out for the bright lights of a big city. I longed to be back to my rural roots, cowboy boots, and the life I loved so much.

I chose to live in a rural community not only because I love fresh air, wide open spaces, uninterrupted horizons, natural amenities, and serenity, but also because this is the best lifestyle and atmosphere for my children to thrive."

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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