Keeping Christmas Alive All Year

Started by indygal, December 25, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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We all are so richly blessed and so deeply loved every day of the year, it seems a shame to bottle it all up and save it for a few weeks in December. It's true there is a special feeling of warmth and and goodwill during Christmas. People seem to greet strangers more readily, hold more doors open for elders, be more helpful at the shops, more jovial in the workplace.

This is how we keep that spirit alive. Every day. Give generously of time, encouragement, smiles and hugs. Have friends over more often, and use the good china for evening supper. Surprise loved ones with small tokens of gratitude. Organize a neighborhood cookie exchange in April or July or October. Donate blankets, box fans, canned goods, clothing and toys for those who are forgotten the rest of the year. Visit those in nursing homes whose days are long and lonely after the Christmas decorations are put away.

Christmas is a special occasion, it's true. If its purpose is to celebrate the birth of the greatest teacher who ever lived, why not take his words to heart and live them the other 364 days as well? We are so richly blessed and deeply loved, and every day -- every life -- is a reason to celebrate.

May each of you know the heart-full joy of Our Creator's love and goodness during the holidays and in the year to come.

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