Americans Avoided MSNBC During Busy Horrific News Week

Started by Warph, April 21, 2013, 08:15:55 PM

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For years, NewsBusters has argued that MSNBC is not a news network.

Americans appear to agree, for last week as our nation was rocked by bombings in Boston and a fertilizer plant explosion near Waco, Texas, relatively few citizens turned to MSNBC for information about these horrific events. shared data Friday (through Thursday):


FNC: 1,647,000 total viewers (421,000 in the demo)

CNN: 1,048,000 total viewers (403,000 in the demo)

MSNBC: 515,000 total viewers (162,000 in the demo)

So MSNBC garnered roughly one third the total day viewers of Fox, and half of CNN.

The station also got trounced in the all important demographic of 25-54 year olds and demolished in primetime.

As NewsBusters reported last month, the Pew Research Center found that fully 85 percent of MSNBC's reports are commentary and not news.

Apparently Americans agree with this assessment and choose not to watch MSNBC when they're looking for real information about breaking news events.

Maybe it's time cable and satellite television providers realized this and took appropriate action by moving MSNBC away from real news channels in their station guides.


FNC: 2,783,000 total viewers (682,000 in the demo)

CNN: 1,619,000 total viewers (674,000 in the demo)

MSNBC: 975,000 total viewers (333,000 in the demo)

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Liberals love to make the case that MSNBC is the left-wing version of Fox News.

Not according to a new Pew Research Center study that found MSNBC to be by far the most opinionated cable news channel in America:

Traditionally known for its attention to breaking news, daytime cable's cuts in live event coverage and its growing reliance on interviews suggest it may be moving more toward the talk-oriented evening shows. This transition may cut the costs of having a crew and correspondent provide live event coverage.

CNN, which has branded itself around reporting resources and reach, cut back between 2007 and 2012 on two areas tied to that brand—in-depth story packages and live event coverage. Even so, CNN is the only one of the three big cable news channels to produce more straight reporting than commentary over all. At the other end of that spectrum lies MSNBC, where opinion fills a full 85% of the channel's airtime.

So at MSNBC, only 15 percent of air time is actually devoted to straight news reporting. At Fox it's 45 percent.

As such, 85 percent of the time, MSNBC viewers are being pummeled with far-left opinions by commentators that either also work for the Nation magazine or share the opinions of those that do.

Forbes Monday noted a financial reason for this:

Not coincidentally, MSNBC also spends by far the least producing its news: some $240 million in 2012, according to an estimate by SNL Kagan. CNN spent $682 million, while Fox led the pack with an outlay of $820 million.

So Fox spends almost 3 1/2 times as much on news production as MSNBC. Any wonder why there isn't much news to be found at this NBC "news" division?

As I've said many times before, it's a farce for MSNBC to be considered a news organization and to be placed in the proximity of CNN and Fox on cable guides.

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BTW... Forbes Thought Of The Day
" The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. "

— Leo Tolstoy

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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