I'm Done

Started by Bullwinkle, April 16, 2013, 08:41:07 AM

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---The Saddest, Albeit Possibly Most Accurate Short Message You Will Read

Written by a USMC Vet
(I can't argue with any of it. Passing it along as it was received.)
He wrote:

The American Dream ended (on November 6th) in Ohio . The second term of Barack Obama will be the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of Blacks, Latinos, Feminists, Gays, Government Workers, Union Members, Environmental Extremists, The Media, Hollywood , uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" have ended Norman Rockwell's America .

The Cocker Spaniel is off the front porch...the Pit Bull is in the back yard.

The American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and Chicago shyster, David Axelrod, along with international Socialist George Soros will be pulling the strings on their beige puppet to bring us Act 2 of the New World Order.

Our side ran two candidates who couldn't even win their own home states, and the circus fattster Chris Christie helped Obama over the top with a glowing "post-Sandy" tribute that elevated the "Commander-in-Chief" to Mother Teresa status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will never again comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

You will never again be able to out-vote these people.  It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take Zealots, not moderates--not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

Those who come after us will have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to "white guilt" and political correctness.....

I'm done.


Check but not checkmate.

Diane Amberg

 Ya better read up on Columbus again. ;)


      Really? Really? You're going to take issue with a marine who served and defended his country and doesn't like what he sees happening to it?

     ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

    There are no words that would describe your arrogance.

Diane Amberg

Sorry to step on your tail, but he's wrong. Being a Marine doesn't excuse him from historical accuracy.
Columbus wasn't Christian, nor were the first nation people who were already in residence and had ''found'' what was here.
  If you can't argue with any of it then you are as historically incorrect as he is.
Look it up for yourself. Find the Jews, blacks, orientals and many other races and cultures who explored and developed this country and how much the better we are for it.
Not liking what he sees now is his opinion and his business ,no problem with that, but to say this country was developed only by WASPS is wrong at any number of levels. People who argue this must be very insecure and can't handle the truth...what a pity. :P


       Being a Marine grants him the utmost of respect from myself. You get zero. He said nothing about Columbus , or Protestants. History is obviously something you know little about, or the people who discovered, explored and formed this country. If the reference to white Christian males bothers you, YOU are the one who can't handle the truth.

      I guess you aren't having any luck at your usual Poke, poke anywhere else .  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Diane Amberg

Ya can't win...white Christian males... Go back and read what he said.  He only credited a few select populations. A ''real" Marine wouldn't be so shallow. Can't handle it? Your problem, not mine. He left out many ,many peoples who were instrumental in making this country important. Go back, read,and learn. As far as your respect...who the heck cares...you are nothing.


     So sorry you are hung up on the first paragraph. The main message is the rest of the statement, which is sadly very true.

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