Home At Last

Started by sixdogsmom, April 10, 2013, 06:47:02 PM

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I have been away from home almost six weeks.  ??? It all began with a fab trip to Las Vegas but went downhill from there. Upon our return to Oklahoma I was stricken with a virus that knocked me silly. Started out like a cold, but the cough got worse, then the back door trots and vomiting. All this with temperature, and passing out from dehydration. Finally made it to the doctor after ten days and was told I had pneumonia. So I had all the antibiotics, and a nebulizer that medicare would not pay for since it was not for a condition that was ongoing. But by that time I was ready to try anything so I paid for it myself. After another week I felt well enough to start for home. About fifty miles down the road, the transmission decided to disintegrate in my van. Luckily, I was able to coax it into a large pumping station and called for help. My sweet man not only sent a wrecker fron the nearest town, but sent his daughter who was shopping in a nearby town to render moral support until he could get there. We had the van hauled into a dealership in Kingfisher and discussed options with the service manager that sweet man had known since heck was a pup. We decided to look at another van for sale in the area, two years newer and a few miles younger than mine. It was okay, but I wasn't really impressed. Nevertheless, the old feller would not dicker at all so we left. I decided to have my van repaired with a rebuilt transmission; three year or 100 thousand mile warranty including labor. I could have gotten a salvaged tranny for less, but there wasn't but a thirty day warranty. So I decided to go for the more expensive but safer route of a rebuilt one. Wouldn't you know it--- the old farmer who had the other van called next day, ready to dicker on the price of his van. I think I have made the correct decision, sometimes I think the angels look after us if we listen. Got my van back this last Monday, and came home on Tuesday. I am glad that I had to spend the extra week there since sweet man came down with my virus during that time. We were able to get him some help earlier than i had so he recuperated very fast. When I left yesterday, he was moving fence, getting ready for a carport he has ordered to protect the vehicles from hail. So he is much better, and so am I. Just taking awhile to get my spizz back.  :-\ :-\ Anybody got a band-aid I can use for my checkbook?

Diane Amberg

I'm so sorry! I assumed you were out traveling, but had no ideas you were so sick with personal and vehicle illnesses.
It sounds like you both had that norvo bug that went through the east coast some time back. Al and I both had it too. It's been a very long time since we'd been that sick.... and pneumonia too? Oh my! ( I was saved from dehydration by Gatorade, demanded by our doc.) I don't understand the ''not an ongoing illness'' Did that mean not chronic?  Bummer!
I think you made the best, if more expensive decison, on your van. Thinking of you and prayers too for a quick energy recovery.

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