new people

Started by mudpuppy, April 03, 2013, 07:53:08 PM

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Why is howard/elk county so against new people?  People not from here. 90% of people not from this county get treated like poop an eventually get ran off. They are not made to feel welcome all because they are not born an bred in this town.


We've only been here two years, and people have been nice to us!! Just today, an older lady saw my son walking home from work in the rain/snow and gave him a ride home!!! The ladies at the store and pharmacy have been very good to me!! We are waiting to see if hubby gets his contract at the school renewed for next year, and we love it here, so we would like to stay!! That's been our experiences.....


as a new comer I say you get as good as you give.I like it here


       I've been here 14 years. Most people are friendly, some never will be. First impressions go a long way, both ways. Trust and respect must be earned. No different anywhere else, though it is easier to know someone you grew up with.


Interesting topic......growing up, I lived in small towns ranging from a lumber camp in Wyoming with less than 100 people to others with populations running from 1,000 to 15,000.  In the lumber camp, everyone knew everyone, what they did, when they did it and so on.  The only "new" people were those who visited the national forest for the weekend.  They were not tolerated very well mostly because of the damage they did to the forest and the trash they left behind. 

I never experienced any animosity when living in Howard in the summertimes.  Maybe it was because of my family connections or because I hung out with the really cool kids at the time.  Howard was always my favorite place to be when I was growing up. 

I hope many of you will add your thoughts to this thread as I would like to know if Howard has changed or if it is just one or two people that have this opinion.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I think most towns project a certain 'protective of their own' attitude.   
Once it has been shown that newcomer is not there to take advantage of the people and pull their own weight, they will slowly let them in on the 'ins and outs'.

I was raised in a town of 150 people and I couldn't wait to leave.  I came back, and nothing has changed, except I am now the old people that I complained about!



hell people from Moline hate people from Howard  ,goes back to when most of your grand folks were kids

Ms Bear

I have only been to Howard twice for a few hours and everyone I had the opportunity to meet was very friendly. 


let me just say it did not start out bad for us here an its still not bad we have been here deveral years. and I grew up in small towns all over. and there are a lot of nice people in this town and this area. it all turned when I did not kiss some b*** and go with the politics. I am the kind of person that if it is BS I will call BS.


Well, if those are the kind of people you have had to associate with, I say who cares what they think! Be friends with the people who can "agree to disagree".

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