No National Internet Tax Mandate Directive to:

Started by Ross, April 01, 2013, 07:09:46 PM

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No National Internet Tax Mandate Directive to:
My U.S. Representative and Senators

The U.S. Senate just RAMMED through a resolution designed to boost momentum for a National Internet Tax Mandate.

The sky's the limit for the damage this latest statist scheme could have on taxpayers, Internet commerce, our free market system, and small businesses across the country, especially those just trying to get started.

And it would set the stage for the one-world socialists at the U.N., who can't wait to put into place their "Telecommunications Treaty" designed to regulate, CENSOR, and tax the Internet globally.

As your constituent, I demand you vote against the National Internet Tax Mandate (S. 336/H.R. 684) on every vote.

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