East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

I guess spring finally arrived yesterday, but it was lost under a good,or not so good, two inches+ of snow. Fortunately, the roads are pretty good this morning and the sun is nice ,so I hope the snow will scat soon. The shad are running in the Delaware River, so that is a hopeful sign too.I hope you all are having some real spring weather.

Diane Amberg

I saw something about tornadoes in OK? Hope everyone is alright.I just caught a bit of it.
On the funny side, the anti "me" and anti Delaware group are going to have a hard time with Ted Cruz.HA! Ya just can't get away from us. I'm sure by now you all know why.

Diane Amberg

Whatever that was I didn't see it. My adobe isn't working.
I find it interesting that some seem to have no idea that improvements and such to private businesses are tax deductible, up to a point. Repairs and improvements on the house I  rented out were tax deductible up to the profit line. We took the capital gains and sold it, but I haven't forgotten how it worked. It helps people from becoming slum lords because they can deduct the repairs.That is a big help in areas where people who rent are really rough on the properties.
It looks like spring might stay this time! Hooray.
My college friends are coming in to visit for a few days in June. We all lived on the same floor in the same dorm and became life long friends.We got together at the beach two years ago and now they are coming here to see how the campus and Newark have changed.Should be fun.
Happy Easter

Diane Amberg

It's pouring here this morning...good for what we transplanted on Friday. We finally got the garden shed cleaned out and reorganized yesterday. It really needed it. We saw an eagle soar over our house Saturday afternoon.A real treat.
Off the eye doc for Al,for hopefully the last time for many months.
I see the forum is running on just a couple of flat tires now.What a shame.

Diane Amberg

Since I'm assured by one with bovine anatomy that nobody reads my posts, I'll do this just to practice my typing. We barely missed the predicted frost and I hope you all missed the storms that were predicted for your area.
Apparently Sir Paul has confirmed he will be coming to Delaware's big firefly concert days this summer as well as another concert or two in this area. Sounds like fun for the young folks and will be a big boost for the economy here.
Since du Pont is about to implode from in- fighting, our anchor chemical industries are in big trouble due to the ripple effect.
I'm very impressed with what Arizona State is proposing to do to update and reinvent its educational format.
  I find it interesting that it seems some LEOs are now shooting anybody that might even remotely cause them problems or harm....Might be connected to the new concealed carry laws. Perhaps they assume every person they have contact with is now armed and will shoot for any reason. Some of these bad guys aren't very bright to start with, and may see shooting and/or running as the best way to solve their problems. It doesn't seem to be working out too well.I hope you are having nicer weather today than we are. Brrr.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 25, 2015, 09:23:00 AM
Since I'm assured by one with bovine anatomy that nobody reads my posts, I'll do this just to practice my typing.

Heck, Diane even I read your blog, sometimes it's even entertaining.
Who would be so callous to say nobody reads our posts?
Why they even had to read your post to make such a statement.
My oh my, what's the world coming to"

Have a great day Diane and I hope ya warm up, that thar global warming thing don't ya know!

Diane Amberg

Happy May Day everyone.I assume you all snuck around your neighborhoods and hung flower baskets on all your favorite neighbors front doors. No?  When did that custom stop? When I was still in elementary school we still did it, even out in the county where are neighbors weren't very close.We also made up little cone baskets to hang on the doors of other classrooms and we did have a Maypole dance.The colonial cities here often have a special day with folks dressed in costume and the kids learn to do the Maypole dance for the public.
Our trip to the Amish plant farm yesterday was a huge success... Just enough people to be fun and lots of puffy cloud skies and warm sun.I wanted one of everything of course, but that meant as many holes to dig as there were plants.I'm still entertaining ideas for a new rock garden and a Crêpe Myrtle bush where we took the big old Maple tree down last fall. I got a mess of petunias and pansies of course but the rest will have to wait Some of our local places will soon have loss leaders to tempt me.
I got all my toms and peppers but it's a little early to put them out just yet. The toms were just .79 each for nice sized plants.I thought that was pretty good. I got two Early Girls, a Fourth of July, a Supersonic, one Roma, one Juliet and a generic "Grape" tom for a big pot on my deck.Then there are the peppers.Two Sweet banana, one Jalepeno, one Bell Boy, an Ancho and a Big Red.I had actually planned to grow my own from seed this year, but with all Al's eye problems and my own two cataract surgeries, I never got around to it. we stopped at our favorite restaurant,Wesley's on the way home and had a nice late lunch,  Chicken Chimmie and the soup and salad bar. No dinner needed last night.

Diane Amberg

Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms, Step Moms, Biological and adoptive Moms, Grands, Great Grands and anyone else I might have missed. Sorry I'm the only one, but apparently now ugly politics rules all on this forum..Very sad.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 10, 2015, 10:43:05 AM
Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms, Step Moms, Biological and adoptive Moms, Grands, Great Grands and anyone else I might have missed. Sorry I'm the only one, but apparently now ugly politics rules all on this forum..Very sad.

Did you really find it necessary to add politics into a Mothers Day wish.
Such a shame to to treat Mothers Day that way. Very sad, indeed!

I got up this morning and cooked breakfast for two mothers, what fun. They were quitee pleased.

Have a great mothers day Diane.

Diane Amberg

Phooey! :P You are truly one sick puppy.Why in the world would I have a happy Mothers Day?

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