East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

 Ready, I talked to Al and he thinks you are talking about business ISO ,which I am not familiar with at all. I'm sorry, definitely not my area.
  Al had his very uncomfortable scoping again yesterday. So far it seems to still be  clear, but the labs won't be back for several days.  Each time they do the equivalent of a PAP smear and wash the bladder looking for wandering cancer cells.
I had my own blood work done today. They took 5 vials, but did leave me a little too. Went to IHOP for the senior sampler breakfast after.
Got very cold yesterday. It was funny watching the squirrels sink the thin top layer of ice to get the water to come to the top of the metal bird watering pan. I'll soon need to put the heater in it, but we're due to have another warm up, so it can wait a few more days.
Al's been working on the Newark Comp. plan now that he's on the Planning Commission. This week was urban transportation, making suggestions and planning for the future. Of course, in any larger town, parking is always an issue and in a college town, pedestrians and bikes are a big deal too.
  There are always a small group of "I don't care what it is, stop it" folks who try to impede everything and want Newark to be a 1950's small town again. Not gonna happen. Newark is economically healthy as compared to many areas, and is still growing. Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing.

Diane Amberg

The beautiful 60's yesterday dropped to the chilly but bright upper 40's today. I put all the certificates, gift cards and 125th anniversary fire company pins and patches together for the kids' awards program for tomorrow night.
We drove up to PA today to a nifty hat shop so Al could pick out a new winter cap he wants for his birthday. The last one he bought has served him well...1966. I think he can have a new one now... a nice wool 8 panel cap, news boy style.
We decided to stop in for late lunch at the local Red Lobster near by.  As we were leaving, an older gentleman got out of his car to go in. As he passed by I saw he was wearing a K U ball cap. Of course I yelled out " Rock Chalk Jay Hawk," and he pulled up short and turned with a big smile and a laugh. I told him both my parents had gone there many years ago, so I couldn't miss the opportunity to say something.
Time to go eat my left over lunch shrimp salad for dinner.

Diane Amberg

 We had lunch with my high school girl friend and her husband at "Pour Girls Inn" in Green Tree PA. this afternoon. It was going to be tomorrow, but we have a drastic change in the weather coming in tomorrow, so we switched days. They live near Lancaster PA, so we meet half way, but well into Amish country. All the buggies were out today doing their shopping so we saw dozens up and down the roads. Most of their crop lands have been harvested, tilled, manure spread and put to bed for the winter. A few four mule teams were just finishing up and will get to rest tomorrow as the cold winter wind moves in.  I see the squabblers are still at it.
Sizes for safe rooms and public shelters for all sorts of weather situations can be found at FEMA.... P-320 and  P-361 for IBC 2009, ICC- 500.
It is also not easy to reopen schools that have been closed for some time. One cannot usually just walk back in and turn on the lights. I have no personal knowledge in Elk County's case, but there have to have been reasons why what was done was done when it was. Transportation costs?  Expensive needed repairs? If so, are those repairs still sitting there waiting?  Is the furniture still there?
Some closed schools end up with mold and and varmint problems, and possibly asbestos abatement needs. Perhaps heating and cooling system repairs and upgrades too because of inefficiencies by today's standards. Sometimes due to fluctuating humidity,heat and cold, empty buildings damage themselves. Critters may have chewed wiring and computer needs would have to be met.
I wish someone would go find some article in some archive somewhere written when West Elk was originally opened, to solve the question of the intended student count once and for all.
Some of the complainers make it seen so personal, as if the school board members will personally benefit if West Elk expansion happens. Don't they pay taxes too? Very curious.

Diane Amberg

Brrrr! The cold weather arrived and I put on an extra sweater. Al put the heaters in the bird baths just in time.
I had a delightful little chat last evening with a young lady I've known for a few years now who goes to West Elk and has been keeping up on the expansion controversy. It's a pleasure to hear from someone who actually goes there and knows first hand what the problems really are, from a student's point of view. It was a very informative and well balanced conversation.

Diane Amberg

 Enjoyed Al's birthday Monday. He just wanted to go to the local diner to eat and then we did bingo at the firehouse Monday evening. When we got home I brought out the coconut cake I had hidden in my car and he enjoyed a big slice of that. Afterward we sat up much too late watching old movies. Does that make us fuddy duddies or old fogies? ;D The storm came sweeping through late in the afternoon yesterday with heavy rain, sleet and high winds.
We had the Newark special mayor's election yesterday too, and the candidate we had worked for won. YAY! I thought the weather might have kept the turnout lower than it did. It was a really ugly race for here.
More rain and snow showers again today. That fireplace we converted to gas really made the family room cosy. Pork roast, home fries and salad tonight.Better go get started.

Diane Amberg

The sun is out and it's brisk but beautiful. I put an 11 pound hotel style turkey breast in the oven. Now I'll make the side dressing and the rest and eat about 3:30 or so. Just us this year.Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone.

Diane Amberg

Stayed home and let all the crazy shoppers have the roads.
The turkey last night was very moist and tasty.  We'll enjoy a second generation of it all tonight. I had to really wonder at all the "unattended cooking fires" in the area yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately several were rather serious.  There were several fires also, with nobody home, that were a complete loss. What a sad situation to come home to.
Enjoy all the left overs!

Diane Amberg

Another beautful crisp day. My "boat neighbor" brought us a beautiful Rockfish, enough for at least 4 meals... Some for an early dinner before Al goes to the City Planning  Board meeting tonight at 7:00 and several big slices for the freezer. Marv and his son had their boat on the Susquehanna River, not far from the Chesapeake Bay. It had been too windy for several days, but yesterday was perfect and they caught their limit.  Time to put up a few more decorations.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 28, 2013, 12:02:45 PM
The sun is out and it's brisk but beautiful. I put an 11 pound hotel style turkey breast in the oven. Now I'll make the side dressing and the rest and eat about 3:30 or so. Just us this year.Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone.

I learned something - thank you. I had not heard of a hotel style turkey breast. Now I have and I know what it is. Thanks!  :)

Diane Amberg

Thank you. They are popular here for folks who are more interested in just white meat, but want the giblets for making gravy. They also have the wings folded up beside it.. no legs,thighs, or underside dark meat,
A whole turkey is much the better value, but if the dark meat is not eaten, it's wasted. Al's not very fond of dark meat and it was his turn to choose what I bought. To have an 11 pound breast, this fellow had been one huge bird.
I finally broke down and put several people on ignore. If a certain lady sour ball or the self- anointed saviors of Elk County whack at me, I won't have to see it. I can't imagine why one in particular bought a large piece of land and built in Elk County a few years back.The tax liability was easily available. Now he complains about how high the taxes are... Like moving next to an airport and then complaining because there are planes! I really don't understand some people's logic.
Gee, why would anybody still be interested in buying Elk County land?  Why, what are they REALLY up to? ??? ;D ;D ;D ( total sarcasm)

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