East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

You can thank Jane for this new thread.
We've been following UD basketball more than usual this year, especially the girls that have a real rocket team. They won the local championships and go on to the big deal seeded number 6.They play West Virgina here on Sunday at 12:15 and on ESPN2. Elena Delle Donne is our top player and is tops nationally also. It will be fun to see what happens at the Bob Carpeter Center ( The Bob) which is very big and very sold out.
Al is glad to have his Honda back, but over did it yesterday afteroon and is very sore again today. Hopefully some quet time on the heating pad will help.
The shad are running here and I was able to enjoy a nice set of shad roe for breakfast this morning. The shad run always brings out the eagles near the big Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna in nearby Maryland. I might run down there tomorrow and see if I can spot any.
The cold weather is still holding back some of my favorite flowers .The Andromeda and the Pussy Willow finally opened but the Forsythia  just can't quite make it The crocus still look good and it's funny to see them in places I know I never planted any. I'm working on a big kettle of Veggie beef soup, better go check on it. Enjoy spring day number two.


Here in Greenwood County, we are still dealing with winterlike weather.  Enjoying the ballgames.  I'm thinking if the weather doesn't change soon, we'll be hiding white Easter eggs in the snow! ;D  Not getting in any rush to plant my garden this year.

Diane Amberg

Ours has not at all been what was predicted. We had very little snow last year, as was predicted, but this year was supposed to be much worse and more like normal for winter. Well, we've had about 12 inches of snow all winter,but never more than an inch at a time and gone very quicky. The snow blower never left the shed and the city salt truck only came through once all winter. Not that we can't yet have a big spring snow, but it doesn't seem very likely now. Our beaches are still a mess from the coastal nor'easters and Hurricane Sandy, so the prospects of Easter at the beach are about nil. Until the winds shift to the south, even the coastal fishing won't be any good. Eventually we'll get good fishing from the beach but not yet this year. I love to zing out a Hopkins lure and pull in a big fighting Blue. I do miss your great catfish. We have them here, but not nearly as tasty..

Diane Amberg

Some folks down in lower, slower Delaware, as in Sussex County got to see that recent meteor whiz by, don't know how much farther it went.
We also got some happy news. This is our fire company's 125 Anniversary so we are planning all sorts of interesting events. We found out that that Washington DC Fire Dept's Emerald Society Pipe Band will be parading with us four times this summer including Newark's big Memorial Day parade in May. One of our volunteers went on to be a career fire fighter there and plays in the band. He was able to make the arrangements. It will be so cool to hear the skirling pipes echoing off the buildings on main Street. I love bag pipes and always wanted to take lessons, but could never find the time.
We still have cold sunshine here. How much snow did you get?


There was four inches on the bird feeder this morning.  Eight inches on the bird bath and I estimate about ten inches on the south side of a planter in my front yard.  Take your pick.

Diane Amberg

Ok, 22 inches then. ;)
Our U D girls did win their game this afternoon by a nice margin.Very interesting game.
It's a shame your Palm Sunday services had to be cancelled. Better for safety though I'd think.
I always loved the music for that day, especially "The Palms." When I was a kid and played it, I always thought it should be blossoms "sway" rather than "gay. There is an old Nelson Eddy version that just about puts me on my knees even yet if I happen to hear it. We kids always got to carry the big palm fronds into church and lay them in front of the alter and then were given a piece to take home after services, like most places do.


I would say somewhere between 5 and 6 inches of snow here in Piedmont.

Diane Amberg

You all definitely got more than we did. It arrived here late last night and came down hard for a time, enough to cause late school openings in some districts, but still only gave us about two inches. When I got up very early it was beautiful on the trees and bushes, like cotton candy all over.It will soon change to rain and wash it all away...again.
I hope your snow equaled enough moisture to do you all some good. I know you need it badly and your long range forecast is for very dry again this year.

Diane Amberg

I owe Judy a huge thank you! She found that Nelson Eddy I love so much. Just wonderful! Gave me the shivers.

Diane Amberg

So the UD girls played hard and won last night. Again they were right here in town in a sold out Bob Carpenter Center. They will be going to the girls sweet 16 for the first time ever and play Kentucky next. WOOHOO!

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