East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

So far we have survived two big Nor'easters with no loss of power and not too much tree damage. I did lose a big chunk of my old Rhododendron under my living room window, but I think with some pruning it will be OK. Some of my friends lost 30ft.evergreens that were brought down by the heavy wet snow and the high winds. Now we many have another storm on the way for the weekend. We're not sure just where it will go.  Will the winter ever leave? Hope you are all well and ready for real spring weather.


Hope your weather straightens out soon.  Stay safe!

Diane Amberg

 Thanks. We hope this will be the last,but who knows.Perhaps it will be just rain for us.

Diane Amberg

The storm didn't amount out anything for us. YAY! It's still awfully cold though and we still have some snow on the ground. Hello to all.

Diane Amberg

So here we are again, in the middle of our fourth Nor'easter this Month.This one is dropping lots of snow ,but the expected winds have not arrived yet. It's beautiful, but once again people are losing wires and trees. Lots of accidents too. We still have power, but many don't. I'm ready to hurt that ground hog!

Diane Amberg

Finally, we had a warmish day yesterday.I got out and cleared our back deck of all the sticks, of which there were many. Next, I can start on the front yard....loaded too.  We head up the road with flowers for the cemetery later today. Sunday is Easter of course, but it also would have been Mom's birthday. Enjoy good Friday all, and have a happy Easter too.

Diane Amberg

Hi all. I'm sending my new e-mail. It's now dasilverman@yahoo.com.  I hope everyone is well. We are still hoping for some warm weather that will say put. We've had just a very few nice days.

Diane Amberg

We had a horrible shock last Monday evening. A darling young woman and neighbor ( age 33) was shot and killed by the jealous wife of a co worker. We are still just devastated.The shooter then shot herself.

Diane Amberg

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day. It rained here. It looks like we finally have warmer temps.to stay, but too much rain and very little sun. It looks like my thirty year old Magnolia in the back yard gave up and will have to come down. It's a shame because it shades the deck from the hot summer sun and is a big hang out for our birds. I don't know what happened. It was all budded and then the main branches suddenly died. A few skimpy branches are still alive, but not many. Hope you all have your gardens in and are enjoying the weather, but have no bad storms rumbling your way.

Diane Amberg

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and paused to remembered why we have it. It will be 50 years on July 15 since we lost our dear friend Dave Arnold in Viet Nam. When we visit his grave, I still have tears wondering what his life would have been like had he lived. His family are all gone now so he doesn't get many visitors any more. We made sure he would get a flag.That's a long story. Enjoy the summer and better weather.

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