East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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As of noon today, the various fires were between 80 and 95% contained. Very good news. The snow and rain Sunday helped quite a bit, as well as fire fighters from all over the state.

Diane Amberg

That is good news. Our wind has settled down today, but not before fire swept though 9 mobile homes yesterday afternoon.They went so fast it was just unbelievable. Now there is a chance of snow here for Sunday...amazing. Have a good one.

Diane Amberg

Yesterday would have been Mom's 101 birthday. I still miss her.
I see where apparently poor Waldo has been speared. He is such a nice person. I hate to see it happen.
The damaging winds are headed this way again this afternoon.

Diane Amberg

And they're off again. Slightly different cast, but the insults abound. Very sad.
   It seems the basketball championship will come back east this year. Villanova beat Oklahoma rather smartly. We'll see what happenes tomorrow night.

Diane Amberg

YAY! Villanova took it all.They even cancelled classes today to celebrate.They won by a three pointer at the buzzer. A real breath stopper.
I'm getting rather discouraged about our weather.We had a hard frost last night which did in the Magnolias and many other flowering trees. Sure hope it didn't hurt the apple and peach orchards too much.
I'm getting so sick of ugly politics on all levels. Bleah.

Diane Amberg

I swear the birds were wearing socks at the feeder this morning. It's so cold. I wish that Canadian front would push back up north again where it belongs.
All my tulips are frozen on the ground. I'll go out soon and cut them to see if I can save any blooms in a vase or two. The Columbines that were pushing up are badly frosted and may not make it, and some of the ferns got hit too. I hope you are all warmer out there. BRRR. >:(


I loved the end of the Villonova / North Carolina game. It was exciting. Two evenly-matched teams. North Carolina tied it up with a 3-pointer with only a few seconds left, the Villanova won with a 3-pointer. It was just plain fun to watch.

It's been a strange year for weather, that's for sure.

Diane Amberg

There is a big parade in towntown Phildelphia tomorrow to honor the Wildcats.They're are partying like it's 1985....HA! It surely was a fun game to watch.
My fully opened tulips surprised me.Yesterday afternoon I went out to cut them all and they had hauled themselves back up again and look fine.They are tougher than I thought.

Diane Amberg

It's been snowing all morning but not much has stuck. We're going to go up to the cemetery later to get the wilted flowers. We'll stop at a nice Mom and Pop Mexican cafe (Daddy's Kitchen) on the way home for our ''meal for the day." The servings are big enough to easily bring home some for dinner too.
  Niece Amy got married yesterday at "The Boulders" in Arizona. All went very well, very nice place to have it.

Diane Amberg

Just came back from the fire house. We have a small group of good cooks who make meals occasionally for any of our bunch that stops by.
Today was a brunch consisting of sausage gravy and biscuits, an egg and cheese casserole, fresh mixed fruit and Danish. Newark PD was invited too and about 8 of them came. A good social time for about 25 of us.
It's still too cold...got down in the mid 20's again last night, but that should be the end of the below freezing temps. at night.
The sun is beautiful but deceptive because the air is still so cold today. Have a good week friends.

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