East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane, I agree with Jane. You are just aggravating every one, JUST LET IT GO QUIT READING ROSS AND REDCLIFFES POST. YOU SAY YOU DO NOT READ ANYTHING THEY POST BUT YOU MUST BE. ENOUGH SAID!!!!!Just talk about the Weather or Talk about what Movie is showing at the local Theater, STOP opening OLD wounds.


Frawin, you're right!  Any liberal or socialist who reads Ross or my posts ought to be upset.  I've seen it before how disgusting they think my postings are.  Unless it's straight ole two-party ideology, Republican or (reconstructed) Democrat, they call it twisted and urge everyone to ignore their postings.  That's why the Republicans and Obama get along so well when they criticize the Constitutionalists or real conservatives.  Bob Dole calls 'em right wingers which can be expected from the co-author of the "national" food stamp program.

I'll keep posting as long and when I can, and you can post the stand of your side.



Diane Amberg

You folks don't understand the PMs I get telling me who is stirring the pot and talking mean about me, and a few others, behind our backs. I don't have to read "them" to know who picked on who and when. It's very easy to figure out. But somehow that is alright? I don't think so. Swat a few of those people will ya?
I could "out " the PMers, but that's not fair to them, now is it?
Now I've said enough and will not revisit this again. I tried to do that on the other subject, but wasn't allowed to. Too many people thought they were having fun at my expense.... and stop with the Biden insults. You don't know him and I'm not responsible for him. If it was meant to be funny, then consider my comment about "bad" people just as funny. It was a turn of a phrase, no names were used nor meant. It was just the opposite of "good" people, but I guess some just don't get it. Keep digging folks.
I had planned to tell you about our upcoming school referendum but it's obvious it isn't juicy enough.


I am interested in upcoming school referendum.

Diane Amberg

We just came home from Old Colonial New Castle Del.on the Delaware River,where we ate some huge winter oysters, sea salty  and sweet, with slaw and hush puppies. I couldn't begin to eat it all, so I have another whole meal waiting for later.
  As far as our school referendum goes. It's a hot mess. The last two attempts failed because the administration has not been using their money wisely and is much too heavy with administrative people making good salaries at the expense of classroom teachers and supplies for teaching. The public noticed!
Our divisions for districts are very weird and go back to desegregation, so I won't try to explain that, but they want to redistrict....again! Part of Wilmington's City schools, some 12 miles away, have been included in Newark's school districts, which has caused almost all kids to be bused and for much too long each day.
I'm sure you know about that, but there is no reason to have to do that here. We have plenty of population. Now the district has lied and said they need the money to fund the several Charter Schools in the area. The district is supposed to end some money as a pass through from the state. In other words, the money follows the child. They are always chronically late with the payment, sometimes more than a year late. It's supposed to go for actual teaching, not bricks and mortar. The Charter Schools have to fund all but the teachers and supplies themselves, and do very well at using their money wisely. (They are considered public schools, so unlike private schools, the parents pay nothing extra...no tuition, but the Charters have more flexibility as to how they spend their money.) They would have only one administrator in place of at least three at a district school. For this referendum they are complaining that the Charter Schools are all to blame and are "stealing" money from the district's kids, (baloney.) even though redistricting, which I am very much in favor of, would immediately save millions in transportation costs alone.They want a tax increase as if the redistricting is not in progress.
The Charter Schools are very frugal and have nothing to do with the district's mismanagement of funds.  They really do get more done with less and yet win top academic awards, which often include significant money prizes for the school. (YAY Newark Charter.)I wish our local district schools would figure out what the Charters are doing right and copy it..
Someone will really have to do a sell job on me, or I will vote no. This has managed to set parents against each other, which is a real shame. Either way the kids lose because there is no guarantee that any tax raise will ever get to needed programs, building maintenance or to the classrooms. I guess they don't think we remember that. I do and I'm not happy.
Thanks for reading. Have a good one.


Charter schools  have higher quality students but the public schools have everyone.   It makes a difference.  That is the American way and for the most part the best way I think to have them all.    When they graduate they may not be able to stay in their select group. 

Diane Amberg

It really depends on the parents. With Newark Charter, the students are chosen by lottery.They have all sorts of kids, including Special Ed. I'm not sure how all Charters work, but in all cases the parents have to apply and be well involved.
I agree, the more choices in eduation there are, the better the fit for all kids.
I have a young friend who just completed his Army basic training yesterday. He graduated from a local Charter for First Responders. (police, fire, ambulance) He's off to Fort Sam Houston for his next training...pharmacy. He said his Charter School experience really helped him a lot.


Aren't Charter schools government schools too?

We are worshipping government in so many ways and the Republicans and Obama keep looking for more. 

Ronald Reagan said that he'd eliminate the Department of Education and it never happened under his administration.  Cause why?

Diane Amberg

Nope, didn't read it, don't care. A little pot stirring perhaps?

Diane Amberg

Just came back inside from a nice tour of the yard It's above 60 here and the sun is so nice. it won't last but it's nice while it's here. Started planning when to start yard clean up and I'm drooling already over what to plant and where. I want to do more Tuborous Begonias in hanging baskets for the front porch and some big Dalias in large pots for the porch and deck, along with the usual Petunias, Salvias and more of the usual. I already bought some veggie seed.
Dinner tonight.  Lamb roast, mashed potatoes, peas, mushrooms and pickled Okra.

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